Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!)


Athens, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
Science Fiction
Favorite Book
War Of The Worlds
Favorite Author
H. G. Wells, and many others...

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  • Rebecca L. Mahan

    Thank you for the welcoming! My book is off to print... so it should be available soon!

  • Serge Lapytski

    Hi The Chuck!

    Thank you for your comment. Your resume sounds impressive! Congratulations!

    So far I have only 4 books published, and the last one called “Cockroaches!” (Human Relationships, Love, Betrayal, Military Intelligence, Espionage, Counter Espionage and much more...)

    Thank you again,

    Best wishes!

  • Rionna Morgan


    Thank you for the very nice welcome.  It is nice to know that there is such a site as this.  I am new here as well and am really enjoying myself.  I would be pleased to read your work.  It sounds fascinating!!  I write romantic suspense and young adult.  Please feel free to visit my blog:  Rionna Morgan  Thank you again!  Rionna

  • Melanie Jackson

    Thank you, Chuck. I flubbed an earlier reply, but now I'm wise to how to write one. The Them-like story sounds very intriguing. As do the ghosts in that park. 

    Finally feeling spring warmth in Vancouver,

    Melanie Jackson

  • Fiona Druce

    Well thank you very much for the welcome and I'm looking forward to reading your work! I write fantasy, Sci-Fi and contemporary Romance but am not yet published in anything; looking to do so when my current ms is complete.

    Hope you're well and speak with you soon!


  • Sean Solomon


    I'm contacting all my friends, to say thank you for your support leading upto the release of my debut novel, OUTBREAK, which is now available at Amazon.


    Sean (

  • Gil F. Balbuena Jr.

    Thank you so much Chuck for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to read your books. I am freelance cover designer/Illustrator. If you want to have a custom cover at a reasonable cost you can contact me. I am working with some publishing companies in the US as well. I am happy that I am your friend now. Have a great day! 

  • Robert Bonville

    Aloha Chuck and thanks for such a warm welcome message. I am looking forward to learning and sharing on
    Palolo Bob
  • Leigh Savage

    Thanks Chuck for the welcoming and thanks for taking time to watch my book trailers. 

    Blessed Be

    Leigh Savage

  • Lori Ann Robinson

    Thanks for the welcome, Chuck! :)

  • Lori Ann Robinson

    Thanks for telling me! I probably did it wrong. Try this one:

    If that doesn't work you can always just go to Amazon and type in Bimini the Romance. I'm terrible at correctly posting links... I think it's the blonde in me. :) 

  • Lori Ann Robinson

    and yes... I'd love to be friends!

  • Declan Munro

    hi thanks for the hand of friendship look forward to learning more from
  • Anulika okoye

    Thanks Chucks,nice to meet you i sent you a friend request,have a nice day
  • Jack Prendergast

    Yo, Chuck, thanks for the invite; I've always been a Sci-Fi lover: Tiger, Tiger- Any Asimov, way too many to mention. I gotta say, you are one prolific writer!

    All the best,


  • Rosemary Gard

    Thank you for the welcome.  I would love to be friends.  Unfortunately, I am not able to keep in touch as much as I would like.

  • Debz Hobbs-Wyatt

    Hi, thanks for saying hi! i'll add you as a friend and check out your Blogs! Debz :)

  • David Anthony Troman

    Hi Chuck,

    Sounds like there's plenty going on around here. Yep, friendship would be great although I've yet to work out how things work on here and it may be a while before I do as I don't get much on-line time at the moment. Will have more of a look round next week and check out your stuff among others. See you then


  • Ann John

    Hello Chuck, Glad to be apart of this community of writers and thanks for your introduction. Look forward to network with you. Ann. :)

  • Libby Belle

    Hi Chuck,

       Just getting started in the literary world.  It's amazing how many creative people are out there. 

       Thank you for connecting.  Yes, you are officially my first friend on here.  Top o' the morn to ya!

    Libby Belle

  • Ibtihal Mahmood

    Hello Chuck! Thank you for the welcome message. I would be honored to have you as a friend! Have a wonderful day :)

  • Emily Kinney

    Why, certainly, The Chuck!. I'd love to become friends. Thank you for reaching out.

  • Kevin Ewing

    , Kevin Ewing said…

    Chuck I would very much like for us to be friends. Science fiction is genre that I am not well read in but would like to be. I am author of Inspirational books. My 1st Book "In The Midst of Heroes " is the first in a series of books about the heroes we walk amongst every day. We have never needed heroes more than we do now. We look for them wearing capes. They don't wear capes they wear blue jeans which is the name of the second book in the series due out in June called "Heroes In Blue Jeans." Another book to be published two-three weeks later is called "Footsteps On Moon Sand Beach."

    I am a new author and would very much like any advice you can give me. I had a negative experience with one publishing company and  looking for a better experience for my next books. I have been told that Smash Word and Create Space are good. D you know anything about either or both company?


    Kevin A. Ewing

  • Stephanie M. Freeman

    Hello there Chuck,

     Thank you for such a warm welcome. Yes, I would like to become friends. I look forward to chatting with you soon.




  • Itt sho

    THanks for welcome me Chuck Keyes. It makes me happy knowing that someone on here is nice and Okay.

  • Andrea Phillips

    Thanks for the invite to your page and the warm welcome to the site Chuck!!  I've sent you an "add" :) 

  • Christopher Stewart

    Stanford Torus Cutaway view

    thanks for the welcome, The Chuck !

    wishing you much inspiration & joy !

    « I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. » — Henry David Thoreau


  • don franklin

    Thanks chuck. friend request sent! don

  • Samuel Custer

    Thanks for your welcome. I am very please to read your work and be friends with you.

  • Hiera Athena

    Hi. Thanks for your welcome. Sorry I flies so late. I don't really know how to work this whole thing, so I'll just have a look around. Oh yeah, not to be snoopy, but which publisher published your first book and how did you find them? I'm kind of a child author and I'm only in primary school, soon to be graduating, so is there anyone who doesn't believe a degree is all you need to be a good writer? Thanks, and I hope I'll fit in!
  • PJ Sterling

    Once I finish the YA series I'm currently working on, I have plans for a far more intense sci-fi fantasy project that I've been putting together in my head. As much as I enjoy the world I've created in the first - I am truly looking forward to getting to work on the second. My poor ADHD brain is just beside itself with details-details-details.

    Thank you for the warm welcome to the site and much luck on all of your own projects!

  • Anita LeBeau Griggs

    Hi Chuck! Thanks for the welcome and introduction to your work. Looking forward to getting to know you.


    Thanks Chuck!

    Am sure our meeting will certainly help us on our ways up the ladder of writing. View my profile at Amazon.

    Juddie Passion's Profile

    and my site at

  • shameka osborne

    Thanks for the welcome.
  • Gloria Faye Brown Bates/Granny G

    I am very honored, Chuck.


    You can now Get this book and my other books in return for a review on my profile. Contact me with email. Also send me your books so I can write a review on your Amazon profile.
  • Peter Saenz

    I grew-up in Corpus Christi and Port O'Connor, Texas. Nice to meet a fellow Texan. - Peter

  • Aliyah Burke

    Thanks for the welcome, Chuck. I'd love to be friends, I'm just kind of exploring the site right now and getting my bearings. I enjoy Sci-Fi and am looking forward to reading your work.

    Happy reading,


  • Mandy Eve-Barnett

    Thanks for the will take time to get to know you all so give me some time.

  • Dave Ronnert

    Hey there, Chuck.

    I've written nothing... Well, that's not entirely true. When I was young, I asked my mum if she wanted to help me write a short story. She agreed as she had nothing better to do that afternoon and it evolved into a 350 odd page Fantasy novel. It got turned down everywhere and never got published. Reading some of it a couple of years ago, I can see why. To be honest, it WAS pretty bad. 

    I would like to write something else. My head is usually swimming with little stories, ideas, characters and scenes, but I'm having a hard time pinning them down and getting them out. I'll generally start the first few pages of a story then find I hit a dead end when I don't know what should happen next. I'm hoping this site and the people on it can help. 

    To be brutally honest, I'm an incredibly shy and introverted person and probably wouldn't have messaged anyone here if you hadn't messaged first, so thank you. :)

    My interests generally lie in Fantasy for books, Sci-fi for TV but I also thoroughly enjoyed reading a couple of Kathy Reichs' books. 

    I hope I haven't scared you off by my tale of woe.


  • Dave Ronnert

    Thanks, mate. I'll give it a shot.

  • Dave Ronnert

    Oh, quick question. Do people put chapters up on this site for review or do writers generally keep thier stuff to themselves until it's finished? (Keeping in mind how new I am and critique would probably do me a world of good.)

  • Mantu Babedi

    yes i do love to be your friend, please guide me to be the best among the best

  • Gloria Slater

    Sounds like you're as busy as I am. I do love writing poetry and stories about history. It's late, so I'll continue this tomorrow.

  • Dean Bryant Johnson

    Thanks for the warm welcome, Chuck! (...or should that be 'The Chuck'?  ;)  )

    I look forward to checking out your work. I'm a sucker for a good scifi/horror story. My work is primarily short/medium fiction in a variety of genres stretching from historic thriller to science fiction to folklore and supernatural.

    Dean Bryant Johnson

  • Lara Biyuts

    Nice to cybermeet you here

  • Val Baker

    Hi Chuck...don't know if you are into romantic fiction..I have a few male friends who have read @A String of Pearls' is now on Kindle as three separate downloads...'A String of Pearls'; 'It will all be over by Christmas' and 'As Time Goes By'...have almost completed a book of short stories entitled'Baker's Dozen thriteen tales of mixed very humorus one (but it has a sad ending) can see you smiling when I tell you that my beloved Labrador Leo (now deceased) 'pawed' his life story as he was quite famous having his picture in a major tabloid...tell you more sometime as it is getting late good thing I am insomniac..Goodnight


  • Bridgette Powell

    Thanks for your "friends" request. This is a whole new experience for me. Thought writing my novel Reflection Of Evil and embracing the publishing process was a challenge until I embarked on promoting my work. Now I realise that was the easy part!!! I'm hoping to begin writing again in the very near future. So miss the wonderful isolation, the connection to the imaginary world written expression brings. I know the time is near as I've found myself unable to sleep or if I drift off find myself waking up in the middle of the night in the midst of inspiration, the formation of a story, new characters making their presence known. It's a catch 22!! Do I pull back from spending time promoting my current novel or use that time creating something new? "Time" is so precious and needs to be used wisely. Apart from writing I also work part time, have numerous household responsibilties to take care of and even though I have 4 independant adult children it's important to still be there for them, share in their lives, spend quality time with them. And then there's my darling husband George who works 50+ hours a week in a stressful position, so I need to be there for him too. Can you provide any advice on how best to manage this and still keep creative expression flowing??

    Look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day.

    Warm Wishes




  • J. Lenni Dorner

    What a fantastic hello! Yes, I would love to be friends.

  • Denysé Bridger

    Hi, Chuck! Nice to meet you. I'm an internationally published author, and I dabble in all kinds of genres, I love to mix them up constantly. Haven't had a chance to look around here much, but I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone! :)