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Conner Carson (Continued)

Ok, this is continued from my last blog post about Conner, this one is a bit longer but I hope you enjoy it! =] Again please give honest comments!

"If I can't find Reggy your getting me a new spider." Jeremy said. "Okay, but your taking it out of the cage." Conner said sternly. He watched as Jeremy's expression changed suddenly. "What?" asked Conner. "No need." replied Jeremy He leaned forward and snatched Reggy off of Conner's leg.

Conner sighed with…


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Added by Nora Wilson on February 21, 2010 at 9:52pm — 1 Comment

Who Am I? What do we Do?

Hi all, I just wanted to introduce myself. I am the Membership Director for the Association of Independent Authors. We are a non-profit organization focussed solely on independent (self-published) authors. Every resource within our community responds directly to issues faced by independent authors.…


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Added by Melanie Walsh on February 21, 2010 at 7:14am — No Comments

New fan page for Sensitivity 101...

I just set up a fan page on Facebook for "Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male." Come by and be a fan!

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Added by Philip Nork on February 20, 2010 at 6:23am — No Comments

Another from "A collection of my thoughts"

The air was so very cold outside of our window.

Tiny crystals of ice formed illusions on the panes of glass

Seperating our warmth from the harshness of the black night.

Reflections of days past danced in the flames of our fireplace

You stood there staring into nothing, warming your tiny frame.

You have always hated the cold.

I saw the…

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Added by michael r. oconnor on February 19, 2010 at 6:36pm — No Comments


Hi everybody! I am almost finshed with my three part book, called Changed the Unchanged. It has three small storys, that each go with eachother. Each book is about 15-30 pages long. I am really excited to compete this book! i hope i type it up soon, and then hopefully you guys can read it!

Count my blessings, thanks for all the support!

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Added by Cheyenne Moore on February 19, 2010 at 4:52pm — 1 Comment

Another from "A collection of my thoughts"

He walked carefully along the frozen waters edge. Aware of the dangers beneath the thin crust of ice.

Each step as light as the crust on grandmothers apple pie.

What was he searching for?

He paused for a moment, going to his knees he peered into a small h*** in the ice.

His face seemed sad, his body trembled from the cold.

A strange sight for me to be…

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Added by michael r. oconnor on February 18, 2010 at 8:25pm — No Comments



I am startled;…


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Added by Linda Siciliano on February 16, 2010 at 8:27pm — 2 Comments

FIRST ROSE is More Than a Book

FIRST ROSE takes you somewhere only the imagination can travel to. However, if you have studied the Bible as I have done, you will find everything in the book to be in harmony with it. Though I (in the course of writing the book) recalled what others had told me about Heaven, I still made sure it did not conflict with what the Bible teaches. Actually the Bible is silent about much of Heaven and only gives us a glimpse into our life after this one. I think it is important when writing fictional… Continue

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Added by Mary Barton Wilcox on February 16, 2010 at 5:58pm — No Comments

another from "a collection of my thoughts"

You came to me on the wing of a song.

An everlasting melody playing in my mind eternally.

A love song, a sweet smooth song like that of an angels harp

dancing in my heart.

With each passing day I will reach out and touch a note

and I will capture it in all of its beauty

for the beauty is you, and you are the song.

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Added by michael r. oconnor on February 16, 2010 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Launching your latest!

Alright so i've put in the hours and created a new book. I slogged through the process of editing, design and all the rest to finally get the book to print. Its work right, not really excited yet because i havn't had a chance to think about it, i mean really think about it! So the book goes to print and today it suddenly dawns on me as i'm going to meet with the entertainment company who is hosting this event, that i've got a new book just about ready to come out. But still its just a…


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Added by Ashley Du Toit on February 16, 2010 at 1:03am — 2 Comments

Conner Carson

Ok, so I get a ton of book ideas.. a lot. And I can't stand not getting at least a start of it on paper. lol Anyway I'm thinking of a book, teen sleuth, he's got an interest in ghosts. The book starts when he's fifteen. Conner Carson has messy blond hair (with the occasional light brown streaks), blue eyes, even shoulders. I'll give you what I have so far, it's not a lot but it may give you the taste of his personality, the works. Give me honest comments of what you think please. =] …


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Added by Nora Wilson on February 15, 2010 at 11:14pm — 2 Comments

The Threads That Bind Us

The silver needle finally acquiesced to the probing black thread.

Do all parents go through this, I ask myself.

The object of today’s battleground lies crumpled upon my lap;

A day old winter jacket already looking shabby,

Scarred through carelessness. Squinting at black fabric,

I concentrate on repairing the gaping, saw toothed pocket.

What had been a pleasant enough day was now marred

By the blazing argument between mother and…


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Added by Kay Elizabeth on February 15, 2010 at 5:30am — 2 Comments

When is the Right Time to Hire a Book Editor?

I don't know when, on the writing curve, Stephen King or Nelson DeMille might seek editorial advice, only that it is documented that they do. So it begs the question, for the writer trying to break into the business with a major royalty publisher--and who accepts that a professional editor looking at the manuscript might not be a bad idea--when is the right time to hire a book editor.

Generally there are Two Issues

For most people it's a matter of time and… Continue

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Added by on February 14, 2010 at 7:30pm — 11 Comments

Life is a ribbon. Lets say you have the most extravegant present ever. With bows and flowers, and ribbons. But then your ribbon got snagged on the table. And you pulled and pulled and it wouldn't com…

Life is a ribbon. Lets say you have the most extravegant present ever. With bows and flowers, and ribbons. But then your ribbon got snagged on the table. And you pulled and pulled and it wouldn't come off. But soon enough your pretty ribbon is unraveled now really only string. Life can be extravegant and pretty, but it can also be dangerous and mean. But if you find a way to get the ribbon off the table before its gone, you may just be able to have a great life. Not totally…


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Added by erika on February 13, 2010 at 6:19pm — No Comments


For whoever calls my name

I think of the pain

And when my heart skips a beat

I think of how I used to weep

Now I am strong

And I dont belong

In that shallow place

Becaus I have faith

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Added by erika on February 13, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments


We are all one regardless of who we are and what we do.

You and everyone else were created in the image of God.

God is perfection and God does not - has not- and will…


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Added by TOMMY COLETTA on February 13, 2010 at 2:17am — No Comments


I have read that:…


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Added by TOMMY COLETTA on February 13, 2010 at 2:00am — No Comments

Another from "A collection of my thoughts"

I thought I sensed something near,

As I walked through the thickness of the forest.

As if my eyes were walking behind me,

Following each step I took.

I suppose I was just reflecting back

On some old Hitchcock films.

The sun filtering through the giant pines

Must surely be that stairway to…

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Added by michael r. oconnor on February 12, 2010 at 5:30pm — No Comments

I have another new blog

Hi everyone,

I started a new blog called One Good Turn Deserves Another It is all about random acts of kindness and also has snipets from my book "Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male, Lessons Learned from the Fairer Sex." Come on over and check it out and become a follower or at least leave some comments.

Thanks, Phil

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Added by Philip Nork on February 12, 2010 at 5:19am — No Comments

another selection from "a collection of my thoughts"

The wind is blowing strongly tonight, as I stand on the beach, and remember
The gulls fly overhead watching, waiting anticipating there attack.
The ocean is the color of dust, ugly and un-tamed
The thoughts that take over ones mind are frightning.

I see two battle ships engaged in combat each taking heavy damage.
Many lives are lost. And I remember...
Flames split the night into day. Guns roar out thier battle…

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Added by michael r. oconnor on February 11, 2010 at 8:39pm — 2 Comments

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