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How To Win Short Story Competitions - by Dave Haslett and Geoff Nelder

How To Win Short…


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Added by Geoff Nelder on September 19, 2014 at 9:22pm — No Comments

Extreme Planets: A Science Fiction Anthology Of Alien Worlds (Chaosium Fiction) - by David Brin, Stephen Gaskell, David Conyers and David Kernot

Extreme Planets: A…


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Added by Geoff Nelder on September 19, 2014 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Hot Air - by Geoff Nelder

Hot Air - by Geoff…


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Added by Geoff Nelder on September 19, 2014 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Escaping Reality - by Geoff Nelder

Escaping Reality - by…


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Added by Geoff Nelder on September 19, 2014 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Fitness Writing, Part VI

Form I really enjoy the forms of the American Taekwondo Association. The white belt form has 18 moves and you work yourself up to 81 moves for the first degree black belt form. White belt starts with some very basic moves, punch, front and side kicks, low, high, and middle blocks, and a knifehand strike (karate chop). Each form thereafter introduces a new move or combination move with some extra turns, and so…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on September 19, 2014 at 8:56am — No Comments

My Most Booknificent Thursday

Booknificent Thursdays

Ok. So I borrowed the link-up title for the title of my post.  You'll see why in a minute.  (And hopefully Tina will forgive me!) :O)   on the button right up there to go see more Booknificent Thursdays!
The first one was at the  for pickup (I guess our mailbox wasn't big enough):
(Click the cover to see the GoodReads page)…

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Added by LuAnn Braley on September 19, 2014 at 2:11am — No Comments


I received an interesting question from an English teacher in Iran who wanted to know the differences, if any, between “must” and “have to/has to.” This is an interesting question because the expressions are nearly identical. To answer, I had to think not only about their strict definitions but also about how they are used. 

The terms “must” and “have to/has to” are modal auxiliaries that communicate (1) an obligation to perform some action or (2) that some state of being or action is…


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Added by David Bowman on September 17, 2014 at 6:39pm — No Comments

Cover Reveal For Broken Promise (Broken Ones #3) by Jen Wylie



A year of turmoil takes its toll on Arowyn Mason and her companions. After delivering the Elven prince to his homeland, they decide to ride out the winter in the city of Westport before starting their quest to heal the Fey. Like most things in Aro’s life, nothing goes according to plan.

As Kei…

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Added by April Hollingworth on September 15, 2014 at 12:00pm — No Comments


Mystery conventions have to be some of the wackiest, most creative and high energy get-togethers around, Comic Con not withstanding (if you can stand a hundred Darth Vadersroaming around).

Years ago,…


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Added by Sunny Frazier on September 13, 2014 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Second Chance - chapter 13

While driving the unmarked-company vehicle Steve dialed his fiancé’s number but she wasn’t picking-up. Listening to her voicemail’s tagline for the umpteenth time, the irked man waited for the beep and finally left a message.

“Barb, I’m pulling into your driveway. Our flight didn’t take off. I hope that your auto-answer is on because I don’t want to barge in and frighten you. I figured I’d give you a heads-up; I’m staying…


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Added by Barbara Case Speers on September 12, 2014 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Fitness Writing, Part V

biking My first bike was a 5-speed Schwinn. The gear shift was in the middle with a big black knob on the end. Banana-type seat. Later, I had a ten speed which I outgrew. In Oskaloosa, I had, for a short time, a three speed several decades old, complete with a headlight. Unfortunately, I kept it in the laundry room and someone stole it. Now I have a ten speed that is just a bit small for me, but it…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on September 12, 2014 at 3:00pm — No Comments

All You Need All You Need To Know About Grammar- by Kathi Wyldeck

All You Need All You Need To Know About Grammar- by Kathi Wyldeck


This book introduces and explains all the main concepts of grammar to students in years (grades) 7-10, thus greatly improving their reading,…


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Added by Kathi Wyldeck on September 11, 2014 at 1:22am — No Comments

English – A Comprehensive Course: Grades 3 to 5 – by Kathi Wyldeck


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Added by Kathi Wyldeck on September 11, 2014 at 1:20am — No Comments

English – A Comprehensive Course: Grades 5 to 7 – by Kathi Wyldeck


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Added by Kathi Wyldeck on September 11, 2014 at 1:18am — No Comments

Book Review For English: A Comprehensive Course: Grades 7 to 9 – by Kathi Wyldeck


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Added by Kathi Wyldeck on September 11, 2014 at 1:16am — No Comments

English For Everyone – Book One - by Kathi Wyldeck


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Added by Kathi Wyldeck on September 11, 2014 at 1:14am — No Comments

English For Everyone – Book Two - by Kathi Wyldeck


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Added by Kathi Wyldeck on September 11, 2014 at 1:12am — No Comments

Essential English (Book 1 Grades 3 to 4) - by Kathi Wyldeck


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Added by Kathi Wyldeck on September 11, 2014 at 1:10am — No Comments

Essential English (Book 2 Grades 5 to 6) - by Kathi Wyldeck


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Added by Kathi Wyldeck on September 11, 2014 at 1:09am — No Comments

Essential English (Book 3 Grades 7 to 8) - by Kathi Wyldeck


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Added by Kathi Wyldeck on September 11, 2014 at 1:07am — No Comments

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