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January 2012 Blog Posts (67)

Cruel Curse is officially released

Del Huntsman has resided in the Southwest for a number of years.  He has enjoyed a fascination for the American West since his youth.  As an outdoor enthusiast and admirer of the geography of the southwest, he has spent much of his time studying the local folk lore of the region while exploring the rugged beauty of the landscape.…


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Added by Del Huntsman on January 12, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments


When Im afraid, feeling alone

I know there is someone who will hug me tight

Someone who will guide me in the dark

Hold me and never leave me behind

When i want peace and solitude time

I listen to the songs i like

That give me time to reflect 

To talk to You and to understand life

Together to the place I see

This peaceful place where flowers surrounds me

A view that even my eyes cant reach

I love this…


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Added by Trevor Range on January 12, 2012 at 3:30am — No Comments

More from me.

Well, I turned in volume 3 of Set Free today. It should be out soon.

I understand the first two volumes have been well received, so I would definitely like to thank everyone that is reading it. I also want to thank Trestle Press for the incredible opportunity.

Here are the links to the first two parts:



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Added by George Michael Loughmueller on January 11, 2012 at 10:55pm — No Comments

Full Circle


Hi All,


If you have the time, please take a look at my 1st novel FULL CIRCLE. You can read the 1st chapter on Amazon. I would really appreciate peoples comments and feedback.





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Added by Dave Watson on January 10, 2012 at 7:45pm — No Comments

..'Sensuality's Hell-Heaven Coin', the Book; written by Stephanie Burton

... please Enjoy the 'Free Preview', and get your 'Sneak Peek'; 'Sensuality's Hell-Heaven Coin'. ..come voyage and venture to the Realm of the Senses..

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Added by Stephanie a burton on January 10, 2012 at 5:19am — No Comments

Like a Child in a Sweet Shop...

Being Northerners, my hubby and I don't get down to London very often.  And when we do, it's fair to say our visits are always work related.  So whilst I was in the UK we decided to treat ourselves and head down to enjoy all the delights our capital city has to offer - well as many as we could fit in, that is, considering we were, in fact, doing all our sightseeing on foot.

Our pavement pounding began at Tower Bridge and we headed down the Embankment, snapping photos of the…


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Added by Suzie Tullett on January 9, 2012 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Nightwalker:A Leah Wolfe SINS Novel is now available in PRINT!

I am proud to announce that Nightwalker:A Leah Wolfe SINS Novel is now available in PRINT at and


As always, Nightwalker and the second book in the series The Order of Chaos is also available in ebook at…


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Added by Rhonda L. Print on January 9, 2012 at 5:46am — 2 Comments

What makes a quality fiction cover?

There’s no question that books are judged by their covers, particularly when they’re written by new or lesser-known authors. Before convincing the viewer to turn over the book and read the blurb on the back, or click on the link for more info, the cover has to be enticing enough to encourage further interaction. That’s a fact, which is why a professionally designed cover is absolutely crucial to the popularity and sales of every book.

The cover sets the tone of the book, informs the…


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Added by Damon Za on January 7, 2012 at 5:23pm — No Comments

I am a lucky girl.

Yesterday a new person joined my Facebook page because they love my Knights of Camelot series. It's a strange feeling that my words have whizzed all the way over to the US and touched someone enough to prompt them to take such action. I am so deeply touched by the effort and kindness. I also amazed that other people out there love my boys as much as me!

I write in a genre that encourages contact with people who enjoy world building as much as the author - we are often referred to as…


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Added by Sarah Luddington on January 7, 2012 at 10:50am — 1 Comment

The Thrill of being a Writer

I have just finished writing an intense cliffhanger of an ending to my second Redcliffe novel Love Kills. It was amazing! Having finished editing a separate manuscript, I was thinking about what needed to be done on my current WIP. I had written the first draft of Love Kills, but was unhappy with the way I had finished it. There had to be more.

Well it seems that my muse agreed, and all day today, while doing my menial household chores, the story has unfolded…


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Added by Catherine Green on January 6, 2012 at 11:41pm — No Comments

A Love in A Time of War (Review)

A Love in A Time of War

by BorislavaBorissova

Reviewed by Silver Tongue LiteraryReviews

4 Stars ****

This book will be worth every penny!

I could not stop reading this book once I opened itup. I can't stop talking about it to my friends and peers alike. “ALove in A Time Of War”, is a impressive book. I am sure noteveryone will agree with the content, but efforts at finding waysto…


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Added by Silver Tongue Literary Reviews on January 6, 2012 at 7:45pm — No Comments

Soulful Ink (Poetry)

Soulful Ink is a book of inspirational poetry. It is complied with poems about my faith, my family, my nation, my heritage and my love. It is my soul that you read; from the ink of my soul you see my heart. This is my second book, following my first book called The Burning Bush, which also is a book of poetry. You may ask why I have titled this book…

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Added by Tabitha R. Pike on January 6, 2012 at 6:54pm — No Comments

The Burning Bush (Poetry)

The Burning Bush is a book of poetry. It is a part of my heart, mind, spirit, body, and soul. I started writing this book three years ago. I was writing to pour out part of myself and to allow myself freedom. If we bottle ourselves up we shall surely die. I needed these words to pour out of me. This book is about my life…

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Added by Tabitha R. Pike on January 6, 2012 at 6:51pm — No Comments

Dream: The Linking Stones (book 1)

"Dream" The Linking Stones Series
Two worlds collide, two warriors united, two hearts are joined in this magical tale of courage. A brave warrior from Scotland, and a Cherokee Indian Princess from undiscovered America set out to find the answer to the Dream that has plagued them since birth.  Both find a…

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Added by Tabitha R. Pike on January 6, 2012 at 6:48pm — 4 Comments

Dragon Tears: The Legacy

On an Ordinary day, when the Townsend siblings go to school, they get caught up in the lives of four mysterious strangers. They decide to investigate the strange situation by using their magical ability that they were born with.  While the Townsends hide within the shadow of the mysterious teen’s shadows they get swept back in time to play a crucial role in an ancient…


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Added by Tabitha R. Pike on January 6, 2012 at 6:44pm — No Comments

Need Reviews!!!!!! Please Help

"People of the Dark" has been completed. Now Tabitha needs people to read her first draft and write a review for this book. All reviews will be published on the first few pages of the book. If you are interested please email Tabitha at

Once all reviews are finished, the book will be sent to the editor then on to the publication…


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Added by Tabitha R. Pike on January 6, 2012 at 6:41pm — No Comments

Launching "To be a Pilot"

Last week I launched my website to highlight my new book “To be a Pilot” >< - I also made an announcement on Facebook, from which I received two commitments to buy, two I never knew you were an author, and several congratulations. I know my niece bought a copy from Amazon, which she told me she received, but have heard no further. Yesterday I submitted a chapter to >booksinsynch< and am waiting to hear what they think. On Tuesday I went to a local writers…


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Added by Randal Agostini on January 6, 2012 at 3:39pm — No Comments

New kid on the block

Hi All,


I guess I'm the new kid on the block, all be it a 55 year old. I had my first murder mystery novel FULL CIRCLE published last September. Hopefully, the first of many. I'm looking forward to speaking with everyone, and looking at the depth of skills and expertise on board, I'm looking forward to learning a great deal more about writing.


Here's a brief sysnopsis of FULL CIRCLE -


Normandy 1946. In a…

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Added by Dave Watson on January 5, 2012 at 12:57pm — No Comments

To write or not to write?

I really wanted to write today.  I had several good ideas (or so I thought) for my next novel, Visions of Mortality.  However, the sun was shining and it was 50 degrees (Jan. in North Idaho!!), so instead, Paul and I took our two pooches, Sydney and Pippin, for a walk along Lake Pend Oreille.  It was absolutely gorgeous and I'm so glad I went.  Now I can settle down and write for awhile...     

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Added by Carla Y. Bourgeois on January 5, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments

"The Hidden Agenda of Reggae Music"

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Added by Michael on January 4, 2012 at 9:38pm — 4 Comments

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