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Tips on Finding an Agent for a Novel - How a Query Letter Differs from a Synopsis

Hello, and let me first state how excited I am about this site. Kay Elizabeth, the editor of The Cuckleburr Times, recently brought to my attention, and I'm always thrilled when I find a site dedicated solely to serious writers or people with a penchant for reading.

As a full time novelist and editor, unfortunately, I don't have the time I would like to be able to spend with chat rooms, etc., but I will certainly try my best to answer anyone's questions. Just understand… Continue

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Added by Robert L. Bacon on December 17, 2009 at 7:41pm — 1 Comment

Stupid Slow Computer

I broke my computer the other day cause it was going slow. I'm guessing it's my fault, i should really have more patience, but I was mad because I had 3 more chapters of Cody Miller on there that I was going to post up THAT EXACT DAY! :(

I also had a book I was writing and it already had 15 chapters...I lost it all. So, I'm never going to smack the palm of my hand on a computer screen EVER AGAIN 'cause last time I did that, something very bad happened...

I'm just mad about all the… Continue

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Added by Alex Davis on December 16, 2009 at 4:58am — 2 Comments

The Newest Review of Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male

Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male

By Philip Nork


ISBN: 9781438967448

228 Pages

Avaiable at

This is one of those books where, in my opinion, the title does not adequately portray the content. Primary reason: Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male by Philip Nork is not just for males, or even for just heterosexual individuals. This book can be enjoyed by anyone who has an interest in understanding his or her sexual… Continue

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Added by Philip Nork on December 13, 2009 at 3:58am — No Comments


Just a few tidbits-no more, no less
Just a few thoughts-I must confess
For just a few minutes-I ask of your time
For just a few seconds-you will be mine!
(For as long as it takes to read a few tidbits-GOTCHA!) be continued...

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Added by Cricket on December 10, 2009 at 10:49pm — 2 Comments

Who is your audience?

Many people will read what you write. We call these people your audience. When you write, your document or manuscript is the tool you use to communicate with them, so understanding them helps you communicate in an appropriate manner. However, unlike some other forms of communication, you actually have two audiences, which we call “primary” and “secondary” audiences. We’ll look at each in turn.

Your primary audience is the person or group of…


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Added by David Bowman on December 10, 2009 at 1:16am — No Comments

Dimensions of Genesis - Prologue

Dimensions of Genesis - Prologue

In the stillness

A sentient being waits

A creator, an essence, a source...a god

An observer of manifestations and dreams

Dwelling outside the realms of space and time

It inhales the quintessence of life

With ancient patience

It waits to exhale


To inspire the breath of creation

To awaken the Wave that carries the seed

The seed of… Continue

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Added by Danielle on December 10, 2009 at 12:32am — 2 Comments

Untitled 3

Ive had a tune in my heart

that makes my body move left to right

An excitement that hasn't been around in awhile

Words flow more freely

and that spot my mind always used to go to

when pencil hit paper is a feeling of pure euphoria

That I gladly cherish and appreciate a whole lot more

New worlds are building on the paper I'm writing

plots that I don't know about yet are being made

Amazing scenes are ready to be describe

and so are the… Continue

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on December 9, 2009 at 3:34am — No Comments

Where to Begin...

I was trying to think of the best way to begin introducing myself. I tossed and turned about putting up my latest work, a prologue of my novel or just blabbing a bit of myself to you. I decided to just blab for now. :D

I began loving the art of writing when I was eleven. There was a young author's contest help for the province of Alberta, long story short, I won. Myself and a few others were lucky enough to spend the day with Robert Munsch and a few other established authors. They did a… Continue

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Added by Danielle on December 7, 2009 at 5:44am — 2 Comments

Night to Dawn Entry-I Am Prince of Blood; Linneun Vericus (It's long -.-)

All I'm gonna say is that it's more than 5000 words and on word it was 15 pages long, so...good luck :P

Linneun Vericus was none other than a prince. A prince of blood, agony, and gory pain. He was yet to be one of the ‘senior’ vampires, as his Clan called it, rather, he was a Junior vampire, one of great blood, and royal. He was the Blood Bath Prince, descendant of Dracula himself. His father, Vericus Linne Un, which is where Linneun had gotten his name, was… Continue

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Added by Alex Davis on December 6, 2009 at 5:30am — No Comments

Powering-Up Your Subjects

Strength-training isn't just for the beef-heads at the gym. It's for you, sitting at your desk preparing a business letter, writing the next award-winning novel, or banging out a killer blog post that will ignite the world's consciousness. Strength-training for you doesn't mean training yourself to lift small cars (in case you don't know how to use a jack); strength-training means building the power of your subjects to lift your ideas.

When you use power subjects, you transform…


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Added by David Bowman on December 4, 2009 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Breaking Hearts...

Chapter 1 Nightmare

Everything was dark; I saw two spots of light. The first one showed a mini clip and I was sitting in my chair across the table from a very pale man. From what I could see, he had green-yellow eyes and shoulder length black hair. Apparently I was talking to him; I think we were negotiating something. The next spot of light, I was sitting in class next to Zoe and Jocelyn and I was looking at the new transfer student. When it ended, everything went black and there… Continue

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Added by Diana Davis on December 4, 2009 at 12:52am — No Comments

Cody Miller


Slowly, Alison stepped out the warehouse, a tattered piece of cloth hanging from her left hand. She sat the sunglasses slowly on her soaked head, it was soaked in blood, obviously. It gave off a dark red shine that seemed a bit too sticky to be dye. Sighing, she closed her eyes, becoming invisible to the human eye.

“This stuff just keeps getting better, doesn’t it?” Alison stated, walking towards the small apartment the operation had let her have.

It was a tiny… Continue

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Added by Alex Davis on December 4, 2009 at 12:06am — 2 Comments

I want you to Know

Was it you calling
Because I swear I heard your voice
I don't know why'd you speak to me though
I'm not of the usual belief
I do love you
I do keep you in my heart
But I dont agree
with everything they say you say
But if that wasn't you
That's okay
Because I know you're listening
So I want you to know
I'm there and waiting
For YOUR personal word

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on December 2, 2009 at 4:45am — 4 Comments

Take the Time to Write

You may call yourself a writer but when was the last time you sat down and wrote something, besides the grocery list or your name on a check? It's all too easy to come up with excuse after excuse. Are you telling yourself: I'll write when the kids are back in school. I'll write when my job doesn't take up so much time. I'll write when we get the new computer and I don't have to share. Or do you have another excuse?

Different writers have different writing schedules. Some will lock… Continue

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Added by on December 1, 2009 at 7:54pm — 4 Comments

Cody Miller


A silent step started the noise.

“Lt. Grey, do you copy?” the walkie talkie voice sounded static and hoarse.

A slim hand reached down to the walkie talkie, it’d been three years since the Miller incident, and now they’d finally found someone that could handle Miller alone, “Copy an’ read, ain’t that what they say?” the feminine voice was smooth, but challenging. Gentle, but ruthless.

“Good, now-”

“Sorry, grandpa,” the voice said, “I told you when I… Continue

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Added by Alex Davis on December 1, 2009 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Cody Miller


A slight, muffled laugh escaped from his parted lips. The black, long sleeved jacket he wore much too big on him. A grasp on life, he said, a slight preoccupancy that would only last but a millisecond. He held the knife to his cell partner’s throat, smiling, wolf-like fangs glistening, somehow, in the darkest of corners.

“Scream,” the boy ordered.

The man gulped, not being able to emit any type of noise.

“I said scream,” he yelled, pushing the cellmate against… Continue

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Added by Alex Davis on November 30, 2009 at 2:00am — 4 Comments

Big Blue Ball Project

The encapsulated opening of this poetry project is attached. This is a collaborative, so all comers are welcome.Big blue ball.wps

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on November 25, 2009 at 4:17am — 3 Comments

Get Your Book Manuscript Reviewed—For Free!

Win a free analysis and review of your manuscripts from the editors who help writers publish great books. We believe that writers are important, and this is a way to help them write books that others will want to read and buy. This contest is open to all writers who have written or are writing book-length manuscripts, fiction and nonfiction, and are preparing for publication.

Sponsored by Precise Edit and Writer Watchdog (…


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Added by David Bowman on November 25, 2009 at 12:38am — No Comments


something stirs from inside out-first a flutter, then a shout

it begs for life from outside in-then takes to paper from my pen

i don't know how, i can't say why-all i know is i'm it's scribe!

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Added by Cricket on November 23, 2009 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

An unfinished story Updated!!

From what I hear no one was allowed to go back. The city was destroyed and They are still there. The army guards the city from the outside making sure nothing goes in or out. In just a matter of hours They destroyed the city our lives our families and our faith in the Vatican and God. Two women out of no where flew down from the sky and landed in the middle of the city smiling like nothing they did was not out of the ordinary. And with just a movement of one of their lips a three mile diameter… Continue

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on November 23, 2009 at 8:00am — 2 Comments

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