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Self Help Friday~ 05/17/19

Here is a little something of self-help today to assist you for the better over the worse! A friendly reminder to move forward with a better quality self version of you for you to benefit the most! Your success and bliss depend on how good of a mindset you're supporting.

Be the better version of yourself with a better attitude and better outlook for a better future! Move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from better thoughts. A better quality version of…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 18, 2019 at 2:28am — No Comments

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 05/17/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am making it through and empowering on with progress and success toward my accomplishments and achievements! I have the power within me to continue, to keep going, and to make it all happen for myself for a greater life! I deserve greater bliss, greater success, and greater satisfaction..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 17, 2019 at 6:07am — No Comments

Mindful Thursday~ 05/16/19

Cultivate self~love within because you deserve to be, live, and enjoy that much better beyond your imagination... besides, the world needs your awesomeness and would greatly benefit from the best version of you~ So, improve your self-awareness and improve your self-management to continue a greater life that you deserve.

Use today's Mindful-Amusement to help yourself toward a better mindset and lifestyle. There is so much more to better yourself for better moments of today, for an…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 16, 2019 at 7:14pm — No Comments

What Home Remedies Can Relieve Sinus Pressure

A person can treat sinus pressure with medication, but plenty of home remedies may also help to ease symptoms and speed up recovery.

The sinuses are lined with a type of skin called mucous membrane. This membrane protects the body by producing mucus, which catches dirt and other particles that might otherwise cause illness.

The lining of…


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Added by Jessica Roggers on May 16, 2019 at 8:50am — No Comments

What is a TENS unit and does it work?

A transcutaneous electrical nerve incitement (TENS) unit is a battery-worked gadget that a few people use to treat torment.

TENS units work by conveying little electrical motivations through anodes that have glue cushions to join them to an individual's skin.…


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Added by Santa Medical on May 16, 2019 at 8:43am — No Comments

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 05/16/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I want it all to work out for the better, so I am believing and hoping it will all result for the better! I have faith, I am optimistic, and I trust that I will benefit from every outcome and result that I receive for the greater benefit of my future! I am accepting my past and moving on..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 16, 2019 at 7:39am — No Comments

Encouragement Wednesday~ 05/15/19

You have the power to accomplish, achieve, and receive all the good, great, and better you set out to attain. I am sharing this bit of encouragement with you toward boosting your motivation and determination to attain your ideal success as you continue. Don't limit yourself to how much awesome you can be, how much greater you can enjoy, and how much better you can have it!

You can feel so much better, do so much better, enjoy so much more, and be all you can be. So, pave your own…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 15, 2019 at 7:30pm — No Comments

2 Top 4 Reasons why we insist you to take Nitric Oxide Supplement

Is it accurate to say that you are one of the individuals who are enthusiastic and customary towards their exercise center exercises?

On the off chance that truly, at that point we are certain you've been taking pre and post exercises in any of the structures for the advancement of your wellbeing and wellness objectives. In any case, would…


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Added by Santa Medical on May 15, 2019 at 9:14am — No Comments

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 05/15/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I rather enjoy my moments today by doing more of what I love! If it is what interests me, then I am doing it! I determine how good I feel today, and I am doing what is necessary of me to feel better over worse! I am not limiting myself to the limitless possibilities..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 15, 2019 at 5:26am — No Comments

Inspiration Tuesday~ 05/14/19

Here's a little bit of inspiration for today to get your attitude, emotions, and imagination going in the ideal direction. Just sharing this that inspired me into action today! A friendly reminder that we're all awesome if and when we move forward with optimism in our thinking, gratitude in our attitude, compassion in our behavior, and joy in our actions. Today, determine how awesome you're going to be today and so on and so forth. We know it could be worse, so remind yourself how much…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 14, 2019 at 4:31pm — No Comments

The True Essence of Blood Pressure Options

Hypertension tips High circulatory strain is a standout amongst the most widely recognized disarranges in Western culture. Did you realize that one of every three ladies has hypertension? The threat of having hypertension is that by and large you have no bad things to say. The Sphygmomanometer is the best arrangement here at this…


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Added by Jessica Roggers on May 14, 2019 at 8:25am — No Comments

To properly use and maintain your Gurin Steam Inhaler

Thank you for purchasing the Gurin Steam Inhaler. With proper care and use, your steam inhaler will provide you many years of therapeutic relief. This unit operates on standard AC power. Treatments are delivered quickly, safely and conveniently with the use of tap water. We encourage you to thoroughly read this guidebook to learn about the features of this product. Any use of this product other than its intended use should always be avoided.…


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Added by Santa Medical on May 14, 2019 at 8:22am — No Comments

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 05/14/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am not allowing myself to absorb the negativity of others to tire me and exhaust me for the worse! I am moving past them with a focus on the good, great, and better things, events, and adventures for my greater benefit! I am positively affecting my moments in every way that interests me..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 14, 2019 at 4:56am — No Comments

Healthful Monday~ 05/13/19

Today's Healthful-Amusement worth reviewing and considering to amuse your thoughts with toward supporting a healthier mind and body! Here to assist you with self-care for healthier decisions and healthier choices for a healthier lifestyle both in mind and body. Improve your overall well-being not just for yourself but for those you adore and care about. You'll surely achieve and accomplish more further, farther, and faster with a healthier you... besides, you deserve greater bliss and…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 13, 2019 at 10:57pm — No Comments

Want to Install Home Safe- Check out Its Benefits Now

People have their important valuables in their home. From important documents to precious items like gold watches, money and so on. Undoubtedly, everyone tries to keep them secured. If there is some risk of theft or fire, everyone tries to save their valuables.

To help people in this situation, Companies providing Locksmith Elwood and some other companies around the world are providing service to many people who need…


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Added by Simon Hopes on May 13, 2019 at 2:11pm — No Comments

How Often Can You Use the EMS System on the Same Muscle Groups?

EMS, or Electrical Muscle Stimulation is a sort of wellness upgrade gadget that includes utilizing a low-level electric flow to make muscles contract, helping them improve in quality and appearance. Electrical Muscle Stimulation began in Soviet Russia in the 1950's as a method for expanding competitors' physical quality and muscle tone. Its maker was Dr. Y. Kots of the Central Institute of Physical Culture in the previous USSR. Dr. Kots acquainted Electrical Muscle Stimulation with the…


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Added by Jessica Roggers on May 13, 2019 at 8:36am — No Comments

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 05/13/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am not giving up on what I truly want in my future! Quitting on myself isn't an option that I am entertaining! I am using every opportunity available to me to succeed and satisfy me..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 13, 2019 at 7:06am — No Comments

Divine Mother's Psalm. x

Divine Mother's Psalm.

Art & Prose: …


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Added by Stephanie Lynne Thorburn on May 12, 2019 at 11:19pm — No Comments

Gratitude Sunday~ 05/12/19

Gratitude check today! Another day to be grateful for with many opportunities to be thankful for! This share here is to assist you and remind you of the blessings you possess within yourself and all that you look forward to beyond you. There is plenty worth your thankfulness and gratefulness. Why worsen your day when you have the power to better it!

Additionally, you have people in your life to appreciate and enjoy as you please. You're not alone, so enjoy and make the best of the…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 12, 2019 at 7:44pm — No Comments

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 05/12/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am thankful for the loving relationships with family and friends in my life! I am thankful for the personal and professional loving friendships in my life! I am grateful for all the loving support and benefits I have received in my life! I am moving forward with continued gratitude..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as…


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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on May 12, 2019 at 6:18am — No Comments

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