Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Fear Fails
Love Prevails
God's Love Corrects, Protects, Perfects
...and restores
Perfect love casteth out all fear
And we are perfected in Him. In him who knew no sin, but became sin, so that we may become the rightousness of God through Him.Access through His righteousness, We became the righteousness of God,and because of His righteousness we became perfected. Meaning the blood that was shed at the cross of calvay covers us and
allows God to…
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Added by Jannie Marie DeBose on February 28, 2011 at 10:30pm —
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Added by Lisa R.Brereton on February 28, 2011 at 9:00pm —
I hope you all enjoyed Diving into the Guest Blogging Pool, Part I and I've whetted your appetite for Part II!
Last time I talked about two of four common reasons some haven't attempted guest blogging: "I don't have the time" and "I don't know what to write about."
Now let's look at the remaining two.
"I'm scared I'll be rejected."
Aren't we all! While there are no guaranteed 100% foolproof ways to prevent rejection, you…
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Added by Kay Elizabeth on February 27, 2011 at 10:03pm —
kara looked around in the acid forest and realized Falcon was gone. DAMN, she lost him, again. when he finds her, he's gonna be mad as hell. she knew he has a bad temper. she walked through the trees until she saw him sitting near the pond of Blood.
"Kara, keep up." was all he said.
what, no fit, no yelling. did their first kiss really change the way Falcon was.
she looked at him and caught his eye, noticing he was mad, just not at her.
near his foot,…
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Added by Danny(jaxie) on February 27, 2011 at 6:01pm —
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"Don't ever do that again, you understand me?"
Kara didn't know what to say, she felt safe with Falcon, but all she ever do when she trys to help is piss him off.
"Falcon, I'm sorry. I just want to-"
"You want to what, help me save you? Well, Kara I don't need your help, I don't need nobodies help."
She stare in his sliver eyes for a long time before she turned around and walked away from him, tears burning in her…
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Added by Danny(jaxie) on February 26, 2011 at 5:34pm —
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Added by Elizabeth Blade on February 23, 2011 at 3:37pm —
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Hi, this is my first time here and I love, I would like to share some of my first story with you called," Shadow's heart at stone."
Chapter 1.
Shadow sat on his bed, his face masked. His golden, brown, crinkled hair…
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Added by Danny(jaxie) on February 22, 2011 at 6:16pm —
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By not celebrating Christmas would send this economy into a tail spin. Everybody would be affected- from Taxi cab drivers to baby sitters, airlines, hotels, gas stations, etc. I cannot think of any industry that would not be affected. Even China would suffer. Just think if all the Christians just decided to not buy gifts, cards, or candy at Christmas. I bet a lot of Jewish retailers would convert to Christianity. Everybody would be once again proclaiming Merry Christmas again. Large…
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Added by TOMMY COLETTA on February 21, 2011 at 11:23pm —
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I have 40 years in the printing industry!
If you need any book Formatting or Cover Design, I work with Quark, and all Adobe Software.
All types of Books, Logos, Websites.
I would like a chance to quote you a price.
Thank You,
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Added by Kenneth L. Small on February 21, 2011 at 8:35pm —
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Added by N.E. Smeds on February 20, 2011 at 3:41am —
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"He was dead still. I could see beads of sweat forming on his forehead. His eyes turned to look at me as he held his finger to his mouth. That was a sign to be quiet. I really did not like the look on his face.
Then I heard it. The shuffle of dragon feet. It was not a small one. A shadow loomed over the shells. I saw the dragon's tail slither silently near me. The black scales glistened in the sunlight. I heard a soft thud as the shadow lowered. The dragon had…
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Added by F. E. Lockyer on February 20, 2011 at 3:30am —
For nearly 20 years, I have helped graduate students edit essays, research papers, dissertations, and other graduate-level papers. Some papers only need basic proofreading to correct spelling errors, grammar errors, punctuation errors, and problems with word choice. Other papers need help with APA format, reference lists, and citations. However, most papers need substantial revising.
The most common problem I have found when editing graduate papers is the lack of…
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Added by David Bowman on February 17, 2011 at 12:43am —
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Added by David Bowman on February 17, 2011 at 12:30am —
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There was a cammanding "no" in her yell
a time stopping response to a silent threat
A quiet pressure against her body
she so loudly disagrees with
The words keep echoing
words only she can hear
Things that freighten her
things that force her
A mere line that can blanken her eyes
and see things that don't exist
Kicking and wailing
"No" still ringing from her lips
Its been a long…
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Added by Viviana Arteaga on February 16, 2011 at 8:13pm —
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If there be a classification for expose` I would epitomize this Genre.
This exposing is of ourselves, who we are and our actions , the decisions
to engage in games of delight and high adventure to shear stupidity.
Who am I ? I am a kook , that strange eccentic whom most would pass
off as " He is a nut but harmless ". Some would brand me as a type of
Psychic . But I have developed an ability to just know things and a
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Added by Alvin Robert Jackman on February 16, 2011 at 7:02pm —
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Hello fellow delvers into the world of publishing! Authors, editors, illustrators, publishers, all of us must be just a touch insane part of the time. Myself, I started doing short stories and bad show knock-offs at the tender aged of 13 or so ("Man From Uncle" if that ages me) and science fiction short stories. Late rin life at about age 30 or so I actually published a couple of short stories in a regional called "Genre' Sampler" and then started doing technical articles, first in nuclear…
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Added by Michael Ross Ault on February 16, 2011 at 6:00am —
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Guest posting on blogs is a wonderful way to draw attention to yourself, your writing and your book(s).
Strangely, I find some authors are quite reticent about guest blogging. What? Lovers of the craft not wanting to write? I was intrigued. When I dug deeper to find out why, again and again I heard the same reasons:
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Added by Kay Elizabeth on February 14, 2011 at 1:09am —
After losing my first wife to cancer the world seemed to be an alien place. The couples we knew now longer were available, the places we used to go were now off limits for my heart, and the things we shared no longer seemed important.
One day, I decided to go back to something I used to do many years ago. Write!
Since 1999 I have written close to 400 short stories and poems, been involved with couple of small newspapers, and have published seven 3-5 year old…
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Added by Thomas J Ault on February 11, 2011 at 6:01pm —
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My son had to display books and make a poster of his favorite Author, so he wrote about me. He was so proud when I entered the room. Being a Children's Author has more rewards when I can relate to my children and they are proud of me.
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Added by Beth Mahoney on February 11, 2011 at 1:13am —
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Added by Tami Magnuson on February 10, 2011 at 6:20pm —
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