Lesley Fletcher


Montreal, Quebec


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  • Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!)

    Lesley, top of the universe to you,  and welcome to authors.com  …from The Chuck-master of Science Fiction Fantasy…
            I write sci-fi novels filled with adventure, mystery, romance, drama, horror, and plenty of comedy… Sci-fi for every adult human to enjoy. I'm also a well-known published poet. When you have a few free moments, please check out my Authors page and a few of my videos and blogs I have recently added. Many of my blogs consist of free to read enjoyable sci-fi stories that I plan to edit and unite these twenty-two stories within an  eBook titled: 'Epic Marvels'. One of my newest sci-fi novels is titled: 'They!', which is somewhat related to the 1954 sci-fi classic movie, 'Them!' I'm currently working on a sci-fi mystery titled: 'The Mysteries of Fuller Park'.  A fun story based on the ghostly satanic urban legends of Fuller Park, Athens, Texas.   

    Please let me know if you'd like to become friends.

    The Chuck!

  • Lesley Fletcher

    Hi Chuck - Thanks for the instant welcome :) I am have only just signed up here and unsure as yet how to utilize this site - I see you have experience. 

    I am attracted to book covers (naturally) and couldn't help but notice how 'Apollo Versus the Timekeepers' 

    I just released my fourth book - polar opposite of yours :) '5 Pillars of the Gypsy' which is a combination of poetry and my own art. It has received tremendous reviews and feedback - now I have to work on the sales (yuk) 

    Friends? always looking for chances to connect - thanks!http://inspirationimport.wordpress.com

  • Jeremy Aquiet

    Glad to have impressed. Do you have a central website? I know you mentioned you were on a lot of social media. I'm a web designer by trade, specializing in author sites, so if you ever need one let me know.