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False Pretences. Regency Romance, Mystery and Suspense

I am delighted to announce that my Regency romance, mystery and suspense novel False Pretences, has been published as a paperback by Books We Love.


First Three Paragraphs:-




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Added by Rosemary Morris on June 27, 2016 at 8:50am — No Comments

False Pretences. Regency Romance, Mystery and Suspense

I am delighted to announce that the first edition of my Regency novel, False Pretences, which received *5 reviews, has been re-published as an e-book by Books We Love.

Five-year-old Annabelle arrived at boarding school fluent in French and English. Separated from her nurse, a dismal shadow blights Annabelle’s life because she does not know who her parents are.…


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Added by Rosemary Morris on June 19, 2016 at 8:14pm — No Comments

The Improbable Journeys of Billy Battles (Trilogy Book Two) by Ronald E. Yates


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Added by Ronald E. Yates on June 18, 2016 at 9:20pm — No Comments

The Hoarding of Hate

Sometimes s*** happens and I feel compelled to “go there,” to speak my mind. And so…

To me it seems things have taken a turn in the U.S. that’s unlike anything I’ve seen over the past half-century. And, well, you know the Edmund Burke quote: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” With that on my mind, I write this particular blog as part of my stab at doing “something.” 

First, I ask the reader to view these…


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Added by Elizabeth Fisher on June 14, 2016 at 9:35pm — No Comments

18th century novel The Captain and The Countess - special offer

I am delighted to announce the Captain and the Countess, has been republished by Books We Love.

 The Captain and The Countess by Rosemary Morris is available for £0.99 and $1.45 from the 8th of June to the 15th June from and …


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Added by Rosemary Morris on June 8, 2016 at 5:29pm — No Comments

Idea's for writing a story

I always write my Characters first.  I give my Character a place to live, an Identity.  I usually make up to five to six Characters.  I then give them a place where the story will take place.  When I write, I always base my books on real life events, followed by pure fiction.  Once I have my Characters, I place them into a Story.  I has always worked well for me.  I find the theme of the story from the Characters I already created.  It may seem backwards, but it does work.  They it, see if…


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Added by Jeremy Stone on May 27, 2016 at 3:44pm — No Comments

Going Paper-more As Opposed To Paper-less!

I received super exciting news at the first of the year. The boutique publisher of my novel, Curse Me Not, has taken my e-book to print!


Truthfully, I never expected It to happen. My publisher focuses on e-book sales, but apparently the world turned on its ear sometime during the latter part of 2015. National print book sales took a huge upswing,…


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Added by Elizabeth Fisher on May 25, 2016 at 9:06pm — No Comments

Alter Ego (The Davenport Decrees Book 1) by Tory Allyn


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Added by Tory Allyn on May 21, 2016 at 12:00pm — No Comments


-enunciation-53098 Today I'd like to discuss enunciation. Years ago, I was asked to speak at a Lion's Club meeting. I don't remember the topic, maybe my trip to Mexico in 1988. Anyway, I sat in front of the crowd and started mumbling. Somebody told me to stand up and speak up. So I did.

Since then, I've been speaking in public for various reasons. Either to attract people to the martial arts club or discussing my books. Each time is a learning experience and a chance for me to work on my…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on May 20, 2016 at 2:30am — No Comments

Rosemary Morris Multi-Published Historical Novelist.

 I am pleased to announce that five of my novels, which received 5* reviews,  will be re-published by Books We Love. The Captain and The Countess set in the reign of Charles II's niece, Queen Anne Stuart - 1702-1714, which received 5* reviews, has already been published. The Amazon link is: B0FCENLKE.

Two other novels, Tangled Love and Far Beyond Rubies set in the same era will also be published and so will False Pretences, Sunday's Child and my previously unpublished novel,…


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Added by Rosemary Morris on May 11, 2016 at 9:49am — No Comments

A Piece of Flash Fiction On the Serious Side

I mentioned in a past blog that I’m a member of the Knoxville Writers Guild and, in particular, of the Guild’s Sci-Fi/Fantasy Writers’ Group. We love our “flash fiction" writing experiments, so I’m going to share another one. This one is based on a stock photo that was used as a "prompt," and while humor usually features in my flash fiction, this time I went serious – even spiritually serious. See how you like it:



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Added by Elizabeth Fisher on April 20, 2016 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Chapters - VIII

C08 No-one told us there would be fish in the water. The children were scared.”

Unless there were piranhas in the pool, where do you live where no fish are in the water? Sheesh!


At the time of this writing, I'm one week removed from an accident that shook me up worse than I thought one would.

Now, I've had a few accidents in my years. I rear-ended a car while delivering pizza which screwed up my car's steering and lost me my job. I also regretted…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on April 15, 2016 at 4:30am — No Comments

The Gift by Rebecca J. Hubbard

All eleven-year old Pip wanted was a best friend.  When Pip gets a horse for her birthday she is delighted. She thinks that the horse she names Buck will be her best friend the moment that they meet. But she finds out that friendship does not come easily. Her father gently guides her so that Pip can discover for herself how to make Buck a true friend.

Pip’s new friend, Buck, has a story of his own.  After leaving his own herd, to move to Pip’s house, he is looking for a relationship…


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Added by Kim McDougall on April 13, 2016 at 12:43am — No Comments

Fellowship, Communion, Relationship

Wake up, God wants to speak to you. Early in the morning, God is giving out instructions. He's giving you the wisdom that you will need for this day. God knows all of the answers to all the test and trials and tribulations that you will go through on today. He wants to fellowship with you through His WORD, which is His Son Jesus Chrrist, (John1:1). God is waking you up to give you all the answers that you will be needing for this day. God loves all of us so much and He has so much that He wants… Continue

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Added by Jannie Marie DeBose on April 12, 2016 at 1:41pm — No Comments

Fellowship, Communion, Relationship

Wake up, God wants to speak to you. Early in the morning, God is giving out instructions. He's giving you the wisdom that you will need for this day. God knows all of the answers to all the test and trials and tribulations that you will go through on today. He wants to fellowship with you through His WORD, which is His Son Jesus Chrrist, (John1:1). God is waking you up to give you all the answers that you will be needing for this day. God loves all of us so much and He has so much that He wants… Continue

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Added by Jannie Marie DeBose on April 12, 2016 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Fellowship, Communion, Relationship

Wake up, God wants to speak to you. Early in the morning, God is giving out instructions. He's giving you the wisdom that you will need for this day. God knows all of the answers to all the test and trials and tribulations that you will go through on today. He wants to fellowship with you through His WORD, which is His Son Jesus Chrrist, (John1:1). God is waking you up to give you all the answers that you will be needing for this day. God loves all of us so much and He has so much that He wants… Continue

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Added by Jannie Marie DeBose on April 12, 2016 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Fellowship, Communion, Relationship

Wake up, God wants to speak to you. Early in the morning, God is giving out instructions. He's giving you the wisdom that you will need for this day. God knows all of the answers to all the test and trials and tribulations that you will go through on today. He wants to fellowship with you through His WORD, which is His Son Jesus Chrrist, (John1:1). God is waking you up to give you all the answers that you will be needing for this day. God loves all of us so much and He has so much that He wants… Continue

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Added by Jannie Marie DeBose on April 12, 2016 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Fellowship, Communion, Relationship

Wake up, God wants to speak to you. Early in the morning, God is giving out instructions. He's giving you the wisdom that you will need for this day. God knows all of the answers to all the test and trials and tribulations that you will go through on today. He wants to fellowship with you through His WORD, which is His Son Jesus Chrrist, (John1:1). God is waking you up to give you all the answers that you will be needing for this day. God loves all of us so much and He has so much that He wants… Continue

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Added by Jannie Marie DeBose on April 12, 2016 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Fellowship, Communion, Relationship

Wake up, God wants to speak to you. Early in the morning, God is giving out instructions. He's giving you the wisdom that you will need for this day. God knows all of the answers to all the test and trials and tribulations that you will go through on today. He wants to fellowship with you through His WORD, which is His Son Jesus Chrrist, (John1:1). God is waking you up to give you all the answers that you will be needing for this day. God loves all of us so much and He has so much that He wants… Continue

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Added by Jannie Marie DeBose on April 12, 2016 at 12:00pm — No Comments


April 11, 2016

Hello, I am announcing the launch of my new book in April, 2016. It took 5+ years to live and 2 years to write. This book is not just a good thing --  it’s a God-thing!

I want to tell you the story of my daughter, Barb, who is simply remarkable. She was a nurse and was working 60 hours a week.  I felt you might find our story compelling as well as inspiring – filled with…


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Added by Elizabeth A. Scott on April 11, 2016 at 8:38pm — No Comments

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