Osie Jackson


Franklin, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Personal Writing
Favorite Genre or Category
Favorite Book
Shaking hands with fame
Favorite Author
londa woody

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  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Osie,

    Welcome, it is so nice to have you here among other Authors, I hope you can find someone to help you out. and I would like to know more about your book about shaking hands with fame. I am an Author of self-help guide books, if you would like to learn more about them my website is www.wix.com/LisaBrereton/itwheretheheartis then just click on my blog.

    Lisa Brereton

  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Osie,

    it was nice to hear back from you and I will for sure check out your website, but I am sorry that I will not be able to purchase your book at this time,I have to worry about financing my books. I will get back with you when I view your website

    Thanks Osie


  • Robert L. Bacon

    Hello Osie,


    If I might suggest something, every-other-Tuesday I publish a free newsletter that focuses on writing at a level that would be appealing to a major royalty publisher or quality indie.  You can sign up for it by going to my Web site at www.theperfectwrite.com and scrolling to the bottom of the page and filling out the simple two-step form.  You will receive a welcome e-mail from me and sent what is called an opt-in confirmation link that you will either have to click or paste to your address bar.  To eliminate spam filters from accidentally picking up my Newsletter, it is sent via http://rb@theperfectwrite.com.  


    Robert L. (Rob) Bacon, Founder

    The Perfect Write®