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January 2011 Blog Posts (16)

can you feel my heart beating now

you the voice inside my head,

the voice inside my heart,

the wings to lift me up when i'm feeling down,

your the music in my head,when i'm alone in my bed,

now you are the rain,while i'm dancing and i'm singing and i'm feeling

what your bringing,

now i'm falling and your catching and your holding me so closely,

can you feel my heart beating now,oh oh baby

can you feel my heart beating now,can you feel it

can you feel my heart…


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Added by joe casill on January 30, 2011 at 9:42am — No Comments

The Reunion



The Reunion




I have never imagined a piece of straw like me would have a friend like Nonoy. He is the youngest among the four children and the last one of three who was inflicted of the deadly Dengue Fever that has threatened the lives of many.

“WitchyWitchy”, Nonoy would call me, as I am the witch-like creature on Nonoy’s glass that usually stands on the side cupboard,…


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Added by Elizabeth Galindo on January 29, 2011 at 8:46am — No Comments

This is a poem I wrote by a very sudden inspiration. I hope it touches it's readers as much as it has touched me. :)

What It Was Like

It all started one Monday afternoon

Our happiness ended so soon, so soon.


In marched the Swastikas, how evil they are

Their colors like blood on the bright evening star.


Red and black, white and red,

Not caring at all for the names of the dead.


I’ve watched my family crumple to the floor,

Dead with no…


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Added by Cassidy A. Young on January 29, 2011 at 3:49am — 1 Comment

Paradox Valley sunset rendered in words; excerpt from "Trouble in Paradox", ch.14 'The Color of Fear' by A.P. Eberhart (Copyrighted material)

Of a sudden the sky erupts in a dancing cauldron of color. From one bent circular horizon to the other, the sky engulfs the stunned and lonely man at the edge in a radius of painted light. Lavender lime tinted and glowing to a chrome lemony haze, running to cantaloupe coral and blazing salmon and peach with a tincture of radiant apricot orange, swirling here and there to inky indigo, then thrusting upward to beads and buttons of sapphire and teal and plunging to small jade windows of royal…


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Added by A. P. Eberhart on January 25, 2011 at 3:00am — No Comments

i need some help or advice here

im in a networking business they ask me to lie just to invite people in our company is this right? do i need to do this do  need to lie just to invite ? is that ok?


i need ur advice tnx

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Added by Maccoy on January 22, 2011 at 9:13am — 1 Comment

Simple Ways of Promoting Your Book or Ebook

There are some simple ways of promoting a book today, whether it has been published by traditional means, self published or an ebook. Writing a book is only one part of having a successful selling book, no matter how good the content is in the book, how interesting and how appealing the artwork. 

Before the Internet, the largest way to promote a book was by doing book signings, or getting interviewed, which in many cases was unavailable to the unknown author. All that has changed… Continue

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Added by on January 22, 2011 at 1:00am — 3 Comments

Something New For 2011

We at 2 Moon Press just wanted to throw out to everyone, that we have gotten our updated packages for review. Also, something new and interesting for everyone. We have designed a Publishing calculator, this allows you to design your own Publishing package. Plus we have updated our images to show off more of our cover design capabilities, and also many more interesting images.

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Added by 2 Moon Press Publishing on January 18, 2011 at 5:13am — No Comments

How to choose a good book

Hi readers! This is my first post and i figured i would give you my advice for choosing a good book  seeing as many people like to read.


Step 1: Dont choose a book by its cover. It may look like a good book but it isnt  it isnt always that way.…


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Added by Kayla Mullins on January 15, 2011 at 5:40pm — 1 Comment

Libraries Gone Wild!

Hey all!

   I've been way too busy and way too cold up here in the VA hills. Free Clinic is now in the tender hands of my agent, soon to be at a bookshelf near you. Bantham and Simon Schuster are looking closely at it as well as its sequel, Immunity Effect. But here's the real deal to all of you: libraries rule the earth as far publicity and notoriety are concerned. I have had my friends nudge their local libraries across the country to purcdhase copies of my book and it is now…


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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on January 11, 2011 at 4:45pm — No Comments


Seeing as this is my first post here, I thought I'd dive right in at the deep end and give my pennies worth. Enjoy!


Gothic literature, like romantic literature, was at least in part a reaction against neoclassicism. In fact, Gothic literature is a form of Romanticism. It was popular in the late 18th Century and can still be found written today by…


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Added by Julieanne Lynch on January 11, 2011 at 4:08pm — 3 Comments


can somebody help me to love steno????????????????????????????

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Added by Maccoy on January 11, 2011 at 7:11am — No Comments


Hey everyone, I was just posting this to ask you to please sponsor a child. My wife and I are both sponsors through Child Fund. We sponsor 2 little girls from India. A 12 year old and a 10 year old. You'd be truly amazed at how much $28/month can do for these children and I know that being a child sponsor is one of the best things that I've ever done. It makes you feel so good about yourself knowing that you are making a huge difference in a child's life. I am very satisfied with Child Fund…


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Added by Phillip Christoffersen on January 11, 2011 at 6:46am — 1 Comment


Please let everyone know what your biggest goals, dreams, or wishes are: here is mine.


I will be getting my GED on the 22nd of January. Then I am joining the Army National Guard and will be leaving for basic training. Once i get that done, I am going to start college at a little community college nearby and get my basics done. After I finish that I will be transferring to the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire where I will be majoring in Biology and will study pre-dental.…


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Added by Phillip Christoffersen on January 6, 2011 at 11:02pm — No Comments

Happy New Year - 2011

Happy New Year to each and everyone of our friends. Bob and I hope you have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011.

This year is going to be an exciting one for us. Not only will 'Caffeine Nights Publishing' re publish 'Deadly Focus' in the spring but 'Consequences'…

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Added by Carol Bridgestock on January 4, 2011 at 1:12pm — 2 Comments


My book is published. What a wonderful feeling to know that people are reading my work. I am very excited with the reviews I've received. The book is mystery, suspense and  thriller in one.

I am working on another mystery but now I wonder if I should start working on a sequel for Spirits? I would appreciate any comments.

My book is online at Barnes & Noble, Google, Amazon and They are preparing it now for ebook and should be up this week.



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Added by Brenda BeaShay on January 3, 2011 at 3:21pm — 2 Comments


HPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Added by Anna Miller on January 1, 2011 at 4:44am — 1 Comment

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