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B.R. Stateham
  • Male
  • Salina, KS
  • United States
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  • william paul henderson jr
  • Cody Toye
  • scribbler

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B.R. Stateham's Page

Profile Information

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
Mystery and Crime
Favorite Book
Fairwell, My Lovely
Favorite Author
Raymond Chandler

Just another writer of Noir and Fantasy

My name is B.R. Stateham.  Yes, I am sixty-one years old.  No, I don't plan to retire anytime soon.  Yes, I love writing the genres I write.  No, you've never heard of me. Yes . . . someday, baby.  Someday . . .


'Been writing for forty years.  First published novel (sci-fi) came out in 1981.  Thought it was going to be a series.  Wrong.  One and done.   No problem.   Rejection slips don't bother me.  Kept on writing.  So now I have a few things out on the market and nothing to show for it.  (Sigh) Oh, well.


To be honest I'm not in it for the money.  Sure, like everyone else, I'd like to earn a living through my writing.  But not earning a living through my writing isn't going to stop me from writing.   What I really want to do is write a series, or several series, so good that fans of the genres I write in can't wait for the next book to come out.


That's the plan.  That's what I'm working on.

B.R. Stateham's Blog

The makings of a good police-procedural.

Posted on July 15, 2011 at 5:49pm 0 Comments

Go over to my blog and take a look at my attempt to put some humor in a blog that's also trying to decide what makes for a good policve-procedural.  Tell me what you think!  Maybe even pull up enough of a nerve to throw your hat into the 'fan' page.  Find it here:

The anti-hero hero

Posted on June 24, 2011 at 3:57pm 0 Comments

Over on my blog I wrote some thoughts on fiction's anti-hero hero.  Go over and take a look.  See if you agree with me.  Or not.  Find it here:

When writing a short story becomes internal warfare

Posted on May 4, 2011 at 10:34pm 0 Comments


You sit down and start to write a short story. Or a novel. Or a movie script. You slave over the keyboard. You bleed all over your computer screen. You litter the keyboard with cake crumbs and spill coffee . . . or bourbon . . . or Coke . . . everywhere.

It's a fraken war. It's like dragging a nine hundred pound gorilla… Continue

Comment Wall (1 comment)

At 6:25am on May 4, 2011, scribbler said…

Nice to meet you B.R.. You’ve come to a good place to meet other writers. :) Welcome aboard. There's a Group for Sci Fi writers here I think you'd like to explore.  :)

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