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"Spice and Me" together for a little longer!

         People love their pets and I am one of those crazy animal lovers.          

      On this October Tuesday, the day dawned cloudy, with a cool mist washing my face. The moisture mixed in with the tears forming as I reached down and…


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Added by JE Thompson on October 23, 2013 at 3:39am — No Comments

Thompson On...Do You Have a Mobile Website?

Today, you can’t walk down a street in any small town or major city in the United States without observing a person with a mobile device, whether it’s a Smart phone pressed against the ear, tapping with strong thumb action on…


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Added by JE Thompson on October 21, 2013 at 3:11am — No Comments

Captured (Part Three)

Written By:  Pierce Gates and Dana Gerous


                PIERCE GATES SPEAKS:  First of all, let me apologize for “dragging out” my answer to F.


John Surells “Capturings.” When I said I’d respond to that well-written piece, I had no idea my retort


would necessitate three submissions. And, probably I could, and perhaps should have posted it as


four. Nevertheless, I wish to end with three,…


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Added by RF Husnik on October 20, 2013 at 6:35pm — No Comments

Around the Globe with JOHN LEONARD

It's a cold October day here in Iowa, but I'm heading south, specifically Georgia, more specifically Savannah, even more specifically, just outside Savannah, with this week's featured author. All I said to him was I wanted warmth, and music and good food.

Soon, we're enjoying reggae music, waves on the beach, the black and white Tybee lighthouse in the distance. We're…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on October 20, 2013 at 3:33am — No Comments

NO MASTER! NO GOD! - Isms, Religion and Atheism

Atheism is in.

“They have purely and simply finished with God!” — Friedrich Engels.

More than an ism, it is the statement of modern age. Perhaps much more — now it’s almost a religion. And, as…


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Added by Fakeer Ishavardas on October 15, 2013 at 12:53pm — No Comments

Thompson On...A Hard Look at my Web Marketing Habit!

    My evenings are designated times I reserve for writing chapters in my fifth novel, Chasing The Wind While Riding A Greyhound.

However, there is a nagging thought…


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Added by JE Thompson on October 14, 2013 at 4:42am — No Comments

ITIN Numbers for non US nationals

Hi everyone just a quick note if your a non-US national (I'm Irish and live in Ireland) and you're wanting to get your book published through an American publishing house then you will need an ITIN number.

My nearest American Embassy IRS walk in place was London Grosvner Square. Now what you need is: 

1) Your in date passport,

2) The completed W-7 form (You get it on the IRS website and its surprisingly easy to fill out they also have…


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Added by April Hollingworth on October 12, 2013 at 3:20pm — No Comments

ITIN Numbers for non US nationals

Hi everyone just a quick note if your a non-US national (I'm Irish and live in Ireland) and you're wanting to get your book published through an American publishing house then you will need an ITIN number.

My nearest American Embassy IRS walk in place was London Grosvner Square. Now what you need is: 

1) Your in date passport,

2) The completed W-7 form (You get it on the IRS website and its surprisingly easy to fill out they also have…


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Added by April Hollingworth on October 12, 2013 at 3:18pm — No Comments

Reviews and Awards

Santa Claus and Little Sister - The Novel, The Song, and The Screenplay

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Added by Dr. Brian G Snow on October 11, 2013 at 11:44pm — No Comments

Around the globe with ROBERT BONELLI

As October rolls on...wait just a second. Today is October 11. You fans know someone celebrating a birthday today. Not that I'm looking for gobs of well wishes (but any presents you want to send will be accepted), but today, yours truly is 47.…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on October 11, 2013 at 11:25pm — No Comments

The Writer's Progression

When I first started writing I used to wonder where I would get my ideas: they never seemed to come at the proper time. I would site at the kitchen table at 4am in the morning and wait for inspiration to strike.

Needless to say I was sorely disappointed.

It wasn't until I began just letting go that the ideas began coming to me. Those early days were fun and exciting: sending out manuscripts by (gasp!) the United States…


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Added by Tim Ouellette on October 10, 2013 at 11:28am — No Comments

New Edition of Peace on Earth has come out

Glory hallelujah, lift a glass/teacup/slice of cake and celebrate that the new edition of Peace on Earth is back in print as of this very morning - the e-book came out last month.  It's very slightly different from the first version, but only in minor detail.  I've been using my limited resources on getting all three of the current books in the series newly or once again before the paying public, so haven't had much thought for blogging, I'm afraid.  The first in the series and last to come…


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Added by Jane McCaa on October 9, 2013 at 3:21pm — No Comments

The Boring Passive Voice

“Your writing bores me.” “I am bored by your writing.”

Not only do these two sentences demonstrate the difference between the active and passive voice but also they communicate a central reason for avoiding the passive voice.

In the active voice, the subject of the sentence does the action described by the main verb. Thus, the subject is active. In the passive voice, the action is done to the subject. Thus, the subject is passive. Passive voice is a problem for direct writing…


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Added by David Bowman on October 8, 2013 at 11:52pm — No Comments

Be More Active with Your Writing

Active and Passive Voice: When you are active, you do something. When you are passive, things happen to you. This is the same concept as the active and passive voice in sentences.

In the active voice, the subject performs the action described by the main verb. In the passive voice, the action described by the main verb is done to the subject.

Example D.1a, active voice: “The service…


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Added by David Bowman on October 8, 2013 at 1:11am — No Comments

Around the Globe with LARRY WINEBRENNER

It's October and I'm holding on to as many warm days as possible. A little rain yesterday and hot temps expected today. However, that's all back in Iowa. Where am I today? A fine eatery in an ancient city on the Sea of Galilee. The water is beautiful with fishing boats bobbing and though modernity has changed things throughout the centuries, you still get a sense, just…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on October 4, 2013 at 7:34am — No Comments

Captured (Part Two)


                                       Written By: Pierce Gates



            In the first installment of this posting, I promised I’d return and tell, as they say, “the rest of


the story.” Well, here it is, though I fear not many will believe it. Some may think I’m simply


expressing “every man’s dream” here, while others, and especially my ex-wife, may be angered and


embarrassed by this disclosure. And…


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Added by RF Husnik on October 3, 2013 at 4:00pm — No Comments

WAS JESUS A CHRISTIAN? - Metaphysics of Jesus

What does a Christian believe?

A present day, as also of the past, Christian has been made to believe the myth that Jesus was born to a virgin mother, sired not by his earthly…


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Added by Fakeer Ishavardas on October 3, 2013 at 4:01am — No Comments

I Have an Idea - What Now?

I have an Idea – What Now?

 Whether you are an aspiring writer or a published author, you might be asked where you find ideas for your fiction.

 Typical sources are newspapers, magazines, television shows, movies, and works by other authors. Many times I’ve read a book or watched a movie and an event or character will spark an idea for a story. One time while driving down the street, I observed a man standing on a street corner and wanted to write…


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Added by Jack B. Strandburg on September 29, 2013 at 9:43pm — No Comments

Around the Globe with ELISE WARNER

Yes, it's back! Once again, I get to dust off the transporter's controls and visit with another series of authors to discuss writing, books, and a few surprises along the way.

This week I went to pick up Elise Warner and…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on September 27, 2013 at 8:14am — No Comments

Nubbiebee's Christmas Giveaway


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Added by Terry S. Bradley on September 25, 2013 at 4:47pm — No Comments

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