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For as if I am invincable and almost invisible I am able to see perfectly although knowone can see me

For I've always wished that I could have these powers

And now I am standing on towers'

Before me you are, but I am lost

In a secret trapped in a jar

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Added by erika on February 11, 2010 at 4:11am — No Comments

Through Her Eyes;

I have learned to view the world in a whole different way.

Through her eyes I have learned to see the beauty in all things that aren't very appealing to the eye. I have learned to hold back on my judgments and just watch to see how things play out before automatically cutting things off before even allowing it to start.

Through her eyes I am taken back to a time where I felt with great passion and hope, believing that all things can and will work out for the better in the… Continue

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Added by Rachel Titus on February 10, 2010 at 11:31pm — 4 Comments

The Last Kiss

Hey people, this is my first post. First of all I need ask sorry for my english grammar, I'm brazilian, and speak more than talk. So, if you find something really wrong, remember. ^^

I thought to put one of my short story, I wrotte years ago. It's about a man who met his love after three years of distance. But now, he discovered that she has a disease.

The Last…

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Added by Bruna Britti on February 10, 2010 at 10:00pm — 5 Comments

Angel Poop Poem

Hey guys, whats up, take a look at my new poem

Angel Poop
Written by Kenny Thurman
Angel poop flies through the air
From over here to over there
I see it scattered in your hair
When I found out it was a bear
Sing’n at the fair
I screamed and let out a blare
When I looked at it and said, “It was just plain rare
For a bear.”
I glared and I…

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Added by Kenny Thurman on February 10, 2010 at 8:14pm — No Comments

My new Poetry called Valentines Day

Valentines Day
Written by Kenny Thurman
I walk upon the silver plain,
As I wish it was made of grain,
I looked outside and watched the rain,
And I saw the color of my vein,
It is red I see from down the lane,…

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Added by Kenny Thurman on February 9, 2010 at 4:00am — No Comments

The Ocean That Surrounds Me.

The ocean surrounds me and makes me feel as though I am one with Mother Earth...

The sounds of the waves rolling in take my mind to a place of tranquility

and beauty, as though nothing else in the world exists…


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Added by Rachel Titus on February 9, 2010 at 2:22am — 1 Comment

300 Days of Better Writing

Precise Edit's 300 Days of Better Writing is available for purchase both in PDF and Kindle. If you'd like to try before you buy, Your Writing Companion-Writing Advice and Instruction from Precise Edit offers samples from 300 Days of Better Writing, Bang! Writing with Impact, and the Precise Edit Training Manual.

Look for the Precise Edit Training Manual for Kindle coming soon.

To get Your Writing Companion or to purchase our… Continue

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Added by David Bowman on February 8, 2010 at 9:34pm — No Comments

one collection of "my thoughts"

He looked wise, and weather beaten
tired and lonley
he didnt belong on this busy street, with its crowds of people and screaming cars
i would bet he sailed the high seas at one time
a master of a sailing ship, who knew the waters of the world, and taste of salt on his cracked lips
a man who knew fear, but always conquered it
plain are the scars of age upon his brow
and the anger of being old
i wonder if he is…

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Added by michael r. oconnor on February 5, 2010 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

The Power of Dreams

Here's yet another example of how my fidgeting in my sleep leads to manuscript activity. I penned/keyboarded this last night after a very vivid dream about my days in San Francisco. The obvious writer's mind was twisting these memories around and formulating a story. And here it is. . .as yet formally untitled.

Working Title: San Francisco Public Works

By M.A. Santomieri

They say romance is dead.

It’s only as dead as you think it is.… Continue

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on February 2, 2010 at 7:08pm — 1 Comment

Free Newsletters on Writing and the Major Royalty Publishing Industry

Should any members be interested, every other Tuesday I publish a Free Newsletter under The Perfect Write® imprint that focuses on writing at a level that would be appealing to a major royalty publisher. Anyone can subscribe by scrolling down to the bottom of the home page at and filling out the simple two-step sign up form.

I also occasionally have… Continue

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Added by Robert L. Bacon on February 1, 2010 at 6:30pm — No Comments

You've Gotta Meet Bobby

Hey all. I know the first tease for Crossed Wires is there, but there's more that I can share, without giving the storyline away.

Meet Bobby

Once born as Robert Joseph Mitterando, the man now known as Bobby "Mitts" Mitterando was extraordinarily unhappy with his fifty six years on planet Earth and everything else that had to do with it. In a word, Bobby felt f*****. He felt so f*****, in fact, that he told his company's boss to stick it up his wazoo and that… Continue

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on February 1, 2010 at 12:30am — No Comments

My fidget manuscript

This is the book I have been writing forever. It's where I go when I need to take time away from the manuscript that I am currently in polishing mode on. This is just the first two characters, but pivotal. There are three other pivotal characters. This is an experiment in head hopping times ten.

"Feeback good," grunts Marco. "Pardon format, ooo, ooo."

I've got another 30,000 words on it, and I will present more if you are at all interested.

My… Continue

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on January 31, 2010 at 10:15pm — No Comments

Sky Pack's Epilogue

This is the epilogue of the book, I'm working on called Sky Pack, you can get a taste of my writing and what the book's about. =]

Long ago there were two packs that lived in the forest and mountains. They were known as Sky and Ice pack. One night a terrible storm rose and lightning struck a tree. The great crack echoed through the forest as the tree fell and caught fire. Luckily Sky Pack and Ice pack were able to make it out of the forest. A great rain began to pour down and… Continue

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Added by Nora Wilson on January 31, 2010 at 8:58pm — No Comments

First Rose by mary barton wilcox

An exerpt from First Rose:

My heart was pounding a little faster as he came closer and closer to where we were. He was unbridled and free.

Soon he was right in front of me. He reared his front legs upward, neighed and when he brought his hooves down again, he stopped abruptly at my face. He was large and imposing. I had to look upward just to glimpse his neck.

He backed off a little, lowered his nose,… Continue

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Added by Mary Barton Wilcox on January 31, 2010 at 3:27pm — No Comments

Why First Rose Needed to be Written

It has been my experience through the years as an ordained minister that people recoil from expressing what they think the "after life" may contain. Since the Bible has given only "the Ezekiel bones" of eternal life and its content, it is up to us who want to know to facilitate the flesh, sinew and body of it. The Holy Spirit is present in each believer's life to reveal "things to come" and "the kingdom of God" to seekers. Our thoughts,… Continue

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Added by Mary Barton Wilcox on January 31, 2010 at 3:20pm — No Comments

A Milestone...

Today I wrote two of the most beautiful words I'd written in my book so far...The End.

After nine months, I finally finished my first novel. Yes, I cried. Yes, I felt a crazy satisfaction that I'd never known before. Yes, I still have some editing to do, but it's done. The story has been told and now I turn the page to the new adventure of finding an agent and publisher. At this point, I feel that the hardest part is done. Patience is all I need for the next part of the… Continue

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Added by Danielle on January 31, 2010 at 5:30am — 4 Comments

This Just In. . .

Hey all! I've been away for some time, but I have something new to contribute.

As a new year starts to progress at pace, I want to make a few things clear to the aspiring writer.

First of all, DO NOT EBOOK! It is a quick trip to being ripped off.

Secondarily, find an agent. Learn how to write query letters for your "baby" manuscript.

Thirdly, be persistent. Don't be afraid and get used to rejection slips.

The most modest of ways, these days, is to proactively try… Continue

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on January 31, 2010 at 1:19am — 3 Comments

More About First Rose

First Rose is a book about what one imagines will occur immediately after death. This is a subject that few people discuss with one another. The Bible is relatively silent on the subject except for the fact that "to be absent from the body is to be present with Christ." First Rose is a work of fiction but it is possible that God has revealed to us some of the events likely to transpire following physical death. Just as dreams (through which God speaks)must be "rightly divided" so must our… Continue

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Added by Mary Barton Wilcox on January 30, 2010 at 2:27am — 5 Comments

The Host(a movie?)

OK, I have heard from some of my friends on that The Host is being turned into a movie, and I was wondering if any of you knew whether this is true, or if you've heard anything about it? :) I've only read a bit of the book, but so far it's a genius work of story telling(just as I'd expect from Stephonie Meyer :]); it would be awesome if they really were making it into a movie! XD Man, it's such an acomplishment to have even one of your books be so populare that they make it… Continue

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Added by Pink Asassin on January 29, 2010 at 10:15pm — 6 Comments

A Girl in Train Station

Wikan had arrived quite early at the station, despite his train to Bandung not departing until seven thirty. It was the holiday season, and most people travelling to and from Yogyakarta had booked their ticket at least six or seven days in advance. Not having planned his trip, (it was a last minute decision the boss employed to show his power) Wikan had therefore been left with the unenviable task of managing his ticket purchase from one of the many scalpers, who plied the main hall of Tugu… Continue

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Added by era fiyantiningrum on January 28, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

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