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Create With Joy
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  • Babs Queen
  • Kay Elizabeth
  • scribbler

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Personal Writing
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Favorite Book
The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
Favorite Author
It's Hard To Pick Just One

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Comment Wall (4 comments)

At 12:15am on March 3, 2011, Kay Elizabeth said…
Welcome to Create With Joy. It’s great to meet you! Please pop by and see us often. :) There are book readers aplenty. :)
At 12:53am on March 4, 2011, Kay Elizabeth said…

Hi Ramona, you were asking about how to make your blog posts show up in your page? The blog posts are from your blog at They appear automatically once you make them.


Or did you mean my magazine site's feed? Heck, it's been so long I can't remember LOL. I think it was a third-party widget. Look for that option in the center column of your profile page. Hope that helps.

At 1:09am on March 6, 2011, scribbler said…
Nice to meet you Create with Joy. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you like it here! I look forward to hearing all about your writing.
At 7:07pm on April 4, 2011, Lisa R.Brereton said…

Hi Create with joy,

welcome, and so nice to have you here among other Authors and readers. what is it that you write, and have you published? I am an Author of self-help guide books and a poet. it will be nice to learn more of your writings

Lisa Brereton

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