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"You Call This Living?"

Hello from Bill Kingsley. Although originally from NJ, I have lived in many locales. "You Call This Living?" is a nonfiction book about the human condition and promoting it is a tough road as many imagine.

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Added by Bill Kingsley on May 9, 2013 at 12:27am — 3 Comments

Outlining vs. Freewriting. What are your thoughts?

Characters are dominating your thoughts, your fingers are itching to type and the beginning of a great story fills your computer screen.  Then...silence. You reach that point in your story where your characters take a coffee break and you are left with writer's block.

This has happened to me more times than I wish to admit. The story my thoughts have been obsessed with are eventually filed away and forgotten. It is so frustrating.

New characters are once again running amuck in…


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Added by Katie McKnight on May 5, 2013 at 9:55pm — 18 Comments

Something to Discover

Promise of Tomorrow Volume 2: Discovery reveals some secrets here:

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Added by Mark Miller on May 5, 2013 at 5:27pm — No Comments

It finally happened...Barnes & Nobels Customer checking out Julius Thompson's Novels!

I walked into the Barnes & Nobles book store in the “The Shoppes at Webb Gin” shopping mall in Snellville, Georgia on Saturday and saw customer Nyadi Abasto checking out my two novels A Brownstone in Brooklyn and the National Award winning Ghost of Atlanta.

I’ve been waiting fifteen years to see a customer in a Barnes & Nobles store looking on the shelves and…


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Added by JE Thompson on May 4, 2013 at 10:59pm — 4 Comments

Wonderful Amazon Reviews!

The Skin I'm In - An Intimate Journey With God

5 out of 5 stars (blessed!) from every comment!

I have received some wonderful reviews on my newly released book.  I just wanted to share!

Ms. W:  This is an amazing read! I came across the book on my Kindle app in the UK and I have been deeply encouraged by sharing in Ms Tyler's life journey. I…


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Added by Jewel Tyler on May 4, 2013 at 12:05am — No Comments

Reaching readers around the world!

Hello Everyone,

I'm Jewel Tyler, author of, The Skin I'm In - An Intimate Journey With God - first book in a two part series.

The story is not based on…


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Added by Jewel Tyler on May 3, 2013 at 11:55pm — 1 Comment




‘My story is not the best and I even don’t know if I should say it out’

I told my friends but they wouldn’t listen. They say that to be friends that really make sense, we need to know each other very well and that our jobs also depend on it.

‘Okay, I will say it but don’t say I haven’t warned you’

My name is Christian Kale. I have other names but I don’t use them, my sister who is bigger than me says that they are not cool. She is in F2 and I am in…


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Added by adina araptay adna on May 3, 2013 at 8:30pm — No Comments

What's Your Worth?

Story Four of the 2013 One series is now available. Read about it here:

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Added by Mark Miller on May 2, 2013 at 3:15pm — No Comments

Novel Writing...The Setting!

     Where am I?

     This is a question you DON’T want your readers to dwell on as they turn the pages of your novel.

Picking the setting of a novel is obviously a critical step.

     You must craft a vivid and realistic setting to act as a canvass for your characters to perform. This setting/sense of place must be credible.



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Added by JE Thompson on May 2, 2013 at 4:36am — No Comments

to my mom


Tulog ko’y mahimbing kapag ika’y nandyan

Yakap mo na kay higpit unang halik na kay tamis

Hinahanap ka kapag ikay di mamasdan

Loob koy ay palagay kapag ikaw ang kasama

Nang lumaki ay biglang nawala ang sabik

Umaalis ng walang sabi kahit alam na masakit


Chorus :

Sa aking ina…


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Added by Trevor Range on May 1, 2013 at 5:27pm — No Comments

Is Finding a Literary Agent an Impossible Dream?

  Sitting in front of my computer slapping my head from side to side...

     Finding an agent is so difficult that at times you want to slap your head from side to side and commit physical harm to your body.

      Maybe, if I slap hard enough my brain will work in overdrive to figure out a way to make agents interested in my fourth novel: Purple…


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Added by JE Thompson on April 29, 2013 at 5:44am — 1 Comment

Around the Globe with ROBERT SHIELDS

Finally, a warm day. Spring has been a long time coming. So, on this fine Friday morning, as I’m preparing to head to the tournament, I have to make a stop and pick up this week’s featured author. Where are we going? Where else but the gym for him show me some pointers while I conduct my…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on April 26, 2013 at 7:25am — No Comments

Thompson On..Subplots in novels!

     How to use subplots to your advantage in crafting a novel?

     Have you ever driven down one of those winding backwood roads in a rural area and couldn't figure out how to get back to the main highway? Well, that is the feeling a reader gets when they read your novel and get lost in a tangling subplot.

     Your goal as an author is to create a little…


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Added by JE Thompson on April 25, 2013 at 4:19am — No Comments

Have you had an AHA moment lately?

That moment when you see or hear something and your response is "AHA" can make all the difference in so many ways.  Specifically, I want to talk about AHA moments that we have as authors and the challenging task of marketing ourselves and our books in today's e-everything market.  Realistically, even if you get the best possible traditional publishing contract, to compete in today's market you have to learn how to use social media, blogging and websites to market your reputation and your…


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Added by Debra L Hartmann on April 24, 2013 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Guest Post: Starlight Children's Aid

Fantasy author Tania Elizabeth is asking for help raising funds for the Starlight Children's Foundation. Click here to learn more about this worthy cause:

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Added by Mark Miller on April 22, 2013 at 6:13pm — No Comments

A Brownstone in Brooklyn and Ghost of Atlanta on Barnes & Nobles Bookshelves!

I'm animated! I’m excited! I’m energized!

I walked into the Barnes & Nobles book store in the “The Shoppes at Webb Gin” shopping mall in Snellville, Georgia on Saturday.

I was walking down the Fiction & Literature aisle.  I was browsing and looking at the fiction books. The books were listed under the authors’ last names in alpha order. I…


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Added by JE Thompson on April 21, 2013 at 3:05am — No Comments

Of Good And Evil

On this early Friday morning, the blustery wind blowing flurries of snow (yes, I know spring is supposed to be here), I'm contemplating this week's blog. Looking for ideas, I surf the Internet, read a chapter or two of the book in front of me, and finally check email.

One of the messages interests me, then intrigues me, then...well gets a little bit weird.



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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on April 19, 2013 at 7:12am — 2 Comments


There is one thing which you have

There is one thing which God has given you

There is one thing which is under you guardianship…


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Added by Imade Francis on April 19, 2013 at 2:47am — 2 Comments

So close...

   - Busy reconciling the last bits & drafts of Janus Paradox. Feeling _so_ close to having a complete final draft, ready to send off.  Eeeeep!!!

   I've sent off the first third of the final document to one of my editors for any last feedback and I'm feeling really good about it.  It took forever for me to figure out how to format the pagination so that I could include the chapter titles on every other page w/the page numbers.  Couldn't find anything via websites. I ought to post…


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Added by Cymbric Early-Smith on April 18, 2013 at 10:45pm — No Comments

My God

you were there whichever way I go

keep me safely night and day

always there whenever Im alone

here me calling show the way

countless stars the rainbow you have done

an ocean that so wide a beautiful God

light my day a love that has no end

we are are bless to have a God like Him

you were there when hurt is all i have

the tears that I have shed

you wipe away with love

always there when no one left to stay…


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Added by Trevor Range on April 18, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments

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