Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
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Added by Kylie Ferrell on September 27, 2011 at 8:10pm —
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-Are you looking for something different than what is out there in the blog tour world?
- Do you want to have your blog tour reflect your style, taste and give it added dimension, depth and impact?
-Are you looking for your work to be seen on more than just Amazon, a blog and Twitter?
When it comes to social networks, you have stopped at the place that has…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 27, 2011 at 4:27pm —
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What is the title of your book? Jarred Into Being
What is your book about?
After the tragic death of her parents, Eva Lange must battle for her freedom; indeed, her very life. Fleeing her aunt's abuser, she falls prey to a murderous drug lord and his wife in their luxurious lair of lust. Using her wits, beauty, and sexuality to save herself and break the bonds of captivity and degradation, Eva struggles against corruption and powerful political forces to reclaim her…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 27, 2011 at 12:45am —
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A.J. Scudiere will be my guest on The G-ZONE Weds. Sept. 28th @12pm EST. Here is a little something to get the ball rolling before the interview:
The writing of a thriller is just as much of a puzzle as the story itself is . . .
When I started writing God’s Eye, I already knew how the story would go. I knew which character was the demon and which was the angel. I knew what Katharine would have to go through to find her way and what the path she eventually chose would…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 26, 2011 at 9:09pm —
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We have another great week of guests here on The G-ZONE many of them returning guests and for that we are very thankful. Without further ado, here is this week’s lineup:
Monday, Sept. 26th- Natasha Deen-4pm EST
Tuesday, Sept. 27th- Richard Doetsch-12 pm EST
Wednesday., Sept. 28th – Karen Mender ( Co-Founder Self- Publishing Book Expo) & A.J. Scudriere 12pm EST
Thursday, Sept. 29th- Sebastian Stuart & James Winter (Ebookery…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 26, 2011 at 12:33am —
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This guy if a phenominal writer I’m telling you. I like to call my self a big crittic when it comes to horror novels! I really know what it takes
to scare the b-jesus out of someone. This book most definitly does!!
It’s a story about a character r name Dekalb . One month after a global disaster Zombie epidemic had struck all over and there is only a pocket full of humans left. Dekalb happen to be…
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Added by Robin Elizabeth Mancini on September 26, 2011 at 12:14am —
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Sunday, Sunday , Sunday. How are you doing? Good day to all. I come to you once again as we here at Trestle Press are gearing up for an amazing three month period of promotions: “Harbinger of Horror”, “Thanksgiving Thriller Feast” and last but not least ”Santa’s Goodie Sack Full O’Multi –Genre Madness!”.
I think that you can see by the titles of the promotions we are looking to have some fun with this. The key here is to have quality digital short stories, novella’s, and full length…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 25, 2011 at 6:08pm —
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Added by rama devi Nina Leah Marshall on September 25, 2011 at 1:16pm —
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Starting Oct. 3rd and running until Nov. 2nd Trestle Press will have its first “Harbinger of Horror” campaign. All titles that have anything to do with Horror, Suspense, Thriller, and Mystery will be featured. As of this writing the creative collective minds of the Trestle Press authors are painstakingly attempting to come up with some type of fun incentives to get you to read their hard work. WE WANT YOU AS A READER! Look for more updates as I am in the middle of…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 24, 2011 at 8:48pm —
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Elemental, that is the way I would describe this read. “Green Eyes, Black Heart” has many different elements to it. It is multi-faceted, and that translates into one excellent read. The synopsis will give you the gist of the story, but understand that the layers in this are seemingly more than an onion but all of them are nicely tied together at the end. For me it was like R.W. Doyen took a pane of glass, dropped it, and then took his time, painstakingly putting it back together, one shard…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 24, 2011 at 3:15pm —
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As you all know by now, Going Underground is my very first novel and I'm pleased as well as somewhat relieved, I can tell you) that the response to my literary creation has, thus far, been rather positive. Not, I assure you, that I'm showing off or anything - I'm just glad to know readers are laughing in all the
right places, getting infuriated in all the right places and feeling saddened in all the right places... And as if that isn't enough, I'm further pleased to report such feedback…
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Added by Suzie Tullett on September 24, 2011 at 2:21pm —
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I was lucky enough to be interviewed over at Ebookery this week. Here is the interview. The blog is beautiful, I suggest you give it a visit:
Tell us in your own words what Trestle Press is and what makes them unique.
Uniqueness, I like that one. I think that one of the ways we stand out is that we want our authors to not just write but to create their best every time their fingers hit the…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 24, 2011 at 2:14am —
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Kacy McAlister
A short sci-fi story by Chuck Keyes
Texas child welfare workers, Larry Madeau and Candis Delley, are travelling along old East Texas roads heading toward the McAlister Ranch. The sky is clear and the early morning sun is bright, indicating another summer day of temperatures over one-hundred…
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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on September 23, 2011 at 3:02pm —
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I think like many fans saddened by the passing of Robert Parker, we were left with a question in our heads. Is this franchise going to be carried on and if so by whom? I have included Michael Brandman’s bio after the synopsis so if you have not heard of the author or his creds, now you do. I have to admit and have done so many times that I am a huge fan of Parker’s and his many franchises. Jesse Stone, the king of dialogue, is one of my favorites. I saw that this was set for release and I…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 23, 2011 at 1:55pm —
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Paranormal,Supernatural, call it what you will, Linna Drehmel puts her best foot forward with a very nice debut effort. I have gotten to read an eclectic mix of stories of late, and it has been a bit weird floating around from not only different genres but different sizes of reads: digital short story, novella, and full length novel. I use that word with qualification anymore because full length work, or what is considered to be “full length”, has changed and morphed quite a bit with this…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 22, 2011 at 11:23pm —
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Sharpshooter by David L. Hoof brought one word to mind repeatedly as I read it: unflinching. The characters were bold, brash, and at times almost too real. The setting was harsh and cold yet beautiful. The story was unapologetic in its examination of human behavior and attitudes. And, all this lead me back to the word unflinching. Hoof's characters' words were often far from politically correct and often made this reader flinch or squirm in her seat yet it depicted the characters' attitudes…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 22, 2011 at 12:15pm —
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Added by Keta Diablo on September 22, 2011 at 2:34am —
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There's usually a story behind the books we write, and there's also one behind Where The Rain Is Made. I think that's why WTRIM is the book of my heart.
When my youngest son, Dylan, was twelve, he developed a sudden and voracious interest in history, specifically American West history. We spent hours at the library poring through books, and believe me,…
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Added by Keta Diablo on September 22, 2011 at 2:26am —
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I was intrigued when I read this. What in God’s name is Steampunk ? Being the mental giant I am, I had to go right to and this is what I came up with, direct from the website:
Steampunk [steem-puhngk] Like this word?
1. a subgenre of science fiction and fantasy featuring advanced machines and other technology based on steam power of the 19th century and taking place in a recognizable historical period or a fantasy…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 21, 2011 at 8:51pm —
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Today, I have officially launched Gelati Media. What exactly is that? Good question. I have created this to encompass all that we do here at Gelati’s Scoop, The G-ZONE Blogtalk Radio Show, and the freelance work we do. We have a new website set up for it, a new landing pad if you will:
The tabs take in:
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 21, 2011 at 6:41pm —
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