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yes,i am a man

my hands are lifed i'm ready to fly,

my heart is pumping i hope i don't die,

i'm fly and standing,

i'm free as a bird,

i'm in love with another but it can not be my turn,

she wants to be friends and i understand,

i can push back these feelings,yes i am a man,

though my sex is on fire and wanting to flow,…


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Added by joe casill on December 1, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Excerpt from "Trouble in Paradox": from chapter 13 "The Human Echo"; a cultural critique of modern civilization. (Copyrighted material)

For all our Western liberal democratic traditions and individualist rhetoric, we are a collectivist, Gnostic people who long ago swallowed the horse-pill of Marxist determinism and chased it with a vial of structuralist poison, causing an ugly growth of confused moral relativism. We no longer trust ourselves, we no longer trust what we see, convinced that appearance is illusion and that there lurks below the surface some absolute but discoverable structural system. With no genuine faith left…


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Added by A. P. Eberhart on December 1, 2010 at 5:35pm — 1 Comment

Passions Desires Of Aleja The Poet By Aleja Bennett

As We Dance

The music softly plays

our eyes meet like the sun's rays

You place your hands gently

around my waist as we dance.

Our moves are together



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Added by Author Aleja Bennett on November 30, 2010 at 2:36pm — No Comments

Aleja Bennett's E Book Downloads

All I Can Do Is Stand

Poems From The Heart Mind Body And Soul

Seasons With And Without…


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Added by Author Aleja Bennett on November 30, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Poems From The Heart Mind Body And Soul By Aleja Bennett

This book will keep the reader intrigued from beginning to end. Here is a sample of what the reader will enjoy from this book of life related poems. I'm talking about poems that the Author has felt due to love-loss-abuse etc.…


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Added by Author Aleja Bennett on November 30, 2010 at 2:13pm — No Comments

All I Can Do Is Stand By Aleja Bennett

After you've done all you can-You just stand. I have a book that has been given to me by God. The Holy spirit was upon me the whole time as I wrote this powerful book.

Often so many times in our lives we forget that we have been standing through the most devastating tragedies that life has thrown at us. The tears wouldn't stop falling as each page was written. After completion my whole life…


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Added by Author Aleja Bennett on November 30, 2010 at 2:07pm — No Comments

Seasons With And Without Love By Aleja Bennett

Another book of life related poems from

the heart-mind body and soul.

What Is A Rose?

What is a rose?

A thought, a feeling, a gesture,

Is it given under hot or mild…


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Added by Author Aleja Bennett on November 30, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Hey Hey some procrastination!

I want to run
but not from pain or any misery
but just to feel the wind blast on me
to let my spirit chase after me and try to plant me back to the mundane world
I dont want worldly things drag down my legs
let them lose ground
let my arms turn to wings
let my heart join the skies
Have the sun forever shine off my skin
the cleaner air into my lungs
let me run
I want true…

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on November 30, 2010 at 8:50am — No Comments

my Christian queen

her eyes are blue like the sky,

i wonder if she wonders why,

she is beautiful in a Christian way,

if i met her what would i say,

she has red hair and a funny looking smile,

if we met would we talk for awhile,

it's forbidden to feel this way,

i should forget her no feelings stay,

what am i am man threw…


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Added by joe casill on November 27, 2010 at 12:56pm — No Comments

My first book

Doctors, Lawyers, Warriors and Thieves written by Dennis E. Hayes is an autobiography about his formative years of growing up in the fifties and sixties in the most violent city in America during the Race riots. It depicts the events of his life that influenced him to enlist in the United States Marine Corps along with others to serve their country in a time of an unpopular war. It reflects the many paths of men who served in Vietnam with their aspirations of becoming Doctors and…


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Added by Dennis Eugene Hayes on November 25, 2010 at 4:44am — 2 Comments

Prologue to my forthcoming "Trouble in Paradox"

Here is the Prologue to "Trouble in Paradox: A Creative Memior" by A.P. Eberhart (Copyrighted material).

How do I introduce such a book? Does the world really need to hear another tale of wilderness adventure? I doubt it. Thus I must first warn the reader that this is not a book about wild adventure--though there is some adventure, and a good deal of wildness. Second, I must warn the reader that this prologue is little more than the author attempting to…


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Added by A. P. Eberhart on November 24, 2010 at 6:03pm — No Comments

my name is wind

the waves they crash on the shore of bleached white sand,

two lovers love and walk hand in hand,

all is well love flows like sweet honey,

the day it's bright but not too sunny,

in the midst are the trees stands a man,

his eyes red,he's been crying,

slowly inside he's been dieing,

he feels alone,like the only one,…


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Added by joe casill on November 24, 2010 at 11:02am — No Comments

secret no one knows

i pound my fists the blood it flows,

i hate this secret no one knows,

i hate to feel so alone,

i hate that no one can ever know,




i cut at my skin i want to see my blood,

i'm angry all the time why can't anyone see this mud,

my clothes they reek of sin and…


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Added by joe casill on November 24, 2010 at 10:46am — No Comments

Gods love

the ice is cracking all around me i'm afraid what i might find,

the voices are howling very loudly about the great devine,

my skin is tingling,my hands they shake,my head is spinning,

my body aches,

whats happening to me?

why do i feel light and free?

i drop to my knees,i'm going mad!

i feel happy,lonely,sad,…


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Added by joe casill on November 21, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

The Dangers of Medical Radiation

It is one of the ironies of medicine that radiation, as in x-rays, CT scans, radiation

therapy and nuclear medicine can cause cancer yet can be used to detect and

treat cancer. Perhaps because of this irony, most of us know very little about

radiation dangers. Often we simply trust our doctors and care-givers to do…


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Added by Olive Peart on November 21, 2010 at 6:19pm — No Comments


When things go wrong as they sometimes will;

When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill;

When funds are low and debts are high and you

Want to smile but you have to sigh; when care

Is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must,

But don’t you quit.

Life is strange with its twist and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about

When they might have won had they stock it out,

Don’t give up though the pace seems… Continue

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Added by Frank Nebolsky on November 21, 2010 at 4:36am — No Comments


When sorrow seems to fill your heart

And all you feel is bad,

I’m going to share a truth with you

About a friend I have.

It happened on a lonely night when all I thought

Was lost upon the wall a picture hung

Of Christ upon his cross. I raised my head,

As tears ran down, and looked at him and said,

“With all my heart I ask of you

To take away my dread.”

With arms stretched out I heard him say,

“Be still for all is well, my love for you… Continue

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Added by Frank Nebolsky on November 21, 2010 at 4:35am — No Comments


A pillar of strength standing tall,

Afraid and unsure of taking a fall.

Shedding tears from age old hurt,

Keeping a tradition from hitting the dirt.

Caring for others with a heart of gold,

Helping to make their sadness seem old.

So much bottled up yet so much to be told,

Yet reliving a life that seems so cold.

I really hope you stay for a while,

For your tears may take away your smile,

With that sadness from mile to mile.

Saying goodbye to… Continue

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Added by Frank Nebolsky on November 21, 2010 at 4:33am — No Comments

show and tell

we said this relationship was just for show and tell,

for you to keep the boys away and for me ,"well, what the hell."

when i touch your skin and kiss your lips my cold heart begins to skip,

your warm skin next to me,

these thoughts of hate begin yo fllee,

we laugh,we talk,we hold hands everyday,

then came that day we began to lay,…


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Added by joe casill on November 20, 2010 at 10:26pm — 1 Comment

fallen angel pray

fallen angel pray to the God above,

"what is this thing humans call love?"

"i broke my promise to you Lord to serve you night and day,

have mercy on your servant Lord as i kneel down and pray,

the beauty that has made me fall to the ground bellow,

called to me one night as she sobbed on her pillow.

'angel of God come to me and love me for all…


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Added by joe casill on November 20, 2010 at 11:34am — 1 Comment

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