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Voyage To The World's End - by Malcolm Pate

Voyage To The World's End - by Malcolm Pate

The story is set in the seventeenth century, but not as you have seen it before. David Penhallion a young Cornish man, together with an experienced sea captain and a wealthy…


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Added by Malcolm Pate on July 27, 2014 at 12:00am — No Comments

Book Review For B. W. Prescott’s book titled ‘Managing Your Inner A**H***: An Unusual Education In The Fundamentals Of Emotional Intelligence’

Book Review For B. W. Prescott’s book titled ‘Managing Your Inner A**H***: An Unusual Education In The Fundamentals Of Emotional Intelligence’.…


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Added by B. W. Prescott on July 25, 2014 at 9:36pm — No Comments

Scammed, Part I

Email-Scam Hello,

This message may be coming to you as a surprise but I need your help.Few days back we made an unannounced vacation trip to Kiev Ukraine.Everything was going fine until last night when we were mugged on our way back to the hotel.They Stole all our cash,credit cards and cellphone but thank God we still have our lives and passport.Another shocking is that the hotel manager has been…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on July 25, 2014 at 7:17am — No Comments

Philly Style and Philly Profile: Please listen to Chapter 23 Audio!

Philly Style and Philly Profile!

This is the second novel in the J. E. Thompson Trillogy which includes A Brownstone in Brooklyn and the National Award Winning Ghost of Atlanta.

Short Synopsis:Philadelphia streets were never silent. Gangs wars on corners, screeching cars on avenues, and squealing steel trolley tires on tracks kept you alert for…


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Added by JE Thompson on July 25, 2014 at 2:07am — No Comments

Managing Your Inner A**H***: An Unusual Education In The Fundamentals Of Emotional Intelligence – by B. W. Prescott



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Added by B. W. Prescott on July 24, 2014 at 9:51pm — No Comments

Newest ad

Hi everyone,

Here is the latest ad I have going in a local Las Vegas magazine for my books. I now have 8 to my credit and they all have the common theme of : You never know when a person will enter your life and braoden your horizons forever. Come check me out at ;…


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Added by Philip Nork on July 22, 2014 at 6:24am — No Comments

Variety Is The Spice Of Writing

variety Since I'm involved in martial arts, I write a series with a character who is a taekwondo school owner as well as a private investigator. Yes, she carries a gun, but she relies on her martial arts skills more often.

Two challenges I have in writing this series are 1). to create scenes where my main character, Mallory Petersen, can use her skills and 2). for her to use a…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on July 18, 2014 at 11:15pm — No Comments

new to come

in the works of writing something to post on here. be patient folks :)

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Added by Rachel Downey on July 18, 2014 at 9:38am — No Comments

Listen to J. E. Thompson National Radio Interview!

J. E. Thompson will be talking about his novels on “Off The Shelf” a national Blog Talk Radio Program Saturday, 11:00 AM, Eastern Time on Saturday, July 19, 2014.

Please call(347)994-3490 to listen and ask questions of National award winning author J. E. Thompson.

Mr. Thompson will discuss his fifth novel, Stormy Winds, that will be published March…


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Added by JE Thompson on July 18, 2014 at 4:17am — No Comments

Round 2 of Edits starting today!

Okay so I’m about to start my second round of edits on my first Paranormal Romance story Double Magick in the Falls book 1 in the Candi Reynolds series. This is very exciting because each round brings the publishing date that much closer. Wish me luck :D


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Added by April Hollingworth on July 16, 2014 at 1:06pm — 1 Comment

Clouds In The Wind

A story set in Africa during the 1970s. They were the best of times and the worst of times. A time of forced political change and the battle to keep things as they were. This powerful, fast moving novel will enthrall as much as it will enlighten as you follow Andrew Mason from his days at an elite South African school, through his rise and fall as an ambitious young financial executive and the tragic events…


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Added by Ian Mackenzie on July 16, 2014 at 8:38am — No Comments

J.E. Thompson blog talk radio interview!

J.E. Thompson will be talking about his novels on “Off The Shelf”. a national Blog Talk Radio Program.

Radio Personality Denise Turney will interview J.E. Thompson about his four published novels, A Brownstone in Brooklyn, Philly Style and Philly Profile, the national award winning Ghost of Atlanta and Georgia Author of…


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Added by JE Thompson on July 15, 2014 at 6:00am — No Comments

Tarak Ghosh Sites and Blogs

Free sites for promoting authors Please visit my sites if you have a time sites

A Chapter in TIME :

Hook the Book :…


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Added by Tarak Ghosh on July 14, 2014 at 7:42pm — No Comments

My realization

Believe in the power of love, unity, integrity and tenacity. You must harm none and must keep your heart open and act from love instead of react from fear. Life is a challenge, accept it.

If you want to be a successful person you should follow these lines from the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling.

"If you dream and not make your dreams your master

If you can think and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors…


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Added by Tarak Ghosh on July 14, 2014 at 7:07pm — No Comments


When I worked for the Sheriff's Department in Fresno, I created a saying and put it on a rolling banner as a screen saver: “A Writer Reinvents the Truth.”

This was never more accurate than when I wrote my first book, FOOLS RUSH IN. I took the first case I worked as a secretary for an…


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Added by Sunny Frazier on July 13, 2014 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Chapters - I

C01 NOTE: So, I should point out here at the beginning that I've decided to go with the title Chapters for this series of blog posts. I suppose nearly any of the stand alone posts could fit under this category, but I think I'll try to keep these with where there is a humorous complaint or comment. Searching the web I've discovered several other sites to tap when this current crop, originally listed back on 4/25,…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on July 11, 2014 at 5:11pm — No Comments

In this World

Have you ever asked yourself why problems never go

Do you even asked yourself why sometimes things go wrong

I cannot have all the things I desire

I cant find the completeness


In this world where I lived

In this world full of pain

In this world that keeps me down

This world can never gives the one I need

Have you ever realized why problems make us strong

Its because of the grace of God…


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Added by Trevor Range on July 9, 2014 at 1:42pm — No Comments


I want to take this opportunity to thank for accepting my request to join this group.  It is an invaluable resource for booklovers everywhere.

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Added by Odessa Rose on July 7, 2014 at 6:52pm — No Comments

My Publications


The Fostering Lover in Peace

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Added by Dr. Badal Kariye on July 4, 2014 at 8:00pm — No Comments


Well, It finally happened:

The Girl They Sold to the Moon is finally here in e-book format on Amazon for $2.99! Don’t miss this award-winner—it’s fast and furious—a dark and edgy Burlesque in space.

Amazon: …


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Added by Chris Stevenson on July 2, 2014 at 7:22am — No Comments

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