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September 2010 Blog Posts (47)


I like this song because....Some parts of it relate 2 me. and the rest is just cool I love it...

There’s something I wanna say

Something that I’ve been holding back

Can’t let it go another day

Let me by saying that

Nothing, nothing,

Nothing, means more than the truth.

And truth is that I realize, love is fading from your eyes

Don’t know how it came to this, but we gonna get it fixed tonight

Cus nothing,…


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Added by Kristia Courtllyn Lovergirl♥ on September 11, 2010 at 6:09pm — No Comments

I guess.....♥

I guess Ill write in english...Haha. People message me and say Im sure your great but coudl you write in english. Its funny Im just letting you know Imw now witreing in english:)

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Added by Kristia Courtllyn Lovergirl♥ on September 9, 2010 at 10:25pm — No Comments

Dairy Blog #2

Aujourd'hui, c'était très bon. J'ai crié par mes maîtres, parce que je na pas avoir tous mes papiers ... peu importe ... de toute façon ... Le reste de la journée a été bonne ... ennuyeux, mais très bon.

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Added by Kristia Courtllyn Lovergirl♥ on September 9, 2010 at 12:01am — 3 Comments

Diary Blog #1

Aujourd'hui était mon premier jour d'école il était très amusant. J'aime tous mes camarades (comme des amis) Ses beaucoup de plaisir je prends pré-Algabra. Son ... ok? Haha. J'ai un professeur vraiment EAN .. Mais qui est cool à certains…


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Added by Kristia Courtllyn Lovergirl♥ on September 8, 2010 at 2:05am — No Comments

New and Better Things on The Horizon

Hey, Friends!

I just got words from my editor and my design team at the publishing house. My editor, and my all around best IT guy, has set me up with a baby website. Go to and see what's new. Currently, it is still in its pre-launch state, but look for new and better things in the near future. I will have images from the Free Clinic Trilogy "universe" and teasers for the the next two…


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Added by Mark A. Santomieri on September 6, 2010 at 3:12pm — No Comments

"Red Light"~ a segment from chapter 4

When we walked into that restaurant, I was amazed at how many people were there. It definitely was an expensive restaurant. We were escorted to a table by an employee of where we were to sit. It was an exclusive part of the room. (I think that Kente’ might’ve called the restaurant earlier that day and made reservations. That’s why we were…


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Added by Marie on September 6, 2010 at 10:00am — No Comments

"Red Light"

On chapter 9 of my first book... kind of nervous... and excited :). It's realli interesting, and I'm only 16, but I love to read and write stories. Any comments or suggestions; just hit me up. Thanx! Have a blessed day. Oh! Haha anyone wanna read mi summary of tha book??:

"It's summer! Fun in the sun and relaxin' in satisfaction. That's exactly what Marie Raymond planned to do until her and her boyfriend break up. Thinking she's not ready to move on, she meets Kente', a young,…


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Added by Marie on September 6, 2010 at 2:30am — 2 Comments

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