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Kaunteya Ghosh
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  • kolkata
  • India
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Bhagvad Gita, Bible, Ramkrishna Kathammrita
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Jeffrey Archer

Kaunteya Ghosh's Blog

The Little Angel

Posted on April 24, 2011 at 9:21pm 0 Comments

Pit. Pat . Patter. Potch.The raindrops caressed the cheeks of the five year old and clung onto her like an old friend. She too smiled in glee, after all God did care about her. She looked with pity at her neighbours, who kept on changing everyday, who lived ,if it can indeed be called living, a troublesome beggar's life. They were not as lucky as her- they had a few possessions. She was not bound,- sleeping at different doorsteps in different neighbourhoods every time the abyssmal nocturne…


The Viral Model of Terrorist Organisations

Posted on April 24, 2011 at 9:18pm 0 Comments

This is a totally personal interpretation of terrorist organisations based on observations, intelligence inputs leaked and newsreports. 

A virus consists of the following components- core, coat around core, envelope,contractile tail sheath, base plate.

     All terrorist organisations, like all major companies , have a central leadership whose efforts are vital for their survival- so vital that the CIA or Mossad believes  eliminating them makes their organisation…


The Fluid Coloumn Model of Indian Society

Posted on April 24, 2011 at 9:15pm 0 Comments

This note is in response to a friend's question- my vision of future india. 

First i'd like to give my very own defintion of India or Bharat , as it was known by the sages of the lore- India is not a narrow strip of land separated from the rest of the world , but it is in every sense , the summation of every nation or individual or society ever known or imagined by man.Even in today's India you find the riches of the west, the humility of the east, poverty, culture,corruption,…


Eli Vs Eli

Posted on April 24, 2011 at 9:06pm 0 Comments

 And his past charged again at him like a raging Catalan bull, and he could do little to move away- as meek a target he was, and quite drunk also- the malt of his memories made him febrile. He would wake up lusting to inhale  badly needed air ,so that he could cling onto the real and save himself from getting drowned in their memories.They were his best friends....., and their death had left him bereaved, and all emotional beings.. he blamed himself for their death. But death and…


Comment Wall (1 comment)

At 6:41am on May 4, 2011, scribbler said…
Nice to meet you Kaunteya. :) Welcome aboard. I’ll look forward to getting to know you better.

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