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Writing Bible Studies: Theme-Based or Verse-Based Approach?

There are many different ways to approach writing Bible studies. If you have undertaken that tedious yet rewarding task, you may have started with a theme (joy, love, etc.) or a few passages that you really wanted to grasp. What is your preference?…


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Added by Donna Pyle on April 13, 2011 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

Gary Ponzo A Touch of Deceit


Hello to everyone and welcome to the middle of the week. Joy of joys. Things have been hopping here @ Gelati’s Scoop/ The G-Zone  and I couldn’t be happier. The rest of the week we have some really nice novels, and digital shorts to feature. Our guests the next few days are a great assortment of genres and personalities. Thursday in the G-Zone is Gary Ponzo, today’s featured author/post, and on Friday in a return engagement Leonardo Ramirez author of the graphic novel Haven and…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 13, 2011 at 8:07pm — No Comments

Ed & Eunice Vought authors of 2nd Earth Guest Post

2ND Earth is the first science fiction novel written by Edward and Eunice Vought. The intent was to create a work that is interesting to the reader yet teaches them about relationships and family values without being preachy. If you are looking for the darker, more violent aspects of science fiction, this book will probably not interest you. The story takes place in a world that was nearly destroyed by war and takes you through the steps that the survivors go through to rebuild…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 13, 2011 at 2:11pm — No Comments

Notes From Underground Anthology The Literary Lab

I am going to get right into the action with this one. I mean, what exactly does the title mean? Here you go:

“Over the past year, one thing we've come to appreciate on The Literary Lab blog is the value of artistic freedom. To celebrate this freedom, we put together a collection of stories that were accepted before they were actually written. Our fellow writers gained entry into the anthology by impressing us with past work or proposals. From those early applications, we selected…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 12, 2011 at 7:07pm — No Comments

Guest Post Amy Faircloth co-author of Wicked Good


People frequently ask how it came to be that two sisters wrote a novel together and what it was like to work as a team. The answers are “simple” and “great.”

It was March. The snow was dirty brown and the sun was absent here in Bangor, Maine. I was spending a lot of time on my sofa, channel surfing and landing nowhere. Joanne called from her home in Florida.

“Wanna write a book together?”  I wrapped the afghan around me tighter and yawned from lack of blood flow to my…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 12, 2011 at 3:17pm — No Comments

Fun Match ... A Tail of Whoa

Fun Match ... A Tail of Whoa

copyright 2011 by Mary Anderson

Picture this. We are short on time so everyone is in super efficient mode, including me .. I'm up next with Roadie ... The friendly lady is judging ... then she leaves the ring for a moment and the super experienced fellow with the perfect 'performance" dogs is there .. I wasn't aware that they had switched places as judges .. so, I decide to take Roadie for a short practice run up the red carpet so to speak (she…


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Added by Mary Anderson on April 11, 2011 at 11:09pm — No Comments

John Locke A Girl Like You

I have some new things to talk about; yes besides the stuff I yapped about last week, yes, it is true. New stuff already! Here is the deal; I am adding a new segment to my blogtalk show, it is going to be all about writing process. Basically a panel of authors is going to discuss a facet of writing each month and hopefully something new can be learned and we can each get something from it. Let’s face it, gas is going through the roof, trying to get to one of these authorfests is tough and…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 11, 2011 at 8:48pm — No Comments

Guest Post Amy Faircloth co-author of Wicked Good

So You Want To Co-Author A Novel…

My sister and I have written a novel together called Wicked Good. People ask me all the time what was it like co-authoring a novel with my sister.

My response: all good!

It’s been my dream to be a writer since I was eight years old, and trust me, that’s a long time ago! Amy never wanted to be a writer. She is happy spending time with her sons and saving all the dogs of the world. It wasn’t planned that we would write novels…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 11, 2011 at 6:11pm — No Comments

The Experiment Worked!

I uploaded my first novel last September to Smashwords and Amazon. By late November I had uploaded the rest of my novels and short stories for a total of over ten titles. I promoted this through my Twitter account (over 1300 followers), my Facebook profile (3000 friends) and my indie publisher Facebook profile (3100 friends), along with my blog (hundreds of views per week) and author interviews, etc.

After five months I was selling around 40 titles a month. That’s it. So I started…


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Added by Jonas Saul on April 11, 2011 at 7:45am — 2 Comments

Self-Published Sunday Debra Lee


Just to clarify a few things: I didn’t put together a best of Self-Published novels for the quarter because I basically didn’t do any posts on them for all of January. I could not even put together a top ten if I tried, so I will combine it when I do the second quarter’s list; it will be fair that way. I hope that you have found by now that I am a big supporter of Self-Published authors and in no way shape or form mean any disrespect by not having a best of list this time around.…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 10, 2011 at 6:29pm — No Comments

To Rewrite or not?

We made Butler Did It!  free last week, .99 cents on Amazon because I have yet to figure out how to make it free there.  The result was a HUGE increase in downloads.  It's so cool to think that that many people were at least tempted to read it.

 I wish I knew what they thought of it.  The feedback we have gotten has been good overall, with our two most honest and critical family saying they thought it dragged until Kobi jumps off the yacht.  We have considered rewriting and re-posting…


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Added by Sally Pomeroy on April 9, 2011 at 9:23pm — 2 Comments

Digital short Saturday R.W. Doyen Green Eyes

I didn’t know this when I read this story, but it is part of a larger work, the launching point of the author’s next novel. Good stuff as far as I am concerned. I like the use of the digital short story to whet my appetite for it. What does this firecracker of a story have inside it? Check it out; I have included the author’s bio as well:

“Trestle Press award winning author R.W. Doyen crafts a tale that will mesmerize you. The story begins with a difficult birth during a vicious…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 9, 2011 at 6:20pm — No Comments

Digital short Saturday S.R. Edvalson Anne's Unknown Guardian

Hello and welcome to the weekend! For me that means more work, but I am not complaining. Being busy is good right? As I am writing this, we are getting the Improvised Digital Short Story rolling and the first two authors are composing their pieces of the story. The three words they get to use are: Bartender, Library, and Dumpster. It should be interesting. Check in to the G-ZONE later today, around 2:30 to 3pm as I interview Robert Ford, author of Fall of Grace, from the World of Hek Series,…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 9, 2011 at 4:04pm — No Comments


The popular slogan "time is money" makes most of us spend our entire life piling it up when it's obvious we can't take it to the afterlife, cause in the absence of something, anything is still nothing. We are all aware of the areas of life where we are needed most withal we fail to yield to our calling. We betray our inner self and purpose.

After all is said and done, you'd sit back and comb through your achievements; most goals have been achieved and most ends have been met,… Continue

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Added by richard shekari on April 9, 2011 at 2:41pm — No Comments

Digital short Saturday ( on Friday no Less) B.R. Stateham Deadly Intent

Really I promise this will be my last post for a while. Sincerely,  at least until tomorrow. Here is the last thing I need to get out of my system before I call it a day posting. Next week I will only be posting on Self-Published authors and /or Independent Publishers, basically no one from the Big 6. To make my point, on Vincent Zandri’s  Vox ( if you do not read his blog I suggest you do, great stuff),  I was lucky enough to guest post on there Sunday, or was it Saturday, they all meld…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 9, 2011 at 12:55am — No Comments

How much should my e-book cost? and SmashWords have opened the doors for self-publishing authors to distribute their e-books worldwide, and many authors are quick to take advantage of this opportunity. They upload their book files, fill in the book descriptions and other information, and then get to the question of price. How much should an e-book cost?

Many new self-publishing authors are looking for the most readers possible, so they choose a low price. Perhaps the author is hoping consumers will buy… Continue

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Added by David Bowman on April 8, 2011 at 9:17pm — No Comments

Digital short Saturday (on Friday no Less) The Capta and The Cop Thad Brown

In the previous post of the day I made mention of the fact that Vincent Zandri and I are going to be doing something along with a class of graduate students from West Virginia University. It seems that the class has been following our blogs and Zandri’s success in class and one of the students called in to my blogtalk show yesterday, Thursday, as Mr. Zandri was my guest. The young woman is a Facebook friend of mine and follower of our blogs, Katherine LaHart. She put the suggestion to us…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 8, 2011 at 8:56pm — No Comments

Still looking for help

I am still looking for someone to help with writing a book or e-book. I have all the info with pictures. I  spent a long time in show business, but I am not good at writing & getting things on paper (manuscript) so I need help in getting this project to fruitation. I know there has been many books written on Marilyn Monroe, those people were not there, except one who had only been with the police dept. for only two months at the time. There is a lot of info that was mishandled,&… Continue

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Added by Osie Jackson on April 8, 2011 at 7:23pm — No Comments

Digital short Saturday ( on Friday no Less) Cleveland W. Gibson Only The Best

Yes I know it is Friday but we have so much going on here I need to do a few things with the posts today. Each one of the following posts is going to contain important info into what I have going on here at Gelati’s Scoop and The G-ZONE, my Blogtalk radio show. First the immediate stuff: Siabello Giorello is my guest tonight on The G-ZONE @ 8.30pm EST. It should be fun, how could it not?  Next we have the next in our series of Improvised Digital short Stories scheduled for tomorrow and…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 8, 2011 at 7:07pm — No Comments

Gelati's Scoop/The G-Zone Delicious Dozen of Digital short Stories


I just love digital short stories! They break up the week for me in such a fun way, definitely little bursts of energy that just make me smile as I read them in all kinds of fun ways: smartphone, laptop, Kindle, home computer, fish bowl. Okay just checking if you were reading or breezing by. Here is my Delicious Dozen of Digital short Stories, almost all are available for the measly price of $.99; you cannot go wrong! Now, drum roll please, or perhaps some AC/DC, maybe…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 7, 2011 at 9:45pm — No Comments

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