Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

March 2010 Blog Posts (36)

Are You Impressed?

I just renewed my Mensa membership. Yeah, I pretentious! But not really. I've been an

on and off member for a long time, and it's always been fun. Some time

ago, I coordinated the Mensa motorcycle special interest group. That was

particularly interesting.

I've met any number of remarkable people at various meetings, etc. Sure, there are a few - very few - who pose and posture, but most are

just folks, like you and me in…

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Added by Howard Alan Lantzer on March 31, 2010 at 2:05pm — 2 Comments

100 Best Novels!

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to read the "World's 100 best novels." And now I am! (I got the list - and there are many variations - from my local librarian.)

I just finished Butler's THE WAY OF ALL FLESH. One did this make the list?

It has a certain charm, but the language turns from splendid to turgid, sometimes in the same sentence. And the plot drags on and on and on and today's rapid fire world, this whole book could be reduced to a Twitter… Continue

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Added by Howard Alan Lantzer on March 31, 2010 at 1:18am — 2 Comments


We'll see about that. But it's a bit warmer today and that is most welcome!

I am very fortunate that, even at my advanced age, my body works very well. In fact, I'm making plans to test my physicality next summer by climbing all the 14,000' mountains in Colorado (54 all together). I've been up a number of them - and there's no such thing as an easy mountain - but doing the whole list in, say two months sounds really satisfying.

And to top that, I'm thinking about riding my… Continue

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Added by Howard Alan Lantzer on March 31, 2010 at 1:14am — 2 Comments

And the Beat Goes On in Crossed Wires

Here's some more, folks. Enjoy.

My Best,


Joe Decides to Go Pro, Just before Calling Carl and Sandy

When Dave left Joe at the Motel Six in Strasburg, Joe started feeling sad. He had all of his gear, most of his money and his booze and wasn’t feeling all that tweaked. But with Dave driving off in his big space-ship rig, headed east to find Joe’s hurt brother, Joe found himself alone again. When he walked into the little, generic hotel room that…

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on March 27, 2010 at 8:17pm — No Comments

And yet more Crossed Wires

Say Hello to Sister Stephanie

Sister Stephanie McAllister was an unusual nun for a couple of reasons. Primarily, she was odd because she actually had a direct line with the entity she believed to be God and had had that line since she could remember. Secondly and perhaps most unusually, was that Sister Stephanie was very specifically tasked by Him on many occasions. Even though she didn’t much care for His methods here on planet Earth, she followed His will well enough and understood… Continue

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on March 27, 2010 at 7:53pm — 2 Comments

For Everything There is a Season

I've spent the last several weeks trying to make things happen. In this case, it's the video project I have planned. But nothing is working properly. People seem enthusiastic at first, then disappear. It's frustrating.

But it's also clear the universe wants me to wait. I'll know when the time is right, and the time is not right now.

I'm not passive by nature, so this is a little difficult. But I've learned how necessary this is.

So, I'll wait and see what… Continue

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Added by Howard Alan Lantzer on March 27, 2010 at 2:25am — 1 Comment

Here is one simple question, with a million answers-What is the most important thing in your life?Don't choose anything that you'll regret, what truly is the most important thing right now, or what i…

Here is one simple question, with a million answers-What is the most important thing in your life?Don't choose anything that you'll regret, what truly is the most important thing right now, or what is it forever?


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Added by erika on March 23, 2010 at 11:56pm — 2 Comments

Please help

I am so confused. This may come easily to all of you, but for me........ Ok here it goes. When you are using diolauge where should you put these???>>>>>"??? ex.) "Hi!" and some people do "Hi"! PLEASE HELP!!!

thank you

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Added by erika on March 18, 2010 at 9:04pm — 2 Comments

Using Subject and Object Pronouns

This instructional video demonstrates how to choose between subject and object pronouns and avoid errors. With instruction and examples from 300 Days of Better Writing, this will help you write, and speak, correctly.

See instructional video here.

This video expects you to understand… Continue

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Added by David Bowman on March 18, 2010 at 8:30pm — No Comments


Yes, free! Simply let me know what title you like and I will send you a free excerpt. My titles are posted here: and on



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Added by Howard Alan Lantzer on March 18, 2010 at 1:48pm — No Comments


Michigan winters can be brutal. Not because of low temps, snow, etc. That's ordinary. It's the endless cloudy days when sunshine is nothing but a vicious rumor. But winter is over - if winter is ever really over here in March!

I'll take this, though: 65 degrees today, sunshine, people actually smiling!

For my own reading, I'm just finishing Butler's THE WAY OF ALL FLESH. A classic, certainly, and written within and for a very different sensibility. But intriguing… Continue

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Added by Howard Alan Lantzer on March 18, 2010 at 1:13pm — No Comments

As The Storyline Progresses

More Crossed Wires. . .it seems to have taken on a life of it's own. . .

Joe Scares Dave Again

Joe and Dave got to the nearly empty parking lot next to the ABC store a little too early. Joe, not one to wear a watch of late, muttered something unintelligible and poked his head out of the sleeper.

“Just what the hell time is it, anyway?” It looked to Dave like his makeshift medicine, Jack Daniels, was suddenly not working. His mood and his continence both seemed… Continue

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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on March 15, 2010 at 11:54pm — No Comments

More Crossed Wires, for your enjoyment

The following takes place right after the last posting of Crossed Wires.

Chuck came closer to the door and his partner, who had now dropped back down to all fours and had quieted to a low growl, and said: “What the f*** was that all about, ol’ buddy? You thought maybe that fuckered up cowboy guy was back again?”

It seemed like Nixon cringed when Chuck said that string of words. Chuck definitely did.

“The bastard said…


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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on March 15, 2010 at 2:48pm — No Comments

Biscuits With Archie: The Poetry and Stories of C. H. Allen Clark is in Australia!

From the land down under comes news that the book Biscuits With Archie: The Poetry and Stories of C.H. Allen Clark is now available to viewers online who may ride the internet waves all the way to Australia. Word has it that it is in a certain bookstore there. Catch a kangaroo and a surfboard, today, in a nearest online store near you.

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Added by Chris Allen Clark on March 14, 2010 at 10:51pm — No Comments

Biscuits With Archie: The Poetry and Stories of C. H. Allen Clark is published!

Outskirts Press located on the outskirts of Denver, Colorado recently published my book Biscuits With Archie: The Poetry and Stories of C. H. Allen Clark. Delightfully funny, it depicts poetry and stories filled with animals, animals, and more animals. The short story Thirteen Dogs and Nine Horses depicts something out of a film by Alfred Hitchcock. He once made a film about birds. Today, his interests may find our home full of cats and dogs.

Archie, Mama's favorite dog, finds his way…


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Added by Chris Allen Clark on March 13, 2010 at 9:39pm — No Comments

The Real Subject of Your Sentence

I took a writing course about four years ago. By the end of the second session, I was thinking, “Sheeze! I could teach this course.” I learned only one thing. During the second month, I learned the name of a very important concept I had been using unconsciously for years, thereby increasing my ability to write and edit purposefully.

Grammatical versus Rhetorical Subject

I learned that sentences can have two types of subjects: Grammatical and…


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Added by David Bowman on March 12, 2010 at 8:58pm — 4 Comments

A small note on style and formatting. . .

Hey all!

As professional writers, we must adhere to certain very stringent rules and regulations in the executing of our story telling. We all know that our proofers and editors are the ones that catch the ubiquitous abherrent errors, but it behooves us to become our own proofers and editors before we submit our work for publication.

Blogging is a great way to get your work out there, to garner interest, but keeping in tune with the standards for submission is a very neccesary…


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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on March 12, 2010 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Communicating With Other Writers

Though I've written two self-publishing books, I've neglected getting much advice from other writers. I mainly have taken the advice of my publishers and through reading publishing materials. I find it rewarding to join this site(, authors, writers,publishers, and book readers) .. . I believe as I further my writings, I'll now enjoy the task even more. My present published writing, (Crossing the Pilgrim Journey), is about making the best choices in living the Christian life. It…


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Added by Trudy Coiley on March 12, 2010 at 12:00am — No Comments

On Writing - An Understanding of What a Book Editor Does

This is the final leg of what has become an unintended trilogy on the book editing profession, and while it might appear to be blantantly self-promoting, I hope it at least will shed a little light on the book-doctoring discipline.

A Need for Definition

A few months ago I published an article I was asked to write that explained the different phases of book editing: critiques, copy/line editing, and developmental editing. I also provided a range…


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Added by Robert L. Bacon on March 11, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments

M-Y Ebooks Self Publishing Services and forum

M-Y books is a professional self publishing company specialising in ebook , audio book and print publishing . We offer what we believe is the best service available for authors to fully realise income and exposure for their work .We are led by strong editorial and literary professionals many of whom are authors ,who pride themselves on a helpful and… Continue

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Added by on March 11, 2010 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

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