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Added by Frank Nebolsky on November 20, 2010 at 5:00am — No Comments

Howdy Authors

Here we are, authors, serious and otherwise, making our way through the yawning haze of American culture, fighting through the muck of popular ambivance, slashing at the fabric of public ennui, all scribbling our footnotes to Plato, and taking a dose of hemlock for our troubles. Why do we do it? Why do we write? For me, at any rate, I do it because there seems no alturnative. I fight on because I cannot do otherwise. Credo: I must write to shore-up the good and beautiful, the true and possible;… Continue

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Added by A. P. Eberhart on November 16, 2010 at 4:55pm — No Comments

The First Chapter of the "White Feather Society"

I stepped outside and shivered as the wind came to greet me. "Hello" I said back to it while it danced around me. I laughed as it tossed my hair behind my shoulder and started down the street on my way to the bus stop. I looked around as I came to the corner at the bottom of the hill and, not seeing anyone, twirled with my arms spread wide and held them higher as I slowed to a stop and curtsied to no one. The wind swept up in front of me and I imagined it bowing back at me like some unforeseen… Continue

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Added by Nani Knudsen on November 14, 2010 at 7:55pm — 1 Comment

Alas, The Romance

Romance is dead!
You know it's true.
All that people want instead:
A sexy stud or whore to screw.
"Luscious", "Lovely", "Sensuous"
has been replaced by "Piece of ass".
I hoped that love might live. Alas!
Poor Romance has breathed its last.

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Added by Oliver Black on November 11, 2010 at 2:00am — 1 Comment

'Twas I (A Wonderland Folksong)

'Twas I that killed the Walrus;

And in truth, he had it coming.

How dare he act so high above us!

How dare he say that he is king!

Too long the murderous fiend he's played,

And hid behind a friendly screen!

First the tragic oyster parade,

And now the Carpenter in a ravine!

His killing rampage had to end,

And after a glass of drugged liqueur,

I took my dagger firm in hand

And finished off the scornful cur.

The sea is peaceful once again



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Added by Oliver Black on November 11, 2010 at 1:39am — 1 Comment

When you look up at the stars, you look for the North Star to tell you where everything is. WHile we look for that star, we look over all the other ones. Those stars are simply unimportant because it…

When you look up at the stars, you look for the North Star to tell you where everything is. WHile we look for that star, we look over all the other ones. Those stars are simply unimportant because it isnt what we want. In life we look over what we dont want. You miss such a amazing oppurtunity because you believe that isn't what you want. Well do you know? Be careful on the path you can go too far and get lost in life, and maybe it isnt really what you wanted.…


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Added by erika on November 6, 2010 at 12:44am — No Comments

Before I start...

Before I truly start this project of mine, I just want to warn you that I have never taken classes or anything even remotely close to showing me how to write successfully. However since I have spent so many hours of my life jotting down the stories played out in my head, I feel that I should at least try to do something with them. This is the first website after many unsuccessful Google searches that I have found to actually work in the writers favor.

I go by Nani Knudsen, I feel that name… Continue

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Added by Nani Knudsen on November 3, 2010 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Toxic Dreams



Murder, my parents were not killed on accident or anything, they were murdered and I am going to find out why and who did it if it was the last thing I do. I am not going to ‘sit back’ and let the detectives handle this, they are not going to do anything! So why even bother with them, are they gonna solve it? No! They won’t help with anything. When everything is calmed down, I am going to leave – to find the person who murdered my parents. My…


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Added by Diana Davis on October 31, 2010 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Fear not control of the language. Verbal exclamation points in print. . .

You know, when Kurt Vonnegut wrote his little-known essay about F***, I thought to myself: well, f***. It struck me. Not because of the words, but that a writer of his stature would consider the mind loosening use of such an expletive in context, punctuation and content. I would humbly suggest that those who profess to write, pay attention.

Kilgore Trout would have approved. Wide open beavers are best.

To the point: haste.

We writing machines need to pay close attention, hastily.… Continue

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on October 30, 2010 at 9:07am — No Comments

Beginning of prologue

This is only the beginning to my prologue. I'm hoping for some constructive criticism, please, so don't be shy and tell me what you think. Thanks. =)

I saw him in a haze of white. It was almost like a dream --- so vague but so real. . . . I couldn't tell the difference between reality and imagination. Silver eyes had shone at me from behind a blur of snow, like fresh embers hot against burning coals. Odd, that those eyes were still piercing, even amongst the snow; I was drawn…


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Added by Nicole Moore on October 29, 2010 at 11:37pm — No Comments


A captivating novelette,written in the first person narrative.tells a true story of a young man,who married a divorced lady and when the prodigal husband returns with bags of money,she let go her new husband-easily and unbelievably.

Look out for a copy of this and many more.

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Added by Augustine Etoh on October 29, 2010 at 1:07am — No Comments

Live As A Child

Is it really possible to rediscover the joy, that carefree attitude that most of us remember from our childhood? Nothing in adult life is fashioned to encourage us to take pleasure in the simple things in life anymore. Should we? More importantly, could we even if we wanted to?

I had not loved enough. I’d been busy, busy, so busy, preparing for life, while life floated by me, quiet and swift as a regatta. –Lorene Cary.

How quickly time passes,…

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Added by Kay Elizabeth on October 28, 2010 at 3:29am — 2 Comments

Little thoughts

Remember when you were little? And the simple things that made you so happy? The playdough and hide and seek...and Sesame Street and Barney? Maybe those things dont make you happy now...but just think about it. I'm not sure what I'm saying...but I'm saying it anyway. I was really...angry a few days ago. I saw a picture of me and my family when I was 4...we were all apple picking and I had on the biggest smile. Think about the little things when you're down. No matter what happened when you…


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Added by erika on October 21, 2010 at 4:19am — 2 Comments

Journaling to help your health and your stories

Recently, I have been journaling about loosing weight and how I am feeling about losing the weight. I just right until my tension, anger, or tears have pasted. Looking back I've notice something, that some of the emotions I'm feeling are what my characters should be feeling also. After all we want our characters to be real, so why not talk about the mental breakdown they have in the bathroom right before a big meeting, or the internal dialogue before they have to break it off with someone. The… Continue

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Added by Lesley Jane Shelton on October 21, 2010 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

Love Me Or Let Me Go!

Love me or let me go, go go

Love me or let me go, go go!

Stuck, stuck in your picture perfect fantasy world.

Keep run in circles in your merry go around

So for once, dont try to tell me which way to go,

Whoaa oh

I'm gettin tired of trying to fit your description

Of that girl, shes so barbie shes so fiction.

Wake up, your mind is somewhere stuck in a dream

Whoaa oh



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Added by Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX on October 19, 2010 at 10:07pm — No Comments

Hope For Indie Writers

Hey all!

I am sorry I've been away for a bit, but there is great news on the horizon. The rumors of my death have been highly exaggerated.

With the advent of the publication of Free Clinic, I found myself ecstatic by the simple virtue of knowing that I have a copywrite on my intellectual property and a place in the hallowed halls of the Library of Congress. And of course, the ubiquitous ISBN.

No buzz kill, here. However, one must think things out.

Well, here's how it can… Continue

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on October 19, 2010 at 12:26pm — No Comments


Have you ever been so overwhelmed with a person. When this certain person enter the room. Your heart just light up, like if you bulb has been change. This certain person can sell you dreams and you will spend all your money buying them. Until one day you finally get to the end of the tunnel and realize you never new this certain person... (jus a thawt)

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Added by vitamin-voice on October 14, 2010 at 12:58pm — 1 Comment


Although im 18 my mom will still not let me have a facebook urrrrrrggggggggg! Once I move out Im going on facebook and getting an account.

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Added by Anna Miller on October 14, 2010 at 1:36am — 2 Comments


I was soooooooooooo ecxited abiyt my bristhday I started to happen my mom gose "Oh hey why dont we do it next week" WHAT?!?!?!??!?!?!?! Now, I barely throw BIG tempertanturms over ANYTHING but this one..I needed to. So I started to cry #1 thn I left the house with out telling my mom found me she hit me i hit batta bing batta boom i got kicked out, Like i send..WORST B-DDAY EVER! AND SHE DIDNT WANNA HAVE IT BECUASE THE FREGGIN WEDDING SHES DOING! So I guess a wedding is more important then your… Continue

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Added by Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX on October 9, 2010 at 4:18am — 2 Comments

There Can Be Only One

Chocolate is my most favorite ice cream flavor. Pistachio is my least favorite flavor. Most of the best ice cream is made with chocolate, and most of the worst ice cream is made with candied fruit. All in all, most of the best flavors have some type of chocolate.

Although it’s true that chocolate is the best of all ice cream flavors, the statements above are wrong. They have logic problems with the use of superlative terms. A superlative term is a word that indicates the… Continue

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Added by David Bowman on October 6, 2010 at 12:00am — No Comments

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