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February 2014 Blog Posts (20)

Around the Globe with DEBBIE ROXBOROUGH

On this last day of February we might reach a high in the 20s, but this weekend will be frigid. The cold is one of the reasons why I love this week's featured author...because we get to go away from it. I hop in the transporter and pick up Ms. Roxborough and in no time we're lounging on a secluded beach in Hawaii where there is nothing but sun and sun and warm temps and did I…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on February 28, 2014 at 3:19pm — No Comments

Character Sheet: Tyson

Character Name: Tyson aka The Lion’s Heart

Age: 15

Birth Date: August 8

Place of Birth: Xi Wang, Saron

Residence: Red Shark Hideout

Height: 5’2’’

Weight: 126 lbs.

Clothing Sizes / Styles: Pirate clothing

Hair Color: Blond

Hair Length: 6”

Eye Color:…


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Added by Kenneth E. Fultz Jr. on February 28, 2014 at 1:31pm — No Comments

Caracter Sheet: Calidora

Character Name: Calidora

Age: 4  

Birth Date:  December 13

Place of Birth: Military Base, Camgon

Residence: Military Base

Height: 3’1’’

Weight: 30 lbs.

Clothing Sizes / Styles: cute dress base off western and eastern culture

Hair Color: Dark Green



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Added by Kenneth E. Fultz Jr. on February 27, 2014 at 1:34pm — No Comments

Character Sheet: Annala

Character Name: Annala…


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Added by Kenneth E. Fultz Jr. on February 26, 2014 at 2:17pm — No Comments

Character Sheet: Kalich

Character Name: Kalich

Age: 23

Birth Date: January 25

Place of Birth: Town of Silence, Camgon

Residence: Army Base

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 140 Lbs.

Clothing Sizes / Styles: Army

Hair Color: blood red

Hair Length: 8”



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Added by Kenneth E. Fultz Jr. on February 26, 2014 at 2:26am — No Comments

Warriors of Matrimony Chapter One (Sneak Peek)

Chapter One



            Kalich stood in the middle of a grass field.

            “Kalich, watch out!” Annala tackled him to the ground behind a small foot…


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Added by Kenneth E. Fultz Jr. on February 24, 2014 at 2:40pm — No Comments

Patriarch V.S Matriarch Buy your copy today!

Patriarch V.S Matriarch, a battle for one family to save their daughter.


The countries of Camgon, a patriarch society and Saron, a matriarchal land have always lived side…


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Added by Kenneth E. Fultz Jr. on February 24, 2014 at 1:13am — No Comments

Ignore The Pain

I love authors, I really do. However a very few of them...well, let me explain

I'm sitting in front of my computer this morning wondering what topic I wanted to discuss. Should I throw up another Adult Truth? Or another taekwondo life theme? How about I introduce my new series of blogs on Tourist Complaints and how they relate to my life. Or maybe even the new series of restaurant reviews featuring some of my books' characters.

Suddenly, (and I know an…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on February 21, 2014 at 12:50pm — No Comments

Everything You Wanted to Know about the Holy Order of Mans But were afraid to ask

http://Lylehutchins59@facebook.comTitle: Everything You Wanted to Know Subtitle: About the Holy Order of Mans but Were Afraid to Ask Author’s Name: Lyle Hutchins ISBN: ISBN 13 (TP): 978-1-4691-5508-1 ISBN 13 (eBook):978-1-4691-5509-8 Price: Paperback: $ ; Hardcover: $ Number of Pages: 49 pages 100-word blurb: Hardcore Biblical gumshoe P.I. (private investigator) Vance McGarrett and assistant Scarlet Script investigate a…


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Added by Lyle Hutchins on February 16, 2014 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Around the Globe with D. R. Ransdell

So, I have to watch it on the roads this morning because (and this will be no surprise to many readers) it snowed again! Blech! This is why it took me so long to get home and be able to hop in the transporter to pick up this week's featured author. Where are off to? Anywhere there isn't snow, which omits most of the continental United States.

Ms. Ransdell manipulates the…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on February 14, 2014 at 11:57pm — No Comments


One of the curses of being a writer is when people say “I've had a fascinating life. You should write about me.”

I've had a fascinating life myself. I caused a small riot in a train station in Hanover, Germany, and another riot in a marketplace in…


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Added by Sunny Frazier on February 13, 2014 at 11:00pm — No Comments

"The Hidden Treasure"

My first childrens' book was published December 13, 2013.  It is featured on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Would like information on  promoting my book. My book is about 2 kids taking a daring and magical adventure into the forest searching for "The Hidden Treasure."


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Added by Barbara Bradford Suits on February 10, 2014 at 9:13pm — No Comments

I see the finishing line

So I have heard back from the publishing house I've sent my novel to, and the wonderful editor who's been looking after me likes my novel and the changes that I had done to Double Magick in The Falls book 1 in A Candi Reynolds Novel (they really needed doing)and has asked for my permission to send it to the reading department as protocol requires books get reader opinions prior to asking for a contract. Would it be ok to proceed?

My answer oh yes definitely, and now I have everything…


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Added by April Hollingworth on February 9, 2014 at 9:43pm — No Comments

I see the finishing line

So I have heard back from the publishing house I've sent my novel to, and the wonderful editor who's been looking after me likes my novel and the changes that I had done to Double Magick in The Falls book 1 in A Candi Reynolds Novel (they really needed doing)and has asked for my permission to send it to the reading department as protocol requires books get reader opinions prior to asking for a contract. Would it be ok to proceed?

My answer oh yes definitely, and now I have everything…


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Added by April Hollingworth on February 9, 2014 at 9:43pm — No Comments

From Bad to Good-Technical and Academic Writing

Academic and technical writing are far different than literary writing, such as novels and poetry. The primary purpose of academic and technical writing is to provide information about a defined topic to a specific audience. Whether you write graduate papers, professional journal articles, dissertations, white papers, manuals, websites, reviews, or similar documents, you are writing academic or technical documents.


Academic and technical writing can be bad writing. They can…


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Added by David Bowman on February 8, 2014 at 1:06am — 1 Comment

The Snork Effect

One of the early blogs I wrote (on another blog site) discussed a certain college (that shall remain nameless) who refused my offer of an author appearance. One of the reasons mentioned in the person's email was the fact that my first two books were eBooks and the quote was: “Ebooks don't count”. This was a statement saying that eBooks weren't quality material. I suppose as…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on February 7, 2014 at 8:22am — No Comments

Cover Reveal--The Girl They Sold to the Moon

Eighteen-year-old Tilly Breedlove…


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Added by Chris Stevenson on February 3, 2014 at 3:00am — 2 Comments

The Next Big Thing

Boy, I'll tell ya. We have a thread entitled The Next Big Thing over at the AbsoluteWriter forum and it's a interesting foray into the crystal ball skill of predicting what the reading world will latch onto in 2014. We've run the gamut of everything to horror to New Adult. It is/was like predicting the genre of J.K. Rowling new book that came out a while ago. Everybody was taking a stab at and, of course, it ended up being a mystery. …


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Added by Chris Stevenson on February 3, 2014 at 2:53am — No Comments

Related to St. Francis of Assisi


It is true that I am a relative of Thomas Jefferson which causes a great deal of pride but lately, I have been considering the possibility that I may have another relation of more ancient descent and more holy. This thought is not something which occurred to me suddenly. Considering the events over the past twenty-five years, the randomness of this assumption is most unlikely.…


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Added by Linda Heavner Gerald on February 1, 2014 at 6:28pm — No Comments

Sometimes Memories Do Make You Feel Good!

I drove into Winder, Georgia and visited the Old Lions Club on East Broad Street and the grassy area in front where the annual county fair was established in the late fifties and early sixties. Oh…the memories exploded in my mind as I looked up at the old white Lions Club building. I smiled as the flashbacks created past visual images in rapid succession.

Oh…the memories…


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Added by JE Thompson on February 1, 2014 at 3:51am — No Comments

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