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Added by Mark Miller on July 5, 2011 at 4:57pm —
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I was recently asked how I could keep a whole made up Universe inside my head. First mistake was assuming thats where my brain was. It can be eaiser than it sounds if you know how to use your God like powers.
Its like the saying, "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" When creating a scifi universe it does make a sound. As a matter of fact just before the bark hits the grass, the grass changes to a bright, blinding, holy white…
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Added by Matt T. Schott on July 3, 2011 at 2:34pm —
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Watching a documentary on Bloomberg television about media mogul Rupert Murdock has revealed a lot. The war of Fox News is not about Liberalism and Conservatism as it may appear. Rupert is a very shrewd business man and he is feared. While there will be casualties among the many who are employed across the Murdock Empire, he will stand as a fierce businessman who knows what he wants and what it takes to get it. There is no doubt that the Murdock Family will continue on far after he is passed…
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Added by Larry A Cochran on July 2, 2011 at 11:56pm —
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“Lifeblood” & ”The Gift” are Werner Lind’s other works to date; they are vampire stories. He moves on to tackle something new, werewolves. I enjoy Werner’s work; I think he is an exceptional talent, and currently I am working with him on an installment of The Author’s Lab/Collaboration. The twist and bend of it is that he has a certain kind of vampire, Laurie Bowler has a certain of vampire , so we are going to have them meet a little bit down the road in…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 2, 2011 at 7:37pm —
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Good morning to everyone and I hope that your 4th of July holiday weekend is rolling right along. Today on my Facebook I am putting up videos from one hit wonders of the 80’s; chime in on your favorite and suggest a few while you are there. I will be doing it all weekend as long as I am not picnicking with the family. Back to business: The new Paul D. Brazill series, “Drunk on the Moon”, is gaining some serious attention among authors. The list…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 2, 2011 at 4:25pm —
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A new experience for me! My first signing on my first novel!
June 29th an article 'Pastor Authors Novel' appeared in our local newspaper by free lance writer and friend Mary Golem - www.
Click on the search box and type in 'Fletch Forgiven'.
Sheilah Fletch
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Added by Sheilah Fletch on July 2, 2011 at 3:28am —
The mysteries of life are revealed and answers given to those who search for the truth of why we are beginning to experience such destruction throughout this world.
Read FINAL REVELATION. IT'S TIME! The Truth Of Why We Exist In This World And Why It's All Coming To An End by Daniel Samson…
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Added by Olive Peart on July 2, 2011 at 1:08am —
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Added by Mark Miller on July 1, 2011 at 11:01pm —
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There’s this guy I have somehow become entangled with, but don’t remember quite how. Probably through Facebook. You know how you seem to accumulate people on there, like putting a book on a shelf and accumulating dust? When you go back a week or two later, wow! Where did all this dust come from?
Maybe that’s a bad analogy because Giovanni Gelati is anything but dusty. I can’t imagine he sits still long enough to gather dust. This guy is one of the most outgoing, supportive and…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 1, 2011 at 9:54pm —
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Is the title long enough for you? How hard do you think it was for Big Daddy Abel to make the cover, trying not just to fit the title but all the names on the cover? I think he did an amazing job to say the least. What is this about and why did we do it?
Good question and the answers are easy. BDA is in a rock band, he is one of the vocalists and plays the guitar. Tommy owns the incredible bar known as Bar-A, and me , well I have been there to meet and yap with BDA and enjoy…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 1, 2011 at 3:46pm —
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Is this fact or fiction? That is the rub with this. Bob Hamer was an undercover FBI agent for 25 years before he decided to write his awesome suspense filled novels. I have interviewed Bob a few times on The G-ZONE, my blogtalk radio show, and he flat out says that is the part of the fun of the novel. Can we the reader figure out what he really did and what he made up to weave the fabric of the novel together? I can’t; I am not smart enough and besides if he did any or most of what is in…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 1, 2011 at 2:34pm —
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Added by SpotlightInterviews on July 1, 2011 at 12:56am —
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