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To Kill Your Demons

Painting created in Year 12 Painting at Albany Senior High School » by Mosborne01)

« To Kill Your Demons » was completed on March 10, 2013, and is the 20th song written for the henceforth entitled « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » project.

Basically, the…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on August 2, 2013 at 5:05pm — No Comments

Business Etiquette, Part IV

business etiquette pic I didn't realize when I started this that it would take a month to complete. But, as I typed these one right after the other, I realized I didn't have to worry about blogging ideas for four weeks. Thus the benefit of multiple part blogs. I could have been mean and written one long blog, but I'd lose readers. Plus, I draw out the fun when you have to come back for more.

Anyway, last…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on August 2, 2013 at 7:46am — No Comments

Non-exgangeable Feelings

It is very regretful and virtue that all feelings as a human & social beings can’t exchange to others randomly, due to some social and discretional bounding traditionally.

All the feelings that are very personal and ego-centric but lawfully cannot express or exchange to others to be fresh and turgid mentally whoever is very intimate or reliable friendly.

As a social being, each and every individual of human beings suffers from various moral hazards and cognitive miseries in…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on August 1, 2013 at 11:54pm — No Comments

Global Crisis

Man made misery, natural disasters tsunami, and global political conspiracy also various radical activities converging by one point collectively made global societies and environs drastically unlivable place for mankind and to preserve their humanity.

Too much division of global nationality and their dispersion extensively made global society unrest and no peacefully.

Political wars and nasty diplomacy are pushing the global society at the edge of third world wars…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on August 1, 2013 at 11:51pm — No Comments

Human Freedom and Restrictions

Freedom refers some written or unwritten rules and regulations to be shaped something or any will and wishes autocratic lawful legality!

Freedom can’t be any limitless or infinitive autocracy whatever these are personal, group, and even any nationality!

Perception and meaning of freedom can be varied person to person, group to group, and nation to nations by their respective local cultural beliefs, religion practice, and attitudes variability.

So, freedom can’t be any…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on August 1, 2013 at 11:50pm — No Comments

Misusing of natures gifts

Almighty or our Natures sent us in this Earth with enormous talents, Charismatic ability, and unbelievable creative power for the welfare of mankind to be lived happily in the collective way globally.

But few of them are contribute their hard efforts by utilizing their talents and creativity for the goodness of human being very honest & devotionally.

By doing these great works for the mankind globally they become the great men forever in here also hereafter regardless dead…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on August 1, 2013 at 11:47pm — No Comments

Social Perfections !

Human beings are social beings due to their inter-dependency and essential mutual necessity to their earthly lives variable socio-economic contributions by their give and take exchanging policy.

No one can integrate their earthly lives achievements and stability without some ones help and favors as lonely.

Family, friends, relatives, and neighbors some ways helps are badly need to build some ones present and future welfare and certainty.

By nature, human social &…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on August 1, 2013 at 11:45pm — No Comments

The Lion and The Maiden

Hello! :) I haven't been here for so long! =O Well, I have been writing all this time I was off and this story below I wrote first in portuguese (as most of you know, I'm brazilian) and then I translated to english. I hope you enjoy it, even with all-probably english mistakes.


Firstly, you must know why I'm going to tell this story in such different way. As you might be aware, a good story should begin by telling us: "Once Upon a Time…" Or, as…


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Added by Bruna Britti on August 1, 2013 at 12:53am — No Comments

Peer Evaluation !

To value someone’s personality, an evaluation should be performing in a good order and collectively!

Any single behavioral trait or a specific merit & demerit can’t be review and screening behaviorally!

Human behavioral patterns or personality is the combination of various traits that are differs by quantitative and qualitatively!

Nothing is perfect in this earth to be a whole one perfectly if you want your expectation mathematically!

By nature, everything in…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 9:22pm — No Comments

Who are belongs to You?

No one is for you in your all stakes in this Earth, except the two persons who give you birth!

Although apparently, it seems to be many of them around & surroundings you will stand by you to save you honestly from all your sad, sorrow, and miseries devotionally;

Very regretfully you will get hurt by all of their backwardness cleverly from you by leave you lonely!

As a result, consequently you have to be protected yourself from all your miseries and deadly struggle…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 9:21pm — No Comments

Leaders and Leaderships

A natural persuasive personality having enormous abilities to guide & direct all team members magically!

Having all charismatic skills and intelligence that make someone dependable & obedient to him or her willing & gladly!

Due to leaders are born but never be made in formal or informally because of their God gifted inter-personality!

Without applying any powers and obligations motivate people to advanced impulsive and dynamically!

All emotional…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 9:20pm — No Comments

Political turmoil and Hypocrisy

Our holy Motherland Bangladesh is now advancing dynamically by run over all manmade adversity and natural disasters persistently.

All political turmoil and hypocrisies adopted by some so called political parties as committed treasons to destroy this country in all perspectives of socio-economic also It’s honor & dignity globally!

Although they are known as democratic & patriotic parties apparently but in the reality most people of this country know them as anti-freedom…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 9:18pm — No Comments

Try not to Copy

It is to be advised and requested never copy to other that will destroy your creative power.

Why should you do this to insult yourself hopelessly also look down upon to other?

Something copied and plagiarized from others or any secondary sources will disvalue and impeach your so called creation everywhere!

Rather try to explore your all hidden ability & power to prove your innovative personality to be care!

Each & every member of Mankind’s are entitled in…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 9:17pm — No Comments

A type vs B type Personality

High ambitious, challenging, and very time oriented to perform any task in hurry without wasting a single moment of time unnecessary is known as A type personality preferably!

Well educated, highly competitive, and feel the pressure of time constantly working flat out to achieving goals success and abundantly!

Hate failure aggressively, work hard to avoid it for enjoy achievement of goals, with greater enjoyment in achieving more difficult goals dynamically!

Anxiety and…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 9:16pm — No Comments

Nothing Much!

Human demands never run backwardly rather than having a strong affinity to run ascending orderly.

Having met one demand costly the next demand arise as more than costly very immediate after the previous demand crucially!

Likely, the theory of demand economically, as decreasing supply of a commodity tends to increasing demand largely!

So human demands behavioral theory, make them unhappy garrulously to be depriving all the low income family from their basic needs…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:33pm — No Comments

Mind Moods

Everything looks very beautiful and good when someone in delighted mood.

Having eaten junk food feels as if eaten some royal food.

Before beg something very costly approved all demands gladly.

Become very kind hearted and devotional without any thinking negatively.

Willingly talk to others continuously regardless someone listening or not attentively.

Too much delighting & overwhelming reflected by some behavioral disorder emotionally.



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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:31pm — No Comments


Marriage is undoubtedly an essential structural element to integrate human socialization process to coexist and live happily.

To meet human psychobiological demands & keep up generations continue are its vital objectives to be remaining within some social bounding for their respective honor & Dignity.

Besides, to protect and save society from various sexual abusing, ruin, & undone of women virginity.

 Now days the Marriage has lost its previous honor and…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:31pm — No Comments

Fairy tales of Hell and Heavens


To me, about existing definitions of Hell &   heavenly according to the philosophy of theology make me confused and   ridiculous to these concern personal and logically!

Due to their Imaginative descriptions without having   any visible & physical evident as their respective beauty and ugly!

Modern age & civilizations of human beings believe   and accept anything after seeing…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:29pm — No Comments

Forgetting Past

By nature all human beings are forgetful to their past variably by neurons quality and modes of neurological activity.

Someone forgets very quickly and someone does lately due to their different cognitive developmental personality.

Besides, all past memories shouldn’t be forgetting wholly because of some past memories are essentially help to be advanced further in the earthly lives successfully.

Some past memories should be forgetting forever in the life spun those are…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:27pm — No Comments


Love some ones devotion and honestly without having any hypocrisy to be a residual effects partially.

Make a laugh by opening your innate minds & hearts broad and extensively to be turgid and tending minds newly.

Think thoughtfully to be man of creativity beyond of your existing & traditional intelligences presently.

Give something to some ones unconditionally, not to have any accountability for that one as slavery.

Adore some ones elder and motherly…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:26pm — No Comments

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