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Matthew Tyree has not received any gifts yet
Posted on December 6, 2011 at 11:58am 0 Comments 0 Likes
We dance this dance of life and death, to a end, to a future.
We live for tomorrow, we live for today, we live for yesterday, to be better than it was,is,will be.
We keep dancing, never stopping, in fear of forgetting how to dance or to lose tempo.
Some dance harder, some dance easier. Some dance barefoot others of fancy dress.
some dance with others to help keep step, to not faulter.
Dance in the halls, in the…
ContinuePosted on December 6, 2011 at 11:58am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Stones rip our feet, we are still running. Bloody of dancing the dance of the forsaken. we dance for those who can not.
time is abundet, we shall waste it however we choose, with or without you.
i see the light peeking in that mind.
little do we know of those careless small things we take for granted.
little do we live in those moments where we should live the most.
Live life like tomorrow is the end.
over one day we all shall be, let us…
ContinuePosted on December 6, 2011 at 11:57am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Branches in the woods know no master, They grow perfectly imperfect.
The sun rays bounce from leaf to leaf giving light, life and warmth.
Does the sun know what beautiful things it produces? Does it know love?
Happyly burning forever? Love of the sun burns and burns Eternally to our lifetimes;
The water it flows and brings seeds of life.
Abundet of life and large differences far and between.
does it know its depths? Its mystery?
Is it…
ContinuePosted on December 6, 2011 at 11:57am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Moonless night filled with a sky of bright stars wonderous and beautful,
Another sleepless night dreaming of a forever that shall never come.
Sweating awake to pain, an unlenting ache in the nogging.
thoughts just need to stop, swarming like bees to defend they violate,
the steal and rape any sanity left, leaving a hallow shell, complete.
false visions, wasted ability, felt a choke of something less than what it was.
drown it with water, wash it all…
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Welcome to you Matthew! :) Have fun. You’ve discovered a nice crowd here at
Nice to meet you Matthew. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you enjoy being amongst us and I’ll look forward to hearing more about your writing.
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