Linda McGovern


Speculator, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Personal Writing
Favorite Genre or Category
Love and Romance
Favorite Book
My Sister's Keeper
Favorite Author
Jodi Piccoult

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  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Linda,

    it is so nice to have you here, and nice to read a little bit about you and your book. I am an Author of self-help guide books, and I am writing my forth book now on Health and was wondering if you would like to share your inspiring story of survival in my book, something that will benefit and inspire my readers. if you do then I can direct my readers to your book. please let me know if you are interested.

    I hope to hear from you

    Take care

    Lisa Brereton

  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Linda,

    It was so  nice to hear back from you. and what I am looking for is how you got Cancer,(and what kind) what you went through, and how you survived. what ever you write up, or what you may want to share from your book, I will put it into the proper chapter. I will then encourage my readers to look for your book(where ever they can find it). also does your sister now have the same cancer as you, and  how long does she have? I might be able to share her story in my last book.

    let me know what you think, and if this is something you want to do. all my books are geared more to the L.D.S faith but can be read and inspired by any one.

    I look forward to hearing back from you


  • Lisa R.Brereton


    your so cute, you don't have to ever worry about bothering me, I always love to hear from you, and yes it would be easier to just send what ever you would like through my e-mail ( ) and thanks you so much for sharing your story and experience, I was wondering do you think your story would better fit with my book on " marriage " or  my book on" Christ " please write me at my e-mail and I will give you and example that way I don't have to share things here.

    Please get back with me
