Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

June 2015 Blog Posts (8)

Why I Care What You Think

I’d like to believe I’m a smart author in that I want to learn from my mistakes. That being said, I’m finding that my most important “teacher" is you, the reader. What you say about what you read matters—a lot. That’s where book reviews come in.


By leaving feedback as to how you feel about what you just read on a book’s page at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, wherever, you help your fellow readers discover new authors to love, but you also let authors know what we did…


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Added by Elizabeth Fisher on June 30, 2015 at 6:37pm — No Comments

The Perennial Migration - Book Goodies

Book Goodies Interview

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Added by D. M. Kirtaime on June 20, 2015 at 10:33pm — No Comments


Although I do astrology, I no longer ask people “What's your sign?” As an acquisitions editor for Oak Tree Press, I now ask authors, “What's your genre?”

The worst thing a writer can do is give me a blank stare. “Genre” is an essential part of the lingo in publishing lexicon. It's how we classify a book and decide if it fits our line.

Labeling books has practical reasons. Bookstores (when they existed) found it useful to put books…


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Added by Sunny Frazier on June 20, 2015 at 3:30am — No Comments

Straight Eye, Queer Times!

Each of us sees, and understands by our own light.

I see a dark light.” - VICTOR HUGO [Last Words]

Doubt everything. Find your own light.” - LAST WORDS of BUDDHA

The global village, our modern world, now has 195 countries. Out of these, homosexuality is illegal in 81…


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Added by Fakeer Ishavardas on June 7, 2015 at 1:37pm — No Comments

Good Day Sunshine!

Have been soaking up the Florida sunshine today and shopping in the coolest plaza! I feel so privileged to be in The USA's sunshine state!

I am so lucky that America has embraced my success, and I look forward to a round of book signings for my debut novel, "Johari's Window", beginning with Deltona, Florida. Watch this space!

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Added by Suzy Davies on June 5, 2015 at 11:39pm — No Comments

Chapters - V

C05 “The beach was too sandy. We had to clean everything when we returned to our room.”

What did you expect the beach to be? Covered in tile?


Some of these complaints are more inane than others. I think my snarky comment, while made in jest, brings up a valid point. What did these folks expect when they went to the beach? A beach, one for tourists, is mostly sand. There are rocky…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on June 5, 2015 at 10:19am — No Comments

Become a Twenty-First Century Author!

     Successful twenty-first century authors have three lifestyle components: Passion, Organization, and Uniqueness.

    Passion: Successful authors love their craft!

    They delve into the storyline with abandon. They make time to write and know their most creative time of the day. This is different for each author.

    I know of a writer who…


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Added by JE Thompson on June 5, 2015 at 4:09am — 2 Comments

Book Goodies Interview - Dominik M. Kirtaime

Read my interview

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Added by D. M. Kirtaime on June 3, 2015 at 11:24pm — No Comments

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