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August 2011 Blog Posts (139)

Series, yeah, Trestle Press has those!

I am undoubtedly an oldhead. I can remember so far back that people used to write on stone tablets, animal skins and then on parchment paper. My point in this is that I also remember reading stories like the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, The Executioner, The Death Merchant, Nick Carter and Encyclopedia Brown. Every week when I went to the library I would try to find a new installment in a series I was following and just enjoy it, devour it and look forward to the next or perhaps finding a new one…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 31, 2011 at 9:36pm — No Comments

Jeff Abbott’s “Adrenaline” giveaway contest it continues due to the Hurricane

I have been away from the internet it seems like forever, but in reality just since last Friday, and in this day and age that is forever isn’t it? Thankfully the novels I have to giveaway have survived the hurricane and tornado that breezed by; I put them up in a safe place, and now I need to bring this contest and giveaway to a fun and fulfilling end. I have 5 of Jeff Abbott’s “Adrenaline” novels to give out and am looking forward to making some people happy.

To that end, just do a…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 31, 2011 at 7:20pm — No Comments



Internationally Bestselling author Brad Thor and Big Daddy Abel author of the bestselling selling and highly rated Amazon Kindle Open Mic series will be my guests this Thursday, September 1st starting at 4.30pm EST. Brad Thor’s latest bestseller is “Full Black”, while BDA is currently working on two projects: ”Open Mic Volume 5 and the sequel to “Edge of Cataclysmic”.

For the few of you that are unfamiliar with Brad Thor’s work here is a little about him:



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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 31, 2011 at 2:36pm — No Comments

Robert Browne "The Paradise Prophecy"

Just to make sure I touch the bases with this and do this incredible novel justice, I just want to make sure that you know I did have a Q&A with this author on my blog last week. Feel free to hit the archives from last week and enjoy the read, he gave some really good answers to my questions; basically he did the best he could with what I threw at him. He hit all the questions out of the park for home runs; I wanted to post that before my take on his work. I was hoping to gain more…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 31, 2011 at 12:59am — No Comments

The Trouble McNasty (An excerpt from "His thoughts, Her Thighs volume 1)

(Sitting in church)…


I really don’t know what’s come over me.  Right now I’m at my

dad’s funeral and I can’t believe that he’s dead.  I’m trying

not to cry right now because I need to be strong.  I am sitting here

with my wife and our 3 children thinking about the day when they will

bury me.  But right now I can’t worry about that.  I can’t show my

children that I’m distraught.  I must…


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Added by on August 30, 2011 at 11:59pm — No Comments

Radio Talk Show

Great news!

On Thursday, September 1, 2011at 8:00PM~ Central Time Zone~, I will be doing a interview on a radio talk show concerning my book, "Are you an indigo? Discovering You Authentic Self". So, please join me in…


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Added by Dennis Michael Waller on August 30, 2011 at 11:33pm — No Comments

The Hand of God and My “Status”

Hello everybody! Yes, I am still alive and so are my wife and kids. A “Funny” thing happened on the way to experiencing an earthquake, a hurricane and a tornado all in the span of four days. Why is that “Funny”? Well let’s see, I can really write pages on this subject. In fact I have, and they are in the able hands of Big Daddy Abel the guy that let me jazz with him on “The Edge of Cataclysmic”. The Author’s Lab/Collaboration story just wrote itself for me. I started with the flood we had in…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 30, 2011 at 9:25pm — No Comments

Paying attention to gut feelings.

Unveiled Emotions:  Hunches, intuitions and promptings are a natural part of the human experience, but what is their purpose and how do they impact us?  Though we often ignore them, we do so at our own risk.  In this fast paced read, the author shows us what can happen when we pay attention and the sometimes devastating effects when we don't.

This new book has also been receiving several surprise reviews online, by word of mouth and through texts.  It is wonderful to see that the…


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Added by Karline O. Samuels on August 30, 2011 at 6:46pm — No Comments

The Sad Reality....

Just pondering because that is what I do....I ponder.  Some people wonder but for me I ponder.  Anyway, I write this to say that the sad reality of reality lately is living other people's reality.  It's sad, in my opinion, because living and breathing someone else's reality keeps you away from who you are.  I mean I'm so guilty of this.  I'm a living, breathing, if reality tv was crack I would be smoking the hell out of it, reality tv watcher. … Continue

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Added by on August 30, 2011 at 4:50pm — 3 Comments

Love Hurts Surprise Book Reviews

I have been speaking to various people about my novel Love Hurts. Being a paranormal romance, it was more than likely going to fall into the category of Young Adult for audience appeal, but that was not my original intention. Indeed, the story content is very adult and I would not recommend it for anyone under the age of 18. I had intended the book for an adult market aged roughly between 18-35, although of course I would not begrudge anyone reading it.

I was greatly surprised to… Continue

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Added by Catherine Green on August 30, 2011 at 3:46pm — No Comments



A very short story that delves into the intimate thoughts of an AI. 

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Added by JB Sullivan on August 29, 2011 at 8:47pm — No Comments

A small piece of flash fiction to introduce myself

The setting sun cast a chequer-board pattern across the wooden floor.  Half-seated and half hanging from the ceiling by the stout cords around her wrists that were attached to a heavy bar that ran across the ceiling she panted heavily, head down.  It seemed to her that she could pick out every knot in the wood of the floor, see every tiny crack and the dust motes made almost glorious by the sun’s dying rays.  Then the pain came again, rippling through her body causing… Continue

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Added by Tracey L Alley on August 28, 2011 at 4:40am — No Comments

It's supernatural



'Honey,are you okay?', someone was yelling

....I'm back.... "I'm landing'...

.'Jazz!''Ye-yeah?' I squealed.

'Did you feel alright, sweetie?' mom was asking

'I-I certainly do', I said. I was cluthing the book tightly,' Mom! I just met an alien and you know what! Daedalus-the one who built the labyrinth- told me, he put people into it if they are cruel. Is it true mom?  He will put me in it if I hurt an ant. Won't…


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Added by Maria Younas on August 27, 2011 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

A dream

When I was little,

I had a lush dream,

That one day I find

And marry a Queen.

She'd sit by my side,

Up there on our… Continue

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Added by Bouchelaghem Abdelghani on August 27, 2011 at 6:53pm — 2 Comments


We all want to fall in love. Why?

Because that experience makes us feel completely alive,

where every sense is heightened,

and every emotion is magnified.…


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Added by Bouchelaghem Abdelghani on August 27, 2011 at 6:52pm — 2 Comments

Love Meaning

That Is Love

Love is a strange and beautiful thing,

It spans time and space, distance is no object to love.

You will wait forever for the one you love,…


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Added by Bouchelaghem Abdelghani on August 27, 2011 at 6:18pm — 2 Comments

Natasha Deen "What Happens in Vegas"

TGIF my friends, how are you? Looking for batteries, flashlights, bottled water, candles, maybe a good book to curl up with while all the weather comes through? I am going to do something out of order here, not bad for a guy with OCD. Usually as you know I interview the author on my blogtalk show The G-ZONE and then put up the post; I am not doing so this time go figure. I will be interviewing this author, Natasha Deen , next Weds, so tune in for the fun. But I digress yet…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 27, 2011 at 3:54am — No Comments

Thirty-1 Reckless Angelique LaFontaine & Eddie Frantom

The title, let’s talk about that first. The new series by writing partners Angelique LaFontaine and Eddie Frantom is Thirty-1. The title of this installment, volume one, is Reckless. This is a new monthly series that they are doing through Trestle Press. The elements that they have in this series are a wide variety: paranormal, action, suspense, thriller, fantasy, and sci-fi. After first reading it, I just stared at my e-reader for a brief minute, thinking, “very cool”. “Reckless” gives us a…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 26, 2011 at 9:10pm — No Comments

can somebody here help me? i need a website where i can find theses .. thanks!


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Added by philip warence amio on August 26, 2011 at 4:23pm — 6 Comments

NEWSFLASH: Lisa Taylor to start a new series with Trestle Press: “Shana Black”

Trestle Press and Lisa Taylor are pleased and proud to announce that a new series is in production and the first installment will be released very soon. The series title is “Shana Black”, volume one is entitled “The Invention” .Below is the synopsis of this action filled new series and Lisa Taylor’s amazing bio.


“Shana Black is a cadet at West Point, training to become a 2nd LT in the army. Shana majors in the sciences and as a research project, invents a new tool for…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 26, 2011 at 1:03am — No Comments

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