Diana Medler


Williamsburg, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
For Young Readers
Favorite Book
Gone With the Wind
Favorite Author
Margaret Mitchell

Comment Wall:

  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Diana,

    Welcome, it is so nice to have you here, and would be nice to learn more about what you write

    are you on F/B  it would be nice to here from you

    Lisa Brereton (Author self-help guide books)

  • scribbler

    Nice to meet you Diana. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you like it here! I look forward to hearing all about your writing.
  • Kay Elizabeth

    Hi Diana! Great to have you around. We’d like to see your writing sometime if you’re happy to share it here. Welcome and enjoy yourself! :)