Linda Page Wickens


Polk City, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
Love and Romance
Favorite Book
Brain Files - my first novel pubished & Hidden Poet my 2nd.
Favorite Author
Charles R. Keyes who got me started writing

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  • Stacy Eaton

    Linda - I think most of us know the feeling of being tied to our computers!! I just read your post.  Congrats on having your son home!!  My son is in the Navy and about to be transferred to a new base. I am tapping my fingers waiting to find out if it will be close by or far away.
  • Stacy Eaton

    Linda - yes - directions would be nice.  I wonder if in those directions it could explain how to talk your 21 year old out of getting married.  sigh....  Sending you a hug!!! and I wear combat boots - so tell me where you find your son and I'll give him a quick kick in the butt.  Tell him to look into law enforcement - a lot of military guys go that way - they enjoy the structure.
  • Stacy Eaton

    Linda- sent you a private message.  :)