Today’s Healthful-Amusement share worth reviewing and considering to amuse your thoughts with! Self-care toward supporting a healthier mind and body in support of achieving and accomplishing further in your successes! Make a positive difference in your life! I am simply here assisting you with better self-care for healthier decisions and healthier choices for a healthier lifestyle not just for yourself, but to positively affect those you care about. So,…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 20, 2020 at 6:30pm —
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Gratitude check today! If you have the power to worsen your life then you definitely have the power to better your life. You have the power of will to design your future and the power of love to create your circumstances. It matters to you, so enjoy yourself and make the best of the gifted present time serve your interests moment-in moment-out as your success continues.…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 19, 2020 at 6:51pm —
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We all have problematic ailments of some form or another at various degrees of pain and annoyance. We're all mentally irritated throughout moments of our existence. Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going!
Here is today's wellness assistance to improve yourself for a healthier well-being. To assist with a healthier lifestyle as you're meant to live as a great day continues~ Hope this piece of advice helps with better care for your health…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 18, 2020 at 2:17pm —
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You deserve greater moments for greater days! Your success depends on you and no one else... so, friendly remind yourself to move forward with a better quality self version of you for you to benefit the most! Your success and bliss depend on how good of a mindset you're supporting. Your loved ones and those you appreciate will be positively affected.
Move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from better thoughts. Be the better version of yourself with a better…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 17, 2020 at 4:54pm —
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There is so much more to better yourself for better moments of today, for an appreciative yesterday, and for your ideal tomorrow. The world needs your awesomeness as you would greatly benefit from the best version of you. So, improve your self-awareness and improve your self-management to continue a greater life that you deserve.
Use today's Mindful-Amusement to help yourself toward a better mindset and lifestyle. Cultivate self~love within because you deserve to be, live, and enjoy…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 16, 2020 at 7:30pm —
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You can feel so much better, do so much better, enjoy so much more, and be all you can be. Don't limit yourself to how greatly awesome you can be, how much more you can enjoy, and how much better you can have it! You have the power to accomplish, achieve, and receive all the good, great, and better you set out to attain. Empower on and trail-blaze your own path beyond all of your challenges and obstacles.
I am sharing this bit of encouragement with you to assist you in boosting your…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 15, 2020 at 2:30pm —
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You deserve to continue for greater days, for greater weeks, and greater months for a great year.
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." ~Maya Angelou
You either move forward for the better or for the worse regardless of your past, so empower through…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 14, 2020 at 5:30pm —
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Gratitude check today! Another week beyond survival mode, but of thriving on all the good stuff! What are you thankful for and grateful for? Not only today but of this past week this month and of this year! Remind yourself of all that you are grateful for as you look forward to more of the same!
I am sharing this here to mindfully assist you beyond reminding myself of my blessings within and the added bonus of all that I have currently. There is no doubt that you have plenty to look…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 13, 2020 at 6:18am —
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Here today to wellness assist you to improve yourself for healthier well-being and lifestyle as you're meant to live a blissful life as your great life continues~
Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going! Here is just some info for better…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 11, 2020 at 6:34pm —
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Here is a little something of self-help today to assist you for the better over the worse! A friendly reminder to move forward with a better quality self version of you for you to benefit the most! Your success and bliss depend on the good of a mindset you’re supporting.
Be the better version of yourself with a better attitude and a better outlook for a better future! Move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 10, 2020 at 5:28pm —
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Cultivate self~love within because you deserve to be, live, and enjoy that much better beyond your imagination... besides, the world needs your awesomeness and would greatly benefit from the best version of you~ So, improve your self-awareness and improve your self-management to continue a greater life that you deserve.
Use today's Mindful-Amusement to help yourself toward a better mindset and lifestyle. There is so much more to better yourself for better moments of…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 9, 2020 at 7:56pm —
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You have the power to accomplish, achieve, and receive all the good, great, and better you set out to attain. I am sharing this bit of encouragement with you toward boosting your motivation and determination to attain your ideal success as you continue. Don't limit yourself to how much more awesome you can be, how much greater you can enjoy, and how much better you can have it!
You can feel so much better, do so much better, enjoy so much more, and be all you can be. So, pave your own…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 8, 2020 at 9:43pm —
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Here's a little bit of inspiration for today to get your attitude, emotions, and imagination going in the ideal direction. Just sharing this as a friendly reminder that we're all awesome if and when we move forward with optimism in our thinking, gratitude in our attitude, compassion in our behavior, and joy in our actions. Today, determine how awesome you're going to be. We know it could be worse, so remind yourself how much better you can make it! Just another reminder that everything is…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 7, 2020 at 7:14pm —
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Today's Healthful-Amusement worth reviewing and considering to amuse your thoughts toward supporting a healthier mind and body! Here to assist you with self-care for healthier decisions and healthier choices for a healthier lifestyle both in mind and body. Improve your overall well-being not just for yourself but for those you adore and care about. You'll surely achieve and accomplish more further, farther, and faster with a healthier you... besides, you deserve…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 6, 2020 at 7:42pm —
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Gratitude check today! Another day to be grateful for with many opportunities to be thankful for! This share here is to assist you and remind you of the blessings you possess within yourself and all that you look forward to beyond you. There is plenty worth your thankfulness and gratefulness. Why worsen your day when you have the power to better it!
Additionally, you have people in your life to appreciate and enjoy as you please. You're not alone, so enjoy and make the best of the…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 5, 2020 at 7:53pm —
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Here is today's Wellness Assistance to improve for healthier well-being and lifestyle as you're meant to live as your great life continues~
Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going! Here is just some info for better care of yourself to…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 4, 2020 at 4:47pm —
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Today, I am reminding you to move forward with a better quality self version of you so you may benefit the most!
I am sharing just a little something today toward assisting you for the better! A better version of yourself with a better perspective and better attitude for a better future with better beliefs for better results from better thoughts. A better quality version of you can go beyond survival mode but thrive better while you are striding confidently…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 3, 2020 at 10:03pm —
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Improve your self-awareness and improve your self-management to continue a greater life with today's Mindful-Amusement~
Do your best not to settle for less believing there is so much more for you beyond your physical reach and mental belief! There is so much more to better yourself for better moments of today, for an appreciative yesterday, and for your ideal tomorrow. Cultivate self~love within because you deserve to be, live, and enjoy that much better beyond your imagination...…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 2, 2020 at 5:00pm —
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You can accomplish, achieve, and receive all the good, great, and better you set forth to attain. Today, I share with you just a bit of encouragement to assist you in your direction for ideal outcomes and desired results as a great day continues... The fact is, there is no limit to how good, great, and better you can be, do, and have! From how much good you can do to how great you can be to how much better you can have because you have within you an unlimited amount of…
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Added by Edward F. T. Charfauros on July 1, 2020 at 10:33pm —
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