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Introducing my book - Essence Of My Existence: Poems to Acknowledge My Truth

Dear Friends,


I want to take this opportunity to talk a little bit about my upcoming book - Essence Of My Existence: Poems to Acknowledge My Truth.

I have pledged to donate 25% of my royalty income to support Education and Healthcare projects of underdeveloped and developing countries of the world.

This is where I need your support and help to spread the word. As Braveheart Women Global Community says, please be "inspiration in… Continue

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Added by Rajyeshwari Ghosh on October 22, 2009 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments

[Insert Project Name Here]

For anyone who's interested, I thought I'd give you a brief look at what I'm planning on tackling next. I've yet to come up with a name for the Story, but I've developed three of the four Protagonists and the main Antagonist. I'm not going to give you any names, but I will give you the basic story-line that I've came up with so far. Nothing I have is set in stone yet and may or may not be changed before I start working on it.

NATL… Continue

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Added by Andrew Kunz on October 21, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

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Added by Philip Nork on October 21, 2009 at 6:13am — No Comments

7 Most Common Mistakes for a New Writer

Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

New writers often think they need some kind of special inspired feeling or mood in order to begin writing. Successful professional writers, on the other hand, have trained their minds to be productive no matter what mood they might be in. They get up in the morning and go to work, just as though it was any other kind of job. They make progress on their book each and every day.

Starting a Manuscript Before You Are Ready

With… Continue

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Added by on October 19, 2009 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments

Generating Writing Ideas

One of the questions famous authors are asked most frequently by their readers is: Where do you get your ideas for stories? To some readers, this process of generating ideas is mysterious, almost mystical. But authors find that creating concepts for stories is just part of their job. They train their minds to continually provide them with fresh ideas to put down on paper. But sometimes they too are amazed when an idea occurs to them, seemingly out of nowhere, they grab a pad and pen, and a few… Continue

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Added by on October 18, 2009 at 7:26pm — 3 Comments

Political Thriller Captures the Dangers of a Nuclear Iran

I was inspired to write my novel about a saboteur on a mission to destroy the nuclear reactor in Iran when I learned of Iran's nuclear program in 1994. I have wanted to be a writer since I was 14 years old (visit my website for my author bio) and was looking for an idea of an action/adventure story when I read an article in the newspaper how Russia was assisting Iran build a nuclear reactor for $700.

After the fall of the Soviet Union the new Russian… Continue

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Added by David Lucero on October 18, 2009 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

A little foreshadowing never hurt anyone.

Well I've worked through a side splitting headache to get this part written down before I forgot it. I've hopefully improved a little since the last passage that I posted, and, as always, please let me know if you see something that either looks wrong or even sounds interesting and/or cool. I really appreciate the opinions and advice.

The group had packed up their things and began the short hike back to their campsite. “Have you ever seen something that felt so real, but wasn’t sure… Continue

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Added by Andrew Kunz on October 15, 2009 at 5:00am — 2 Comments

Reflections of Self

Sitting alone, in a dimly lit room

Pondering life

She brushes her graying hair

From her face and sighs,

Scrutinizing her reflection

In the window as the rain beats.

Her dulled eyes fill as they do so easily these days.

Even she can see their sadness

That concerned friends comment on,

But only amongst themselves,

Too afraid of hurting her but unsure of why.

They feel her pain,

But she has distanced herself now

So it… Continue

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Added by Kay Elizabeth on October 14, 2009 at 7:50pm — 2 Comments


There's a rush to my brain

and my body falls inside itself

total relaxation

Even though the smell

brings back horrid memories

Its my way of letting the problems go

The smell the slight addiction

The intake of smoke filling my lungs

and the long unwanted yet needed release

a giggle that ripples through

and the silly smile that goes along

my wondrously hurtful cancer stick

How I want you yet repulsed by you

Its an addiction I can… Continue

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on October 10, 2009 at 7:59am — 2 Comments

Shadows Pt2.

First off, I guess I should apologize for the disappearance act I pulled there. I wasn't feeling all like myself the last few days (more like last few weeks), but I decided that today I'd get up and get some work done rather then sit around and do nothing, which got boring pretty quickly. I've gotten about 6 more pages written for Shadows and am currently working on the first Chapter, which I believe is still nameless, but I'll share a little bit from it, probably my favourite part as of… Continue

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Added by Andrew Kunz on October 8, 2009 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments


We can add music!!
I just added music to my profile!
And there's apps like Buddy poke and stuff.
Yay to exploration!!

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on October 7, 2009 at 8:01am — 10 Comments


Unseen tears fall as even now I truly can't show how I feel.

I wonder why that is, that I can't just shout

And scream and say what my heart & soul wants to...

But I choose instead to withdraw into myself and

Pull on my well worn mask of positivity.

We go way back, my mask and I.

More years than I care to admit, even to myself.

So weathered now from overuse,

Thinned to the point of transparency

Yet moulded perfectly to my… Continue

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Added by Kay Elizabeth on October 7, 2009 at 7:00am — 10 Comments

I Waited

Yellow is my once white dress

dried are the roses

that I held in my hands

torn and tattered is my head dress

that trailed behind me

Boney and ghoulish my beautiful body has turned

from all the years I have waited for you

oh sweet unfulfilled love

I waited for you

the guest have gone

and the Father has blown out the candles

The wind blows through the broken saints

And my tears are now ashes

Oh how I've waited

and I still…

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on October 6, 2009 at 4:29am — 4 Comments

Can I

Can I really work without my ruckus in my ear

Will my mind wonder as its doing now

Do I need their screams

their tales of hurt and pain

Can I really concentrate

Should I dramatically throw

my headphones to the floor

Should I stomp and scream

recreate their beats

I need my music

I need my screamers

my pretend bleeders

their unfulfilled loves

that lead to psychopathic murders

Can I really concentrate

Damn… Continue

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on October 5, 2009 at 6:30pm — 4 Comments

The Soldier

He smelled blood and crossed the line into the events that played over and over in his mind, it had stopped for a time, but now it was back.

Danny could see and smell even taste the dust flying in the air, it had been a long fight not one of the other soldiers he was with could tell who the bad guys were.

That was the whole problem, not like when he was young playing cowboys, the bad cowboy always wore a black hat while the good one wore a white Stetson, and this enemy… Continue

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Added by Sandra Kitchen on October 3, 2009 at 7:35am — 5 Comments


I loved you for a minute in the past

but it was so awkward

you were my best guy friend

and our silly flirting meant nothing

but everyone thought it was cute and that we looked good

And when we kissed it was quick

so there was no warmth for our true feelings to grow

so we let our relationship go back to friendship

and we laughed how we rushed it

We're the best of friends

but when we look at each other and there's a spark

you speak about… Continue

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on October 1, 2009 at 7:30am — 4 Comments

Bored in class

There's a reason for my insanity
for the crazy twinkle in my eye
the compulsive swinging of my fists
and the unreadable babble I mutter
There's a reason for all of this
But I'm too insane to explain

Rawr!! I'm in math lab and I'm bored! It was something quick.

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on September 29, 2009 at 7:27pm — 3 Comments

My Generation

I struggle through this life, as a young woman, the kind of person who is always remembered but seldom by name. It can feel sometimes that the things we are taught as young girls are mainly lies. I don’t believe however that we are told these lies in a malicious manner, nor do our parents wish to deceive us, no we are misled by our parents dreams and desires. We are told about a world they wish existed - the perfect world they so desperately want to bring us up in. One where men will treat us… Continue

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Added by Cheryl on September 26, 2009 at 9:13pm — 4 Comments

What Are Writers’ Groups and How Can You Benefit from Them?

Writers’ groups can be small informal groups that meet periodically at one of the author’s homes, or larger more formalized organizations that meet in public places such as the local library or a restaurant. The group may just sit around a coffee table and read each other’s work, or the group may have guest speakers and a formal agenda. In either case, the goal is to provide information and encouragement to advance writers’ careers, whether you are working on your first project or are an… Continue

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Added by on September 25, 2009 at 2:42am — No Comments


This is the cover picture to my newest project.

And the redone first paragraph that I posted in my first blog.

The sun beat down onto the pavement creating ripples to rise from the street, giving the illusion of water. The few clouds that resided in the sky steered clear of the blazing orange ball that dominated the sheer blue sky. The variety of greenery that claimed the side of the road watched aimlessly as a bright yellow…

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Added by Andrew Kunz on September 22, 2009 at 10:33pm — 2 Comments

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