Ian Hornby


Warrington, Cheshire

United Kingdom

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Ian Rankin's Rebus books
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Ian Rankin

Comment Wall:

  • Elizabeth Spear

    Welcome Ian, let's hope we can help each other! My fourth novel is out ( it's taken YEARS to find a publisher for this one) I am now 87,000 words into the sequel. Wish me luck! I write under the name of Elizabeth Revill. This website is new to me too. I raise a glass to both of us. Cheers!

  • Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!)

    Ian, welcome to authors.com  …from The Chuck!
                   I write sci-fi novels filled with adventure, mystery, romance, drama, horror, and comedy… Sci-fi for every human to enjoy. I'm also a published poet. When you have a few free moments, please check out my Authors page and a few of my videos and blogs I have recently added. Many of my blogs consist of free to read enjoyable sci-fi stories I plan to unite within a book titled: 'Epic Marvels. My newest sci-fi novel: 'They!', which is somewhat related to the 1954 sci-fi classic movie, 'Them!'.

    Let me know if you'd like to become friends.

    The Chuck!

  • Ian Hornby

    Good day everyone, and thank you for the welcomes.

    I have been writing stage plays for 20+ years and currently have 37 published and performed throughout the world. My website www.scripts4theatre.com has details, photos, etc. if anyone's interested.

    I have written something like 18 short novels that are best described as "adult" - not my first choice but it helps to pay bills! These have been published as paper and ebooks under four noms-de-plume.

    My most important project (to me at least) is a full length crime thriller (150,000 words or so) I've called "Time to Kill", which is a well-researched, but fictional, book about a couple of serial killers. It was accepted as a launch title by a company called Arcturus a while ago, for their new crime imprint but, ultimately, they decided not to go ahead with the imprint (it being quite different from their core business of children's books, cookbooks, puzzle book and so on). At least it gave me the confidence that it's good enough, and I have 2 sequels in the framework stage. I'm just wading through the world looking for an agent and/or publisher now! Any advice much appreciated.

  • scribbler

    Nice to meet you Ian. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you enjoy being here!