Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
yep, it's my birthday, thanks. I'm turning fifteen on April the 26th, it's going to be awesome, just one more year and i will be able to drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait!! thanks again!!!!!
from fourteen year old soon to be fifteen year old halim :)
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Added by halim abdelrahman on April 23, 2011 at 12:39am —
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Yeah, that is my name along that of one of the hottest authors on the planet today; make no mistake about it. Read it and weep, make fun of me if you will, have a laugh at my expense, did this actually work? I think it did. We are probably one of the greatest foils in the universe. A team not unlike some of the greatest duo’s of all time. No I am not talking about Batman and Robin; Zandri can’t pull of the Robin costume, way too tight and not his colors. No I am talking about…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 22, 2011 at 11:39pm —
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Added by Osie Jackson on April 22, 2011 at 4:35pm —
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Hi, I would like to extend an invitation to you and anyone that you feel would like to enter the contest we are having: The Trestle Press Summer Search. What are we searching for and why? We feel you may be the next Stephen King, Lee Child, David Morrell, James Patterson, Janet Evanovich, Irene Hannon, Nora Roberts, or Suzanne Woods Fisher. We would like to find you, have you as a client and help make you a successful novelist/digital short story author/graphic…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 21, 2011 at 9:30pm —
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I gave my hubby a break for a day; hi, it is me again Mrs. Gelati. The reason for the break, well I was the one that read this short story and thoroughly enjoyed it; I was touched by it and have shared it with my daughters. The other reason I told him to stay away from the computer today is that I gave him a long list of things I wanted done for the Holiday this weekend, and gave him a head start to get it done. Besides that I am a bit upset with him and Zandri for what they wrote about me…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 21, 2011 at 8:24pm —
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Added by Carol Bridgestock on April 21, 2011 at 12:43pm —
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This has been a fun week of reading and writing for me. The content has been the key. Normally I get to see some pretty neat stuff, but when I get to dig into a character I just can’t get enough of, well it is that much more fun and then it turns to brief sadness. Why sadness? The usual thing, I have to wait another year to devour another installment of the series. Douglas Corleone and his character Kevin Corvelli is one of the characters I cannot get enough of. Let get to the…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 20, 2011 at 7:26pm —
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Yesterday was just plain nuts, nuts, I tell you! Here is a brief recap of yesterday’s events, follow along with me and tell me if it wasn’t nuts. Vincent Zandri was nice enough to almost give away a major plot twist in our collaborated digital short story we just finished called: The Gang That Couldn’t Kindle Straight”. I think he was miffed that I let it spill he used my name and some guy named Tolstoy’s name in the same sentence. The exact context of how he used my name in…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 19, 2011 at 9:14pm —
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Publish America is interested in my faulty book. I got this email today.
I am just shaking for the possibility of having a perfect book and getting paid for it.
No more hard work just writing...
The problem is I have to stay up all night editing my first 3 chapters.
Ho lord, its passover today.
I am so much in debit and I just sold a few books.
A voice was telling me that people want my book and that I will move into another circle of friends. People…
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Added by Tkumah A&T&D on April 19, 2011 at 4:37am —
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Added by Robin DuPont on April 19, 2011 at 2:53am —
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The rhythm of the resurrecting city of New Orleans is reflected everyday in the unified heartbeat of its determined residents. And no matter the devastation, New Orleanians will continually fight to hold on to their beloved little bastion eight feet below sea level. Like the memory of a first kiss, the warmth of New Orleans pervades your soul and forever becomes a part of you. To travel among the wide oaks and antebellum homes of the Garden District makes for beautiful postcard…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 19, 2011 at 12:57am —
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I hope that your Monday has started off well. Did you have a nice weekend? My posting week is going to be different this week as we have Easter at week’s end and that is generally a busy time at our home. The Scoop will not have any posts on it Saturday or Sunday, so I am going to move everything up a day or two here. Basically everything I normally have on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be dropped in on Thursday and Friday. Thanks for understanding. The G-ZONE this week is…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 18, 2011 at 7:21pm —
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Its not a secret that I am disabled as a result of the dental trauma on my health. I have a hard time reading. I chose to edit my book by myself. I thought it will force me to read and break through.
It turned out to be a big mistake. I was hysteric and I did my best but it was not enough.
On the day my book was published my parents were diagnosed with six months to live and so on and on to the point that I basically stayed away from my book. I could not read it.
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Added by Tkumah A&T&D on April 18, 2011 at 5:02am —
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Hello and welcome to Self-Published Sunday. Have you heard of this author? I haven’t; this is my first read on her work. Is it going to my last one, definitely not? Too much going on in this novel not to want more, and there is more because this is actually number two in the series. I can always go back one and enjoy numero uno before she puts out number three. Alright it is Sunday, let’s cut to the chase, get to what this novel is about, and get to reading on this beautiful Sunday, maybe on…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 18, 2011 at 2:54am —
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A Graveyard Story
Chapter I
Born in grief, raised in hate, and indefinitely helpless to defy the very thing called "Fate". Your probably wondering who I am, or just what it is I may be at that. Well my name is Sammy M. Finch (Short for Samantha) or at least it used to be. I come to you as a bodiless soul who wonders this graveyard…
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Added by Katelyn M. Jordon Jackson on April 17, 2011 at 7:00am —
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I was bowled over by this debut digital short story by H.R. Toye: great narrative, intense content and a very nice hard-boiled read. This is going to be a series and I for one am all for that; keep them coming. The author has created a world that has been built on misery, misfortune, and bad choices. The first character basically seems to have the ideal life, the ideal wife and the ideal job. Drop the $.99 on this story and read how H.R. Toye strips this guy down to his barest of emotions…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 16, 2011 at 5:22pm —
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This series has quickly become one of my favorites, The Call Me Smitty Series. I just love the hard core, hard-boiled hit man that can be equal parts bad and compassionate. B.R. Stateham has composed a character that I think is going to stand the test of time. Basically I can’t say enough good things about the series from A to Z on this, I just can’t! This is a novella so it is a bit longer in length then its predecessors, which is an added bonus for us fans of this intense series. If I…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 16, 2011 at 2:56pm —
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Just to get to this first: Thanks to my Goodread’s friend Steven; he was nice enough to send me this novel to read. He basically told me he thought this novel was so much fun, that he was willing to put his hard earned money to use and UPS this rip roaring ride of a novel to me. Kudos, props and thanks again my friend. I took one look at this novel, shook my head a few times, said, “Really?” a few times, and then dove into it not really knowing what to expect out of it. Let’s get…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 15, 2011 at 10:46pm —
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Brutal honesty: That is what J. Evan Johnson delivers in this novel. If you are not prepared for some naked raw emotions, festering needs, issues with self-discovery and being true to one self, then don’t grab this novel. If you are in need of introspective thought, a bit of soul searching and making a laundry list of emotional wants and needs then here you go. Is the novel really all that deep and complex? No I read it , that should clue you in on some of it, but it does get to the point…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 15, 2011 at 10:17pm —
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Talk about intensity, competitiveness, and fun, that was just the beginning of the day for me as I gave each team the three words that were going to spark eight authors into action. They jammed off of each other’s work like jazz musicians or rockers going to it trying to outdo each other. It was fun sending the next piece to all involved; I enjoyed the comments I was receiving from the other participants as they were reading through not just their own piece but the next one that was played…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 15, 2011 at 8:51pm —
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