David Kizer


Oakley, CA

United States

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Favorite Book
The Testament
Favorite Author
John Grisham

Comment Wall:

  • scribbler

    Nice to meet you David. You’ve come to a good place to meet other authors. :) Welcome aboard. I’ll look forward to learning more about you and your new book. I remember vaguely reading about that case long ago.
  • Kay Elizabeth

    Hi David! Great to have you around. We’d like to see your writing sometime if you’re happy to share some of it here. Welcome and enjoy yourself! :) If you could drop by this thread and please tell us how you found your way to Authors.com, that would be great. :)
  • Clive Francis

    Dear Mr Kizer - I've been trying to track you down for some time and hope that this circuitous route will eventually get me to you!

    I have so enjoyed reading your painstaking research on the Fatty Arbuckle trials, a subject that has long held a fascination for me. I felt your book got so close to the pain of the great man and exposed so brilliantly the unscrupulous behaviour of his aggressors, that I felt fully transported into the very court room itself.

    Having read David Yallop’s account - indeed having spoken at length with him on the matter - and also Andy Edmonds, The Untold Story and several other versions of the trials, I found your book to be the one that moved me the most, as you wrote it from the heart rather than a cold list of facts.

    Sadly a lot of people still believe Rosco to be a rapist and a murderer through Anger’s account in Hollywood Babylon and that is tragic. The man was a genius, a master of comedic inventiveness who influenced Chaplin and Keaton and so many other great comedians of the day.

    I have an idea which has been brewing away inside of me for some time which I would like to discuss with you further.

    Once again my congratulations on a terrific book and hope that I will be able to talk to you further on the subject.

    All good wishes

    Clive Francis