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Memories of a Forgotten Time Part 2

“I never met my biological father,” Madison started, her eyes still closed, “but my Mom started seeing this John guy and he eventually moved in with us. He never married my Mom, so technically he isn’t my Dad, but the two of them were so madly in love with one another that I got in trouble when I called him by his name and not Dad…” she trailed off, inhaling and exhaling slowly. “After about a year and a half, they were fighting constantly, but neither of them tried to get the other out of the… Continue

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Added by Andrew Kunz on November 23, 2009 at 5:07am — No Comments


An empty scream echos
and I don't realize that its mine
I fly back with shock
not knowing where this sudden pain came from
I hear myself scream
but I'm too weary from the day
to search myself
I'm still echoing
the curdling yowls
I can't find myself
I don't even know if this makes sense
My head is in dis ray
Arts help me out

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on November 21, 2009 at 5:04am — No Comments


tis sameness makes some comfortable--the difference be appalling / i wonder how they gave themselves--to such a dismal calling / to share and blend and understand--need not pollute the soul / for difference makes us wonderful--for me, it is my goal!

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Added by Cricket on November 20, 2009 at 2:51am — 2 Comments

Punctuating Appositives

Punctuation isn’t complicated once you know what you’re looking at. I see many writers making errors when punctuating appositives. This may be a new term for many folks, so we’ll take a look at what I mean by “appositive,” and then we’ll figure out how to punctuate them correctly.


An appositive is a word or phrase that

1. renames something you have written and

2. can serve the same grammatical function as the word or phrase it… Continue

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Added by David Bowman on November 20, 2009 at 12:30am — No Comments

hello people

My name is crystal i am 15 years old and i lived in inglewood im writin my 4th book now its called forever is not enough and no i do not mind sharin it to anyone who wants to know more about it. im funny random outgoin and easy to get along with and fun to talk to.ummmmm i think thats it i have to go now to find out how to wrok this site so by and dont be a stranger add me and message me i will always write back kk bye people hope to meet you soon

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Added by crystal rodgers on November 19, 2009 at 7:16pm — 2 Comments


Theres screaming

there's yelling

objects are flying

and no one is paying attention to one another

my patience is wearing thin

I want to start launching my fists

but its not the right thing to do

so I smile and threaten

I'm gonna tell mommy!

Go ahead and tell her Ill tell her what a bad kid you've been acting like

Heads drop and tears fall

I dont care

they have to learn

they shouldn't become too comfortable with… Continue

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on November 18, 2009 at 10:59pm — No Comments

Fly with me

Fly with me
we can see it all
there is nothing that can stop us
this world and the next is ours
all we got to do
is reach out and grab it
so give me your hand
and we'll start our journey
no need to close your eyes at the jump
there's nothing to fear
when you are with me
Let's go

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on November 18, 2009 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

Life After Suicide

Imagine life after suicide,
Living on the other side,
Where hell and heaven collide,
Where will my soul reside,
Where do they all abide,
They talk about a paradise,
They say that it's very nice,
Whenever they fantasize,
Jesus makes my soul to rise,
But if I back slide,
And commit the suicide,
I wont meet the heavens bride,
Is there life after suicide?

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Added by Michael Mupotaringa on November 17, 2009 at 3:39pm — 2 Comments

Please add me on Myspace. I'm sure that most of you don't know, but I am also a musician. Check me out!!!

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Added by Phillip Christoffersen on November 15, 2009 at 11:53pm — No Comments

New book review "Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male"

Here is the latest review for Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male.

Sensitivity 101 For The Heterosexual Male

Philip Nork

ISBN: 9781438967448


Reviewed By Tara Hopkins

Official Apex Reviews Rating: 5 stars

The age-old “Battle Of The Sexes” is still going just as strong as it ever was

- and chances are it won’t lose any steam anytime soon. So, rather than lament the

fact that the game exists, men and women around the world… Continue

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Added by Philip Nork on November 14, 2009 at 9:14am — No Comments

New book review "Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male"

Here is the latest review for Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male.

Sensitivity 101 For The Heterosexual Male

Philip Nork

ISBN: 9781438967448


Reviewed By Tara Hopkins

Official Apex Reviews Rating: 5 stars

The age-old “Battle Of The Sexes” is still going just as strong as it ever was

- and chances are it won’t lose any steam anytime soon. So, rather than lament the

fact that the game exists, men and women around the world… Continue

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Added by Philip Nork on November 14, 2009 at 9:14am — 2 Comments

Writing for a Strong Middle

Your book or story has a powerful beginning. It engages the reader. It makes him want to read more. The main character has a big problem, and the reader wants to know how it will be solved. Pretty soon, though, the reader is yawning. She puts the book down and goes to do something more “interesting.” What happened?

You started strong, but your middle is weak.

Based on my experiences as an editor and as a book junkie, two problems create most weak middles: 1) Nothing is…


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Added by David Bowman on November 12, 2009 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

Memories of a Forgotten Time.

The voices outside faded beneath the rhythm of the falling rain and the spontaneous claps of thunder that followed the bright flashes of lightning. Madison’s eyes grew heavier and heavier as she listened to the storm until she could no longer perceive what was real and what wasn’t. Noises she wasn’t originally aware of could be heard in the distance, noises she’d never heard before. They sent chills down her spine as she listened to them echo through the forest around her. Images began to… Continue

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Added by Andrew Kunz on November 10, 2009 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

New Fiction Book "The Same Individual" Coming in early 2010!!!

My new book "The Same Individual" will be released in early 2010. I will have more details soon for everyone!

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Added by Phillip Christoffersen on November 7, 2009 at 5:47pm — 6 Comments

It returned.

Well after what felt like a very long time, whatever it was that was stopping me from writing, has taken a hike and hopefully it won't return for a while, but I owe it all to my favourite T.V Show: Fringe as well as what I hope to become my 2nd favourite T.V Show: V.

I just finished watching the newest episode of Fringe on Fox after waiting, somewhere between 1 and 2 weeks, and I finally got those juices… Continue

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Added by Andrew Kunz on November 6, 2009 at 5:11am — 1 Comment

Thanks for commenting

Thanks for commenting and leaving me some valuable information. I really appreciate it! I seem to be headed in the right direction, so I will continue with finding a publishing company.

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Added by Boops_Tammy on November 4, 2009 at 2:23am — No Comments

Supporting Independent Bookstores, an Important Member of Our Community

When my book THE SANDMAN was released in Feb 2009 I was very excited. I learned my novel would be available in all the popular websites, but was eager to see my book on display in stores. Like many new authors I first went to the big-box bookstores (Borders, BarnesandNoble, Bookstar) and figured this would be no problem since my book was available for purchase on their websites. Boy was I wrong. Corporate America has made it difficult for new authors who don't have a recognizable name. But when… Continue

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Added by David Lucero on November 1, 2009 at 6:21pm — No Comments

Authors, Writers, Publishing

Hey, Everyone!

I am a writer at heart. I have written books, and stories since I was little(age of 4). I enjoy writting and have decieded to seriuosly work on getting published. Feel free to leave any stories of your own, and tips as well.

New to publishing so one question is simply... What's the best way to get a legitimate publishing deal?

How long does it generally take?

How much success have you all had with getting published, and or… Continue

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Added by Boops_Tammy on November 1, 2009 at 3:11pm — 2 Comments


Just thought I'd post up the pics of my Pumpkin this year for Halloween. Though I don't know how many of you will know what the picture is of.

and for those that don't know what it is:

It's the Dream Theater Logo, which happens to be one of my favourite bands IN THE WORLD... and yes I realize the Pumpkin's is upside down from the reference picture, but I… Continue

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Added by Andrew Kunz on October 28, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

New book release

First-time author Philip Nork brings Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male to life!

“Mars and Venus…The battle of the sexes? Men and women alike will enjoy the book that just might end the relationship war!”

First-time author Philip Nork and AuthorHouse are happy to announce the release of this “highly entertaining and unique trip back in time.” Follow a young boy on his confusing and challenging journey of self-discovery, and his yearning to become the “real” yet… Continue

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Added by Philip Nork on October 26, 2009 at 9:10pm — No Comments

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