Mary Katherine Arensberg


Columbus, OH

United States

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James Michener

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  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Marty,

    it was so  nice to hear back from you, and for sharing more information about your books, I will for sure look them up, are all the books called Willa? and can I find you on face book?

    please stay in touch


  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Mary,

    it is always so good to hear from you and thanks again for sharing more detail about your books I really want to read them now, do you have any that you can sign for me if I choose to purchase them? I will be looking you up on face book, it will be so fun getting to know you better.

    Talk to you soon

    Love Lisa

  • scribbler

    Nice to meet you Mary. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you like it here!