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Crossed Wires



M.A. Santomieri


All The Live Ones

Meet Joe

He really wasn't a wise guy. He just thought he was. This was Joe's problem. At the tender age of 41, or was it 42? He thought his world was a mess; and yes it probably was, but he felt sane. He knew that there was more to life than this. He just knew it. He had to believe it. Something, or perhaps…


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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on March 6, 2010 at 5:07pm — 5 Comments

The End Game of Free Clinic

Considering that some of you might be interested, here is our heroine getting closer to the goal post. What happens after this sequence, well... you'll see later.…


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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on March 6, 2010 at 6:40am — 4 Comments

I dont no what to write about

I am having a brain block. I really dont to what to write about. can someone help me. Just add a comment that tells me what to write about. I need lots of comments thattell me what to write about so i have lots of choices.

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Added by julia on March 6, 2010 at 4:27am — 3 Comments

for thunder crosses the air, but mother is in my despair. Hey, this is something im writing in a book:) Think about it

for thunder crosses the air,

but mother is in my despair.

Hey, this is something im writing in a book:) Think about it


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Added by erika on March 5, 2010 at 11:21pm — No Comments


creek creek. goes the stomach

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Added by julia on March 5, 2010 at 11:19pm — No Comments

Why FIRST ROSE is Such a Good Read...Now.

With all the negative things in the world, one needs to be drawn aside to focus their attention on more permanent and happy issues. I know there are those who think it nonsense to consider life after death but Jesus, the greatest teacher who ever walked the earth, promised us eternal life. He said if we believe in Him, we would have eternal life and never die. Of course He wasn't referring to the physical body. All of know we will shed this physical body when it no longer can live on earth.…


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Added by Mary Barton Wilcox on March 5, 2010 at 8:34pm — 1 Comment

Rhetorical Approach to Dealing with Criticism

Have you ever been criticized? Of course you have. Everyone has been criticized at some point. In particular, though, have you ever been criticized for trying something new? Let’s say that you go ahead and do what you want—and it doesn’t work out. You can certainly expect more criticism.

Fortunately, you can use rhetorical strategies in both cases. One strategy is for getting support to do something new, and the second strategy is for damage control when things don’t go as… Continue

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Added by David Bowman on March 4, 2010 at 8:45pm — No Comments


Congratulations! to the 5 winners in my Magically Delicious! cookbook giveaway...

Janae Johnson,

Wendy Bonzo,

Sheelah jamieson,

Lisa Milne and Tara Martorano.

I hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed preparing the recipes.

Watch out for the next contest.

Magically Delicious! is available on


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Added by FELICIA MARTIN on March 4, 2010 at 6:55pm — No Comments

Insomniac Paranoia

Horror calls as Darkness falls,
and I am far from sleeping.
Daylight's corpse
claws at my door,
keeping me from dreaming.
How inclement the dark can be
when Midnight's fiends are after me.
Will they ever leave me be?

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Added by Oliver Black on March 4, 2010 at 7:00am — No Comments

Watch My Book Trailer!

Rate it and please leave a comment!

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Added by FELICIA MARTIN on February 28, 2010 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

Latest review of Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male

Here is the latest and quite possibly the best review that Sensitivity 101...has gotten. The reviewers sees yet another side of the many readers, so many different tie-ins. Check this out and let me know what you think.

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Added by Philip Nork on February 28, 2010 at 3:49am — No Comments

The last hoorah

After a life time of wanting to write a book I finally did. Many of you who know this have read it, and the response i have been getting is very positive.I based the book on many of my own experiences in my life. Some good, some not so good. The story is about a man who entered the corporate world and after a successful buy out, he opened a bar on a mountain top location. It was a place frequented by both hard core biker types, as well as everyday folks looking for a place to hang out and do… Continue

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Added by michael r. oconnor on February 27, 2010 at 6:29pm — 1 Comment

Something New, through the power of dreams

Working Title: San Francisco Public Works

By M.A. Santomieri

They say romance is dead.

It’s only as dead as you think it is. When I first rediscovered my romance, it was a function of fiction. I was writing an article about the fancy-free idiots who were supposedly fund raising for the metropolitan museum here in my home town of San Francisco. I couldn’t have cared less about them. I did care about the museum, and my city. But these retarded… Continue

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on February 27, 2010 at 12:46am — No Comments

Another from "A collection of my thoughts"

I love to write of solitude and gentleness.

It brings me such inner peace.

Telling of lazy summer days, and star filled nights.

Stolen kisses and words of love between two souls.

I love to write of happy things and times that bring smiles.

A young childs care free laughter and first steps towards growth.

I love to write of beauty that…

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Added by michael r. oconnor on February 25, 2010 at 3:48pm — No Comments

Free Clinic

This is a sample of what my latest novel looks…


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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on February 25, 2010 at 3:34pm — 4 Comments

Words to live by

To live or to die, never wonder why you did that thing or said something wrong. Always know you did everything for a reason and that even if someones feelings were hurt, yours or theirs take notice that living in the past is something you can not do for life is too short to ask questions. Knowing your thoughts is good, but letting life take you sometimes is indescribable. Let your heart and soul speak, dont let anything keep your…


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Added by erika on February 25, 2010 at 1:16am — 3 Comments

When Not to Hire a Book Editor

Here is an article on When Not to Hire a Book Editor, since on I recently posted an article on When is the Right Time to Hire a Book Editor, and I thought readers might appreciate an opportunity to consider the flip side, of which there most assuredly is one. So here is the article, and I hope those of you will find the information to be of some…


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Added by Robert L. Bacon on February 24, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Only 6 days left!

5 copies of my book will be given away in 6 days

Check it out, and enter to win...

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Added by FELICIA MARTIN on February 24, 2010 at 3:38pm — No Comments

My rough draft of my book. I have finished about three chapters but i have not typed them up yet.

Yep it was that time of the month again. The time when me and my twin brother would switch parents and visit the other for a week. I never liked it because when you visited my dad he spent the first hour with you then passed you off to the nanny so he could work and i hated not being able to be with Jamie. If you ask me my mom should have won full custody of me and Jamie but things never work out the way you think they should. I can tell you my life hasn't.
Hi my name is…

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Added by Beverlea Smith on February 23, 2010 at 4:52pm — 1 Comment

reading recommendation

hi guys! just a quick note with a know i like short and sweet, so...if you have a few minutes to read a very interesting short story, it's called The Shawl and was written by Cynthia Ozick. Let me know what you think.

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Added by Cricket on February 23, 2010 at 3:19am — 2 Comments

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