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Joy Spraycar Phantom Wolves

I didn’t know what to expect when I got to read this novel. Man was I shocked when I got into it. I have been getting more into the paranormal stuff, mostly vampires, zombies and the like, but this novel just has the goods, hands down! Joy Spraycar has made a nice universe here, one that I was instantly sucked into and enjoyed being in, what a well-crafted novel. I have had an intense week of reading one great work after another. It isn’t that I am just in a good mood; these novels have…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 4, 2011 at 6:58pm — No Comments


You kissed my lips, soft to the touch,

My heart pounds ever so loudly, You look in to my eyes ever so deeply..

The anxiety within me becomes so sound..

I forget to acknowledge what is around...

My body fills with a surge of electricity..

My hands tremble to that…


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Added by Robin Elizabeth Mancini on May 4, 2011 at 5:15pm — No Comments

Full of Grace (Unfortunately)

You came to me upon the fighting field,

from your sheath, your blade revealed;

and long and hard we fought all day,

but at the end 'twas you who lay

battered across the columbine.

And looking down into your face,

despite my dwindling well of grace,

I left you bloody, bruised, and weeping

deciding your life was worth keeping

for memories of when you were mine.

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Added by Oliver Black on May 4, 2011 at 6:47am — 1 Comment

It's that time again...


Every morn I awake

To hear the stillness 

Of forenoon song

In the lyric of…


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Added by Shira Loustaunau on May 4, 2011 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

Benjamin Sobieck Cleansing Eden


Have you held a novel in your hand and just after you starting reading it, knew that it was going to kick%$# and take names later? Well for me this is one of those novels. I have to say that this is going to be in my top ten for this quarter and possibly the top ten this year. I kid you not, that is how strongly I feel about this novel. This is one intense effort by the author, Benjamin Sobieck. The other thrill for me on this is that I am currently working with him in The…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 3, 2011 at 11:03pm — No Comments

The Jersey Shore Has Eyes Big Daddy Abel/ Giovanni "The G-Man" Gelati

I have to say that this was an interesting project. If you listened in to my blogtalk radio show The G-Zone the last time Big Daddy Abel was on, and you read this digital short, you will see that part of our conversation influenced the ending. That part of our conversation made it into the finished product. Amazingly less than 24 hours after our conversation this digital short story was on its way in cyberspace waiting to be made public for all to consume and enjoy. Thus far, after a few…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 3, 2011 at 6:42pm — No Comments

The Canasapian Chronicles: Moonseekers ~ Chapter One

(All I ask for is an honest review, what it lacks, what you like. Y'know, and thanks for your time!) 


"Sara! Sarabella! It's me, Cassie. Wh-what's happening to me?!" A strange image of the moon reflecting in a puddle in a wolf paw in the mud made Sarabella wake with a start. She rolled over in bed and looked at her alarm clock. It read 4:30 A.M. Sara sighed and ran a hand through he hair. What was happening to her and her friends?

It all started in the forest…


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Added by Nora Wilson on May 3, 2011 at 12:10am — No Comments


So, err, I was gone for over a year. Totally my bad. I still write, but I suppose I just haven't been as active on the sight, because I haven't been quite as active in my writing as I'd like to be. But along with my English classes I've been perfecting my writing. (Or at least, I'd like to think so.) My blogs about Conner Carson, (Which by the way, I've changed the spelling to Connor. Why? I'm not really sure.) are sort of out-dated. I've been perfecting that. As for my other story, Sky Pack.… Continue

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Added by Nora Wilson on May 3, 2011 at 12:02am — No Comments

Cleveland W. Gibson Guest Post

"I read Dracula when I was only thirteen and at school. Since those days the paranormal genre has changed, and for the good. The twist and turns and the bringing of two different words together and the sharing of life between humans and vampires has brought good content to this type of story.

In the story by Laurie Bowler I read about the tribulations of a young mother off to carve out a new career and life for herself in Abu Dhabi. Do vampires exist out there ? Is it not sand , sun…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 2, 2011 at 2:25pm — No Comments

J. Evan Johnson Guest Post

I am amazed at the amount of people who don’t have dreams. No, I don’t mean I shouldn’t have ate that burrito last night kind of dream. I mean those dreams that keep us going, those dreams that keep us pushing for more each day. I am floored to hear people almost settle for things in their nine to five jobs as if that is all they are. I’m starting to think that society has pressured many of us into thinking of our means of survival as the actual dream, primarily because of how our economic…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 2, 2011 at 12:27pm — No Comments

Sullen Boy (The Pearl)



That pretty, sullen boy always sits on the concrete wall;

His gray coat and jeans blend him into the background.

There's no one around to claim him as their own,

Just cold and dreary space, like winter clouds.

I stop, and dare to look into his forest colored eyes.


I ask him boldly "Why are you alone, sullen boy?

Do you like the silence of your own world?

Can you not abide us lower beings?"

He doesn't smile,…


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Added by Oliver Black on May 2, 2011 at 8:00am — No Comments


There is a nagging question

An uneasy set of words that are mumbling at my lips

They jumble and don’t come out orderly

Will I be able to say so it can be answered?

Do I want it to be?

“Just say it!”

I yell at myself.

I fumble again

I grunt with frustration

Tears wield up and I walk away

The nagging question

Now turns to what ifs

Turning to bitter regrets falling from my…

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on May 2, 2011 at 7:36am — No Comments

Butterfly Haze

Walking through a haze of wings,
The black and violet ill at ease.
A face in every dot and line;
They dazzle me, the butterflies.

Blinded by a cloud of wings,
My trembling heart is ill at ease,
And tender brushes feel so mean;
Deception’s iridescent sheen.

Drowning in a swarm of wings,
My crawling skin is ill at ease.
Defeated now, I close my eyes;
They’ve eaten me, the butterflies.

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Added by Oliver Black on May 2, 2011 at 7:14am — 2 Comments

For the writer who wants to learn a bit more about writing.

This is just a quick shout out to those of you who, like me, know they need a little more schooling on the subject of writing before they actually write a book, and who don't really feel college is right for them. It may not be for everyone, but it's an option; right now I'm in the middle of taking Penn Foster's Freelance Writering course, and I have learned a LOT already.  Two of my family members have also done Penn Foster courses, and so I've seen that it's a extreamly helpful coraspondance… Continue

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Added by Pink Asassin on May 2, 2011 at 6:34am — No Comments

The Hambledown Dream reviewed by "The Minding Spot"

Wendy over at "The Minding Spot" has just posted her review of "The Hambledown Dream" by Australian author Dean Mayes.


In thanks to Wendy for her efforts, Dean is giving one lucky reader the chance to win a digitally signed copy of the novel for their preferred device. All you have to do is drop by Wendy's site, post a comment and you will be in the running. Dean will…


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Added by Dean Mayes on May 1, 2011 at 3:53am — No Comments

Australian Author Dean Mayes in feature interview with Steve Drennon.

Join Steve Drennon over at his site "Adventures In Writing" where he sits down to chat with Australian Author Dean Mayes (The Hambledown Dream) to discuss Dean's writing journey, his writing style and what it takes to produce an engaging reading experience.


You can find the interview here



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Added by Dean Mayes on May 1, 2011 at 2:54am — No Comments

Digital short Saturday Cody Toye Operation Blackout: Dribbles The Squirrel


I love the squirrels on the cover of these stories, great stuff. But for me what is even better is the stuff inside. Cody Toye is a very talented author. He writes in many different genres and covers many different age groups. Right now he has in no particular order: The Toye Box Collection of children’s stories, Zorza the Alien a YA sci-fi series, Dribbles, and a new sci-fi series Intangibles. The last one is not one I would share with the little ones; it is dark and violent. My…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 30, 2011 at 11:56pm — No Comments

Experiment Update

The first anyone heard about this experiment was when I posted it here on March 22. In the last couple of days I have announced even more sales on Facebook so these three titles are getting a little more talked about.



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Added by Jonas Saul on April 30, 2011 at 8:13pm — 2 Comments

Digital short Saturday H.R. Toye Debtor's Chip /Frederick

I have a friend and fellow author at Trestle Press, Cleveland W. Gibson, willing to step in and give his two cents on H.R. Toye’s newest release in The Debtor’s Chip series, Frederick. Cleveland is the author of the digital short stories Remains, Only The Best and the soon to released Indian Rope Trick. Personally I think this series is a winner, even though the characters seem like losers. Here is what Cleveland thinks about Frederick:

“The story 'Debtor's Chip'  by HR Toye is an…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 30, 2011 at 6:11pm — No Comments

Digital short Saturday U.R. Mine Cheers

Good morning on this fine Saturday. Maybe you think I am tired or not with it, but yes, this is the author’s name and the title: U.R. Mine/Cheers. It rolls off the tongue and is cute. Hopefully we will hear a lot from this author as I enjoyed the story. I want to get right to it so is what is between the virtual covers:

“Author U.R. Mine tugs at you heart and soul with this intense and touching digital short story. Have you been married? Are you married? Are you thinking of getting…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 30, 2011 at 4:58pm — No Comments

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