

United States

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The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck
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too many to mention.

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  • Linda Hadaway

    Hello== I don't get on here real often- I write women's / comtemp/ suspense/ paranormal...

    what about you????

  • Danielle Reviewer4CTR

    Thank you Scribbler for the friend request! It is nice to meet you.
  • Carlyle Labuschagne


    Its been a while since Ive checked in. I have been hard at work editing and getting geared up for my release. Thank you for the warm welcome 

  • Omar McLeod

    I would like to get to know you better too.
  • Janice M Brown

    Thank you!, I have a story to tell. I want to start writing my book, it is about me how do I begin. I think everyone need to hear about my life's journey What a ride!
  • Kay Gray

    Thank you for the welcoming. I look forward to reading the poetry on the poetry groups. I'll be sure to start posting as much of my work on here as possible but at the moment samples of my work is available at my blog,

    I would love your comments and feedback.

  • Brittany McNemar

    Thank you. You are all very friendly!
  • The Toadess

    Thanks for the welcome Ms Scribbler Human.  I think I'm gonna like it here.  Granny helped me write my autobiography, published it for me and now she let me join this network.  I've met some really nice Humans here.  I'm a lucky Canine!
  • Mike Evers

    Thanks for the welcome Scribbler.  I should be getting a fantasy novel for young people published soon with Trestle Press. The literary world is all quite new to me.

    Thanks again


  • Sunny Starr

    Hi there! Nice to meet you... I posted a half of a story of what I have done wrote I will add the last half of it later come read it and let me know what you think!

  • Barry Silverstein


  • Elaine Stock

    Thanks for the Friending, and warm welcome :)

  • Storytalior

    Hey Scribler!

    Thanks for the warm welcome!

  • lorie

    What do you write ?
  • Eric Banks

    Thanks for the welcome. looking forward to chatting with you.

  • Merita King

    Hello Scribbler, thank you for the welcome, it's great to meet you.  I will definitely drop by the group.  I hope I can learn a lot from you guys.

  • Lyn Miller Lacoursiere

    Hello Scribbler; You sound like an interesting person. So who are you?


  • Kristine M. Emanuelson

    thank you! Happy Holiday Season!

  • Hilary Wreidt Thompson

    Nice to meet you too, Scribbler! I like the name.I hope to get to know you and read some of your tallent.

  • George Michael Loughmueller

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • Mohamed EL-Zamil

    Thanks.You're right.It sounds interesting!

  • Nashambi Hayden

    Thank you so much.:-)

  • Patfen

    Hi Scribbler, thanks for the welcome. Hope you are having a good Christmas  holiday.

    Patricia Fenn

  • Carla Y. Bourgeois

    Hey Scribbler,

    Thanks for the warm welcome!  I'm happy to have found  My very first novel, a thriller entitiled "Visions of You", is available now (Amazon,Barnes&Noble).  I loved writing it and am excited to be able to share my story with others. 

    :-) Carla

  • Dwayne Neeley

    Thanks for the welcome. After 35 years as a pastor/minister I've finally written and have had published my first book; Turtleback Creek; A 30 day Journey of discovery. Daily devotional for men. I'm working on my second book titled "Letters to Tucker".

  • A. Wayne Beaupre

    Scribbler huh ?? Hmmmmm... I wonder if your past teachers would smile at your choice of " AKA " .... :-)).   Best of the day to you. Keep well.

  • Silver Tongue Literary Reviews

    I only sent my link to those that commented on my page. That is all. I also posted my link with a post in a group. I am here to help author's that is all. I will not post another link to anyone's page again. I will only post on my wall like I did before.


    What do you write, Scribbler?

  • Bruce Jackson Spohn

    Good to see everyone is off to a great start in 2012. 

  • Paul Nelson

    thanks for add...looking forward to getting more involved, etc.  best, pn

  • Lisa Buie-Collard

    Thank you for the welcome! I'm trying to catch up and keep up with all the places I can be found on the internet! This is a daunting task! Happy New Year to you!

  • Margaret Falcon

    Thank you for the welcome! Nice to meet you! : )

  • cathy pippin

    you do not have to worry, about your statement **** Do not put statements in the negative form. ** You do not have to worry about that.  I am not a negative person.  I enjoy life while talking to people about whatever comes to mind.  I will not criticize anything that one will write, be it spelling or grammar.  nor, will I find any disatisfaction with anything said or done by anyone.  I am not here to judge anyone.  I instead look forward in meeting many good people.

  • Jamie Hall

    I joined so many sites, I wasn't sure where I had logins anymore.  lol.  Thanks for the welcoming.  My book actually just came out.

  • James Carbonaro

    Thanks for inviting me to join you.  I am a novice when it comes to all this internet stuff.  My 1st book has sold 16 copies so far.  My cousin is my editor & I am waiting for him to finish formating my 2nd book before we get some copies printed.  You know how it is said that the 2 topics you don't bring up in polite company are religion & politics?  Well, that is what I write about.  The 1st 2 are non-fiction & the 3rd is fiction.  The 3rd was suppose to be a play.  But I was advised that it would have a better chance of seeing the light of day if it were made into a novel.

  • Sharon Clarkson

    Thank you, Scibbler, for the great welcome aboard.   


  • David Broughton

    Thanks. I appreciate that.

    Check out some of my work at

    I also have two at Amazon. More to come, I hope.

  • Joseph Ashley Eaton

    Thank you so much for commenting! I certainly will make sure I share some writing very soon. I haven't had a chance to put anything up yet, but I intend to share some flash fiction, some poems, and some different work with It's a real honor for you to stop in, and I look forward to seeing you again!

  • Joseph Ashley Eaton

    I just came up with a flash fiction mystery piece called "Investigating Lola" that's up now if you'd like to read it in my blog posts. I did have something, after all. Thank you, and I hope you like it!

  • Gilly Fraser

    Hi Scribbler - this is a very belated and overdue Thank You for your warm welcome to  

    I'm slowly beginning to acclimatise - there's a lot to see!

  • humphre godstime ugwuoke

    Thanks, you are welcome!
  • Kate Harper

    Why thank you Scribbler - I appreciate the welcome. Look forward to talking to you when I get my legs in here - Kate

  • Nigel Carlyle Horsler

    Hi Scribbler

    Thanks for the welcome. I'm looking forward to getting to know people, share experiences (mine is mostly frustration at the moment as I'm trying to get my first book published which is really hard since I can't go down the self-publishing route.) I read quite a lot and have a lot of varied tastes, depending on my mood and interest. Any help, advice or general chit chat will be welcome and hope that the weather over there is better than we've got here i.e. cold, freezing rain and generally miserable. Cheers for now, Nigel

  • Patricia Gligor

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • Candace Mountain

    Thank you for your kind welcome :-)

  • Merlin Fraser

    Hi Scribbler,  Thank you for your welcome and no doubt you will see popping up on the site once I find my feet.

  • Imogen Ilsabeth Laverick

    Hi! Thanks for the welcome :)

  • Eddie+H+Smith

    My book is coming along wonderful so far I have readin 87 pages in my book Im likin one and a half Chapters 2 go


  • Eddie+H+Smith

    Nice 2 meet u also

  • Susan Ann Yurko Bayer

    Hi Scribbler,

    Sorry I took so long but with work, running a business and many other

    things. Again I'm sorry and it's nice to have friends