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Writing Trouble.

So I'm getting pretty close to bringing Missing to an end, and unfortunately I feel I could have done a far better job at writing it this time around. I did really like the direction it took this time, but there's quite a few scenes that I feel don't really fit amongst the rest and I want to fix them, make them belong, but I don't

know how to do that.

The first scene, as well, really bothers me. I… Continue

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Added by Andrew Kunz on October 5, 2010 at 5:00pm — No Comments

October First

It’s been one month,
Two weeks,
And three days
Since I kissed you.
Your taste,
I’m no longer familiar with.
Your smell,
It makes me dizzy no more.
What is left now?
Just a memory.
The problem with it?
The longer I keep remembering,
The harder it gets forgetting.
I do wish,
For one more kiss;
For one more touch.
Will I ever slip?
It’s been one month,
Two weeks,
Three days…
I’m just fine.

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Added by Ale Mahogany on October 2, 2010 at 1:55am — 4 Comments

Love or Hate..School?

omg school is sooo fun but exept for the back stabbing friends..teachers...the work..umm the gym time..luch. OIkay well maybe I hate school...Anywhoo..Only things I like about school is goofing off with my Wifey and others. and thats not helping me AT ALL! GOSH! its only like 4 weeks into school and I got an F! well I brought it up to a B but still! School is a waste of my time! I should drop out. Cuz all it seems like thses days is you go. Fight,Argure,Boyfriends/Grilfriends. Uggh and I…


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Added by Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX on October 1, 2010 at 12:03am — 1 Comment

Free Clinic has gone live!

Hey all! Finally, my novel Free Clinic is live and available for purchase. It is available in both soft cover and ebook formats. Check out the bookstore at for more. Soon, it should be available at Amazon as well.

I can't thank all of you here on this site enough for the support and encouragement you have provided me over the months preceeding this event.

If anyone would like a signed copy, just let me know at my email and I will comply. It will… Continue

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on September 29, 2010 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

What shoudl I do??

What shold i do? I regret EVER saying no to this guy. & I dont know how to get him back.. I SO scared to be like od hey you wanna go out. and he be lilke uuhhh you dumped me && all this stuff you know? He gave me another chance && I think it was my last...Uggh. I hate it. But I love him. && I dont kno what I shuold do. He already has anothor gurl. Atlest I think I dont know really but i tihnk so. Is tht a good enough excuse to back…


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Added by Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX on September 28, 2010 at 12:01am — 1 Comment

The 101st Reason for Getting Into the Oldest Profession

I have been in what my mother refers to as the “shmate” business (retail clothing sales) ever since I could walk. And I’m pretty great at it if I do say so myself! My clients, my “girls,” all love me.

I’ll tell a client when a pair of jeans she has been coveting for

months makes her thighs look like the colonel’s drumsticks covered in

some weird blue batter, or that the simple black dress simply MUST be

bought (even if she has nowhere to wear it) because it is a staple…


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Added by alex lieberman on September 27, 2010 at 8:42pm — 4 Comments

Almost Love 24/7

hey babe...

Race home, open the door,

run upstairs,

throw my bag on the floor,

log on, 2 seconds later,

I get a message from you saying 'hey baby',

been going crazy thinking bout you all day,

so much to tell you,

boy I feel the same way,

can't wait to see you,

just you and I cause every night

I've been thinking what it would be like.

I get a rush,

more than a crush,

almost love,

makes me feel… Continue

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Added by Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX on September 26, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

An unfinished Entry

I wrote this for a Fan site of Harry Potter. I didn't finish it because I joined the contest in the last 5 hours.

I told the contest holder that I didnt finish it but she accepted it because I was the only one that submitted a comedy bit. I won too!! lol By Default though!

I do not own Harry Potter nor its characters just plot. (lack of plot lol)

I walked down the halls of my marvelously great school of Wizardry and fancy stick work(aka Hexwarts) when I was tripped!!… Continue

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on September 24, 2010 at 1:30am — 3 Comments


My simple stare:

Quiet, yet it screams.

Lost in sight,

Awaiting reply.

My simple stare: inexplicable, real, invisible.

My deepest thoughts:

Oblivious to everyone.

Forever like that they shall remain.

My deepest thoughts: inexplicable, real, unknowable.

My craved desires:

They’ve pushed my brain aside.

At times, they make me cry.

At times, they make me laugh.

But they always make me feel alive.

My craved desires: inexplicable,… Continue

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Added by Ale Mahogany on September 24, 2010 at 1:03am — No Comments

Do you think?

Do you think it's smart to die loneyl. if you dont wanna be hurt again...&& Im dead behind seriouse too Lolz

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Added by Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX on September 23, 2010 at 3:36am — 1 Comment


Why dose loving you hurt so much..Haha ehy dose loving you make my head hurt...Why dose loving you make me wanna die? Ugghhhghghgh i hate it. i dont know how you feel about me but...Uuhhhhm I dont know. Its all jut so confusing i love you like NOTHING EVER BE FOR...Then...I hate u just a lil tiny bit...& then I have a lil crush on you. I just dont know what I supose to do....I just want it all to shut up && stop && disapear...uughghgh I HATE PUBERTY!!!!

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Added by Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX on September 23, 2010 at 3:26am — No Comments

Excerpt II Book II

With the boxes being reorganized, that was like the disorganization of the government for its negativity. Putting the boxes in some kind of order, that didn’t remove the weight of the boxes or their sizes from the garage, but it did shed perspective upon the situation. The government has all kinds of negativity associated with it, but if one could box up the different levels and…


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Added by GD Thompson Sr. on September 23, 2010 at 1:10am — No Comments

Excerpt Book II

Part I

Chapter 1…


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Added by GD Thompson Sr. on September 23, 2010 at 1:05am — No Comments

A Glimpse into Haemahlen

“I could tell you in Haemahlen; well for the most part things were always good. But with the fall, even Haemahlen had become dark as well as Voldebrandt but not to its degree. Too, the Maetra had their affect and how they influenced the Council. But that was…


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Added by GD Thompson Sr. on September 23, 2010 at 1:00am — No Comments

Gosh Gammit....

Why dose he do this crap? Its like he wants to piss me off....Uggh Dont dump me then keep saying I love you. You dumped me like...what?...2dayz ago && What am I supose to be all dandy && fine nooo I been with you onn && of for like a year && you should know this stuff by now...Omg he ERKS. I love him like....NOTHIGN EVER BEFORE. But all he can do is break my heart. Oh && Your sick of it Kyle Im sick of it. You lie && cheat && alll types of… Continue

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Added by Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX on September 23, 2010 at 12:20am — No Comments

I sent this to the man I love to let him know what made him special to me. The fastest and shortest poem I've written.

To You

There is a place I know that exists

Its filled with the warmth of three gifts

These gifts are surely unique indeed

They are buried safe and deep within me

Its not as you may think it to be

Its not any special part of me

Its more of what has been given

It makes life worthy to live in

These gifts were given to me free

From a mans heart for me to see

The first was a smile…


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Added by Barbara Pennanen on September 22, 2010 at 9:36pm — 1 Comment

Hello people

Just trying to link up with some interesting people and get to learn a bit more about how to be a better writer. I've finished my first book, it's a romance story set in south Africa, it's an interesting read but i hope i can find an agent who thinks so too...

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Added by Ima Umoh on September 22, 2010 at 2:48am — 3 Comments

:) Its over :'(

Im happy slash sad...Lolz b ubt i guess it wazz ment to be..

If you let something go && it comes back it was ment to be..

BUt If you let something go && it dosent come back..It wasnt.

&& I have feeling this ones not comming back.... I'LL STILL LOVE YOU! Lolz.

No matter how much you wantr me to stop....TIme for school..Ugh these 2 days have been bad enough..BYE

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Added by Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX on September 21, 2010 at 1:13pm — No Comments

Dose ANYONE Here know how I can get better @ hitting a HIGH NOTE?

Its soo hard!??! Lolz

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Added by Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX on September 21, 2010 at 1:39am — 2 Comments

Looking for poetry submissions

If anyone would like to submit poetry to The Cuckleburr Times, my online magazine for writers, please do. I'm hoping to revamp my poetry section next month. You can find more details and the submission guidelines here.
I don't guarantee publication of everything we get because we have high standards and not everything is up to them quite frankly. I do however read each and every submission. Please see the…

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Added by Kay Elizabeth on September 20, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

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