Margi Taber


Marion, NY

United States

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Personal Writing
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Dan Millman

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  • Kay Elizabeth

    Intense is a great description of Nick Nolte, Margi! I like him too. I'm glad they didn't choose anyone too pretty for the role, you know what I mean? It would have ruined it.
  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Margie,

    Welcome, it is so nice to have you here among other Authors. it would be nice to learn more about what you write. I am an Author of self-help guide books and a poet, if you would like to learn more about me and my books you can visit my website, then just click on my blog

    it would be nice to hear from you

    Lisa Brereton

  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Margi,

    It was nice to hear from you, and thanks for sharing more about you. it will be so nice getting to know you better.

    Take care
