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JE Thompson's Blog – May 2013 Archive (3)

Novel Writing...Choosing a Point of View!

      How am I going to tell my story? Which Point of View?

      Choices? Choices? Choices?

     When I sit in front of my computer and start to pound the letters on the keyboard, I must decide on the point of view to tell the story! I swallow hard and try to figure out a “voice” in which to write my novel…so many choices!

      What is the definition of…


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Added by JE Thompson on May 30, 2013 at 5:22am — 3 Comments

It finally happened...Barnes & Nobels Customer checking out Julius Thompson's Novels!

I walked into the Barnes & Nobles book store in the “The Shoppes at Webb Gin” shopping mall in Snellville, Georgia on Saturday and saw customer Nyadi Abasto checking out my two novels A Brownstone in Brooklyn and the National Award winning Ghost of Atlanta.

I’ve been waiting fifteen years to see a customer in a Barnes & Nobles store looking on the shelves and…


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Added by JE Thompson on May 4, 2013 at 10:59pm — 4 Comments

Novel Writing...The Setting!

     Where am I?

     This is a question you DON’T want your readers to dwell on as they turn the pages of your novel.

Picking the setting of a novel is obviously a critical step.

     You must craft a vivid and realistic setting to act as a canvass for your characters to perform. This setting/sense of place must be credible.



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Added by JE Thompson on May 2, 2013 at 4:36am — No Comments

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