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Impeccant:The Reprisal series by Sam Lang

Trust me I have plenty of skulls’ heads to make covers for this series. Did the eyeball catch your eye on this one? The best part of any of my covers is they invite you to read the content inside, which is really the best part. Sam Lang delivers an amazing second installment to his Reprisal series of digital short stories. His ability to build tension is just amazing. The prose in the story is set at a nice cadence and overall the story just rocks. Each read I get on this series further…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 29, 2011 at 4:48pm — No Comments

Showcase #9

Recently, I was invited to join the group Writers of the South (USA). It is a small, but enthusiastic group of authors in every type of genre. The group is aimed at supporting and promoting authors in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee.
As we grow, we plan to take several opportunities to showcase the varied and talented people in the group. We will hit it hard over the next couple of days, hopefully gaining some new exposure and introducing you to writings you…

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Added by Mark Miller on July 29, 2011 at 2:33pm — No Comments

Revelation:Intangible series Cody Toye

I love to see what comes from this author next. Is it sci-fi, YA, kids, horror, I mean you never know what is coming at you from Cody Toye. Revelation is an excellent addition to his young Intangible Series. There is plenty of new stuff to grow his universe. The action is swift and moving; the characters are dynamic and incredibly different. The essence of the story is not the violence but the means of it. What are they gaining? Why? Who benefits? If this is not on your radar, you should get…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 29, 2011 at 1:04pm — No Comments



The Art of Talking to Christ:

The Theory and Practice of Christian Mysticism



The purpose of this book is to introduce you to Christian Mysticism and to provide you with an insight to the Art of Talking to Christ. You don’t need any prior knowledge or a background in this field, only the desire to…


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Added by Dennis Michael Waller on July 29, 2011 at 6:55am — No Comments

Cocooned in Darkness Leona DeRosa Bodie

Many moons ago I wrote a post on “Shadow Cay” by this author. Since then many things have happened to both of us; I think all good. She is having her novel made into a film; I may be in it in name, or perhaps they will find a way to kill me in it. I am not going to reread the post I wrote back in the day, it may be too painful; hopefully my writing has improved since then. You may read it, go ahead and have a chuckle on me. My point is as I have moved forward; she has gone…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 28, 2011 at 9:23pm — No Comments


 Anyone will tell you a good gumbo should reflect the tastes and eccentricities of the cook. The NOLA Gumbo series will have a hearty blend of romance, intrigue, suspense, ghosts, witches, voodoo, and a lot of spicy New Orleans flavor. Created by the author of To My Senses, Recovery, and the soon to be released Sacrifice, Alexandrea Weis will captivate readers and put a new spin on life in the Big Easy as well as the people that make up this fascinating city. Each story in the series will…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 28, 2011 at 7:02pm — No Comments

Big Daddy Abel Open Mic Volume Four

Happy Thursday everybody. The march to the weekend continues and there is much ground to cover. Big Daddy Abel will be my guest on The G-ZONE, my blogtalk radio show August 3rd @12pm EST to discuss this and many other things. Our conversations go ALL over the place, so who knows what is going to be going on. I do know that my Family will be in the audience for the concert they give at a park near us on Thursday evening August 4th. Party!! Here is the link for The…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 28, 2011 at 5:33pm — No Comments

Showcase #8

Recently, I was invited to join the group Writers of the South (USA). It is a small, but enthusiastic group of authors in every type of genre. The group is aimed at supporting and promoting authors in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee.
As we grow, we plan to take several opportunities to showcase the varied and talented people in the group. We will hit it hard over the next couple of days, hopefully gaining some new exposure and introducing you to writings you…

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Added by Mark Miller on July 28, 2011 at 4:53pm — No Comments

Julia Madleine "Fear the Night" -Paul D. Brazill's "Drunk on the Moon" series

The game plan for this series is to drop in a new episode once every three weeks. The schedule is tight; the authors are willing and the franchise moves forward full speed ahead. Paul D. Brazill has to be pleased with the many positive reviews he has received and the rankings he has enjoyed: not just here in the U.S.A. but also in the U.K. He has charted for sales in the Top 100 of Amazon for his category on both. My hope one day is to nail this busy guy down so I can pick his brain on my…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 28, 2011 at 1:31pm — No Comments

My Upcoming Novel: They!

My Upcoming Novel: They!


    'They!' is an upcoming novel by Chuck Keyes. It's somewhat based on the fifties classic sci-fi movie 'Them!', thus bringing the horrific concept into twenty first century. You'll meet, Katie Ann Morganson, a very unusual teenager who's a champion sharpshooter. She's like John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Cinderella combined within one…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on July 28, 2011 at 7:30am — No Comments

Cynella's Gift

Cynella's Gift


     This is an awe-inspiring sci-fi story about a below average man who has scores of personal evils. He’s an insulin-dependent diabetic that drinks too much beer, eats too much junk food, chain smokes cigarettes, indulges in marijuana, and he’s suffering from deep-rooted guilt. Due to his beer guzzling stupidity, Jimmy's young daughter is a comatose patient in a…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on July 28, 2011 at 7:29am — No Comments

My Apollo Trilogy Novels

My Apollo Trilogy Novels:…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on July 28, 2011 at 7:00am — No Comments

My Objective As A Fiction author


  My objective is to offer readers enjoyable sci-fi stories that are not over their heads with deliberate uncommon words and concepts that only an Einstein can comprehend. Exciting, easy to read stories offering the readers much more than science fiction. I love twisting comedy, love, drama, adventure, horror, action, and mystery into my stories. I truly hope that you will enjoy reading them…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on July 28, 2011 at 6:40am — No Comments

Days of Iron Russel Proctor

The week just keeps getting better and things are heating up here on Gelati’s Scoop and The G-ZONE. I have a self-published novel for you here in “Days of Iron”.  The author is from Australia, the work is interesting to say the least, and the ending is well, let’s hope there is more to come. Here is the synopsis and a little something about the author from Amazon :

“In the future, genetic engineering has created three species of humans. H*** sapiens – the Sapes – are the…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 28, 2011 at 1:08am — No Comments

The Being Of Sarah

The Being Of Sarah


      This exhilarating sci-fi story is about a lonely private detective that’s hired by a gorgeous woman to locate her father, who supposedly disappeared along with his aircraft, directly after making an emergency landing in an East Texas pasture. This mysterious woman takes Detective Brent Carr on a perilous mindboggling journey that far exceeds his primitive human…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on July 28, 2011 at 1:00am — No Comments


Trestle press is pleased and proud to announce that author Chantal Boudreau has agreed to pen a new monthly series, starting with the first digital short story “Weighing Fate”. Here is some more about it:

“Weird - strange tales involving inexplicable events and elements of the supernatural.  Wicked - stories of horror and intrigue where fear is the focus and monsters and the undead roam freely.  Wonderful - fables of all things fantastic, many filled with inspiration and…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 27, 2011 at 6:37pm — No Comments

Showcase #7

Recently, I was invited to join the group Writers of the South (USA). It is a small, but enthusiastic group of authors in every type of genre. The group is aimed at supporting and promoting authors in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee.
As we grow, we plan to take several opportunities to showcase the varied and talented people in the group. We will hit it hard over the next couple of days, hopefully gaining some new exposure and introducing you to writings you…

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Added by Mark Miller on July 27, 2011 at 4:56pm — No Comments

Joel M. Andre Cry of the Fallen

Hey, today’s Wednesday, right? I lost a day there already this week; it feels more like Friday. Anyway, let’s get into it: Joel Andre will be my guest for the first time in The G-ZONE, my blogtalk radio show, on August 22nd, 2011 @ 2pm EST. Mark it down; don’t be late. Okay if you are late just listen in to the archives so you don’t miss a word. Here is the link to the show:



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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 27, 2011 at 1:19pm — No Comments

Dancing in the Shadows of Love Judy Croome

Generally I stay to lighter reads, things explode, people die, spies are caught, the bad guy gets his in the end, that kind of stuff. When I received this novel, I was on the fence about it. Was it my thing? Could I groove on her universe? The answer is YES, I did and I am a better person for taking the time to have this author expand my mind and my soul. If you are looking for a read that is going to make you question the core of your being, what life is about, perspective, forgiveness,…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 26, 2011 at 8:20pm — No Comments

Major Announcement

Trestle Press announced today its newest ongoing series, Mark Miller’s One. The series will feature a variety of authors telling true-life stories of faith and inspiration. We expect this groundbreaking…

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Added by Mark Miller on July 26, 2011 at 6:29pm — No Comments

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