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Personality Development


Defining some ones personality means a total behavioral   pattern structured by some ones all humanly traits aggregately.

But not necessarily it does mean a superior or inferior   personality is talking less or much and most of the times his/her remaining   quietly.

On the contrary it is their one type of social phobia   that should be their socio-behavioral abnormality.

Basically these…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:25pm — No Comments

Book is the best Teachers

Book is the best teacher for all the time as present, past and future, above all forever.

Primary and prime source to acquire all basic, fundamental, and comprehensive knowledge without any modifier,

Besides all human loves, compassion, and integrity are the verses of all books knowledge and power.

All the introductory knowledge and information of this universe and natures are written in the books with sequences and logical order.

That’s why this is the most…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:23pm — No Comments

The Holy Month Ramadan

A great and holy learning month for all Muslims adulteries to be corrected & developed their personality and moral characters.

Significantly it has two dimensional conducive nesses by scientific and spiritual contributions for all fasting practitioners.

Initial and prime objective of this holy month is to be cleaned and transparences innate souls all black spots and devils wishes by beautifying body and minds of the followers.

Afterward the mitigation of bodily…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:22pm — No Comments


Destiny is a word comprises by seven letters and three syllables as Des-ti-ny and a predetermined event or entitlement for human beings by our natures or Almighty.

Laterally, it has two diverse words as some ones luck or fate believing by their discretional ability.

Whether you believed or not this word’s existence invisibly, it should do your discretional freedom and independency with equal value of others believe spiritually.

Vitally all the people of atheist community…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:21pm — No Comments

Minds Duality

By the way of spiritual philosophy human minds are integrated by a duality, likely one mind’s two diverse directionally.

One mind is their innate mind beautifully and other mind is their shadow mind in the nature of very ugly.

Innate minds are angel nature to work and think saintly for all humanity.

Inversely, shadow minds are evil & devils nature to work & think brutal and detrimentally.

In the reality, most of the shadow minds are domineering by human…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:19pm — No Comments

Cronicle of Deaths

               Where there is birth there is death and no escaped.

No exemption from these reluctances to having exile consequences.

Rich, poor, and extreme powerful king has to be taking the taste of this departing.

All are powerless, helpless, and hopeless to be victimized in this naturalization process.

Arriving in this earth and departing to an unknown world is converse due to their two different types of natures.

Birth is always foreseeable and…


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Added by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on July 31, 2013 at 3:18pm — No Comments


"81 YEAR OLD MAN IS KILLED WHILE RIDING HIS BIKE"  That was the headline in  the small town's newspaper.  It really says very little and the normal response would be something to the effect that he lived a good life and probably didn't suffer as his death was on impact.

Allow me to tell you about…


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Added by Carol Graham on July 31, 2013 at 7:32am — 1 Comment

Book Cover Designer

I've recently been lucky to win a book cover contest by K.C. Designs! She does beautiful work...definitely worth a look - here is the link to her Facebook page:  

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Added by Andrea Phillips on July 30, 2013 at 10:18pm — No Comments

August 1st, Yeah!!!!!

Only a few more days until the Official Launch of my latest work, the novelette, "Girl in the Mermaid Tail", a dark, teen fantasy.

My stepbrother Kris Moser; a brilliant musician and incredibly wonderful individual in the picture of health, earlier this year, fell victim to an extremely rare autoimmune disorder: NMDA Receptor Encephalitis. As a result Kris has been left with no short-term memory, requiring around the clock care.



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Added by K. L. Parry on July 30, 2013 at 6:55pm — No Comments

My poem here....Pearl

Thank God for Pearl...



I went to church when I was five,

Sunday School, never missed.
I looked over; who did I see?…

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Added by DENNIS DE ROSE on July 30, 2013 at 3:25pm — 1 Comment

New Adult? Wuss Up?

First I have to say that The War Gate is free on Amazon for the next three days--July 29th to the 31rst. You can find it here:…

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Added by Chris Stevenson on July 30, 2013 at 6:57am — No Comments

New At This

Waiting to hear from a friend how my draft reads.  After I converted it to pdf, and sent it to her I found many mistakes.  I think they are little ones.  I worry more about the flow of the story than the piddly little brain farts my eyes can no longer see.  Any advice about coping with all my doubts?

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Added by Gail K. Chumbley on July 29, 2013 at 5:38pm — No Comments

Momma Katie's Famous Lemon Pound Cake!

    In my National Gold Medal award winning novel, Ghost of Atlanta, the making of a  lemon pound cake played a crucial inspiration for the characters in the opening chapters…


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Added by JE Thompson on July 29, 2013 at 5:20am — No Comments

Young authors?

Any out there? I'm seventeen and it seems that people are a little bit wither wary or judgemental of us (an observation, not a judgement, I don't claim to speak for everyone, just the people I've personally encountered!) I just wondered what are your thoughts... or are you one and what experieces have you had? Personally I've gotten a bit of a hard time but that's just how things have fallen out for me... perhaps people have been really sympathetic to you? Either way I thought it would be an…


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Added by Imogen Ilsabeth Laverick on July 27, 2013 at 7:09pm — No Comments

Business Etiquette, Part III

business etiquette pic Business Etiquette, Part III

Week three of how companies are showing their apathy for the customer.

4. Human Resources

Okay, think back to the good ol' days and how you used to apply for a job. You probably did something like this: walked into the company, picked up or filled out an application, returned it with your resume, then a week later, called back to…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on July 26, 2013 at 9:17am — No Comments

Opening Day: A Matt Davis Mystery is Now Available in Audio Book

AMEN! My new audio book of Opening Day: A Matt Davis Mystery is LIVE!! Listen to a FREE sample now, and please share. The narrator is Scott R Pollak, the voice of NPR Atlanta, and he did a terrific job. Hope you enjoy the free sample. …


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Added by Joe Perrone Jr. on July 25, 2013 at 8:33pm — No Comments

Joe's Reaction To Mona Lisa: An Excerpt From Chapter 9 Of "The Same Tapes"

Italian woman, your portrait hangs in my mind as a lantern in a lighthouse. Indeed the


“keeper” should have arrived there in the waning daylight then to “turn on” the great lights which


may have guided seafarers who traversed upon nearby waters as the sun’s supplied light was


removed by night’s expected darkness. But should he have arrived late, through whatever reason,


valid or not, he may have grasped the lantern then to grant…


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Added by RF Husnik on July 25, 2013 at 4:11pm — No Comments


Family » by Jo Christian Oterhals)

At some point during this past winter, I thought it would be interesting to see if I could come up with a bunch of songs that I could play on my own, without the need of a backing band. I had always wanted to try my luck at busking, but because of the demands of Poligraf, I…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on July 23, 2013 at 6:37pm — No Comments

Self Serving and Helpful


This blog entry is self-serving but may also be helpful to my fellow authors.  Dina Santorelli, author of Baby Grand, will post my interview today on her website.    (Self-service done)


She is a writing coach who also shares wonderful advice through her blog.  I invite you to visit her page to check out my interview, BUT ALSO to introduce you to a wealth of writing information.  She has a wonderful personality and is a fantastic inspiration for…


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Added by Katie McKnight on July 23, 2013 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

It's Almost Here!

So happy to announce the completion of my latest work: Girl in the Mermaid Tail, a physiological thriller, fantasy that is written in a style similar to the "Twilight Zone" stories. It has been a collaborative effort to get it all together. My thanks and appreciation go out to Gina Johnson and Robn Hatcher for their Editing skills, Jeff Clark for the beautifully illustrated Page…


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Added by K. L. Parry on July 21, 2013 at 1:56am — No Comments

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