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Susan Petersen Avitzour
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Comment Wall (6 comments)

At 6:17pm on April 20, 2011, Lisa R.Brereton said…

Hi Susan,

Welcome, it is so nice to have you here, and would be nice to learn more about what you write. if you are on F/B it would be nice to hear from you


Lisa Brereton (Author of self-help guide books)

At 9:57pm on April 20, 2011, Lisa R.Brereton said…

Hi Susan,

It was so nice to hear back from you, and thanks so much for sharing, I am writing my last book of my 6 series it is titled: "How to...get to the heart of heaven, I am collecting stories from those who would like to share a story about their loved ones on how they prepared themselves for heaven, to once again embrace their father and mother in heaven. would you have something to share with your daughter to add to this book? just let me know, and if you would like me to read your book first and then gather information from that I can do that too. I have done this will several others where they have let me read their book and then take what I can from it and add to my books that could inspire and benefit others.  let me know what you think

Thanks Susan


At 4:40pm on April 21, 2011, Lisa R.Brereton said…

Hi Susan,

it was so nice to hear back from you, and thank you for wanting to share. is what you can do is send me the book, I will read it, gather what I feel will help benefit and inspire other readers, I will let readers know the name of the book and information as to where they can purchase it. when my book is finished I will then send you a signed copy, does this sound okay with you? if so let me know and I will give you my address as to where you should send the book. I will be looking forward to hear back from you


At 5:26pm on April 22, 2011, Lisa R.Brereton said…

Hi Susan,

It was nice to hear from you, and I so look forward to reading your book. my address is( Lisa Brereton) - 133 N. 300 E. Orem, Utah-84057 just to let you know it will be a while before my last book gets published, My editor has 3 to edit before my last one, and I still need time to gather stories from others that would like to share in my last book. I would like to have all my 6 series done by the end of this year, if not sooner, but until then I look forward to getting your book.

Thanks Susan

Take Care


At 5:11am on April 30, 2011, scribbler said…
Nice to meet you Susan. :) Welcome aboard. I’ll look forward to getting to know you better.
At 8:23pm on October 15, 2011, cindy story said…

Thank you Susan,

My apologies for not getting back with you sooner, I didn’t
noticed the comment section.

You words are so kind.




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