Angela Q. Bertone


United States

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Redeeming Love
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Dan Brown

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    Angela, are you writing the advice column?

  • Angela Q. Bertone

    Hello Sandi,  I am so sorry for not responding to you sooner, but I have been working out of state since May 1st and I just arrived home.  I work catastrophe and I usually am home every 3-5 weeks.  This year was unusual as I was gone for 5 months.  To answer your question, I am back and working on the advice column, but the invite from a local news station has dropped out of site for no reason.  I will continue to post my column in my newsletter and I will be sending out the next newsletter this week.  If you are interested please go to my website and send me a question or sign up for the newsletter and you can read others questions.  Thanks for your inquiry and your understanding.

  • shannon harrison

    welcome~ I have a foundation Gods Rehab for survivors of abuse.( on face book ) and i'm in my process of publishing my good luck....shannon